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Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
Link to original post: [drupal=946]MMGS#2[/drupal]

Once again, I don't want to edit the original 1st post of the MetamindgameSpam thread, but these new ideas don't quite fit in with the first supplemental blog either.

As you may know, MMGS has not exactly caught on like wildfire in the competitive Smash community. As such, the MetamindgameSpam-based Metagame (lulz) has been developing very slowly.

I have only heard of two or three instances in which a person has entered a tournament and actually used MMGS, and they were most likely the only gamer there to do so. Naturally, there have been no reported incidents in which two MMGS users have met and played a match at a tourney.

Therefore, the counters I have designed are, for the moment, completely untested and therefore their effectiveness is purely theoretical at the moment. Try them out anyway, or create your own based off of these, and feel free to report results here or in the thread:

Basic Metamindgamespam:

Them: I'm going to mindgame you!

You: If you could, you would have done it already instead of standing there looking stupid.

Them: What, me in real life or my character in the game?

You: Yes.

(The result being that, you, who was on your way to a MMGS-induced SD, recovers, and your opponent SDs instead).

Basic Metamindgamespam #2:

Them: *does nothing* "I'm mindgaming you!"

You: "I don't believe you."

Them: "I know you are but what am.....wait, what?"

(Yes, they SD right afterwards)

MetamindgameSpam-induced Projectile Spam:

Them: *spams lasers in the opposite direction of you* "Hah! I knew you were going to the side without the lasers!!!!"

^(this implies that they compelled you to dodge the lasers without you knowing by firing them where you aren't.)^

You: *Teleports towards side with lasers and gets hit* "M-M-M-MetamindgameSpam Breaker!!!!"

(Opponent is counter MMGS'd by your actions and your ability to purposely stutter the phrase "Metamindgamespam")

Moar later.

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
Remember to record video (and audio) and then show it to us.
ill make a few vids shortly but the non-wifi ones with audio wont b with pros

EDIT:vids almost done and i got a new metamindgame

if sum noob is using items

you, "go ahead go pick up that item ill ken combo u while ur trying to pick it up"

noob, ":O" *gets SD'd*

BE CAREFUL WITH THIS 1 it can lead to the noob infinitely SDing and cuasing the data for how many stocks he has to 99 by rolling over but if u time it right u can counter that by saying to him "thats actaully negative one stock if u dont believe me get that 1-up over there"

*noob gets the 1-up*

announcer, "GAME"
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