The practice of ripping from streams is typically seen as a very negative and selfish act as it takes away from community streamers such at VGBootcamp and Clash Tournaments. In this case, it may have preserved some of the better matches in Smash history. The situation is reminiscent of Melee FC Diamond in 2007, an MLG sponsored tournament where VODs were reportedly recorded and sent for upload only to go missing. Unlike 2007, MLG Anaheim was livestreamed and there is a chance of some recovery of most of the matches.
Announced it on ESR, Anaheim Smash Bracket file is corrupt. We're trying to fix it, but if you recorded please hit me up @ jkulinski@mlg.tv
— Jake Kulinski (@SolidJakeGG) June 26, 2014
Solid Jake further explained the situation:
"No one is as pissed off as me. This is absurd and and frankly unacceptable. Hopefully we can figure it out, half our staff took this week off because everyone was exhausted from Anaheim / the lead-in. It's possible that someone knows something that we don't and there is a backup, but we haven't found it so far."
This situation comes on the heels of a poorly run MLG Anaheim tournament. Many players have applauded MLG for their innovative bracket format that provided awesome match ups all weekend. However, an open bracket that started 6 hours late, along with numerous issues with downtime on the livestream and other delays, had marred the event to the point that MLG had to release a statement. How the organization and its new streaming platform will bounce back from these issues remains to be seen. You can check out the finals VOD below provided by a "Beanman25jr" on YouTube. Note - ripping from livestreams should be considered shameful in general but it appears this method may be the only archives of these matches.