Entiendo el español, pero voy a escribir in inglès, porque soy mejor en inglès que en español.
TDK, I've read what you said, but you've posted some wrong things:
It's stupid to tell him not to take the comments in account... What makes yours better? What makes you sure that the other guys who posted before you are "( los jugadores probablemente no sean tan buenos como tú)"...
Then if he didn't want any comment, why would have he posted this video?
"La gente te critica, pero creo que no importa si haces lo que dicen"
It would be stupid to say "wow, you're good! don't change anything!"
Even if someone is good, that doesn't means he is perfect...
To criticise someone is the way to help him improve, not to say that's perfect when he obviously can do some things to improve.
You said that abusing D-smash is stupid because of the refresh thing...
Well, can you look at the video before posting?
He didn't use D-smash a single time vs. charizard (SaiX could have killed that char like two hit before, if instead of a sh-nair he used the dsmash twice (because char dodged first).
Then, he used it only one time vs. squirtle, at 50%, at a time where he could have comboed him with chaining d-tilt with the wall, and three times (with one missed) vs. ivysard, at very low percent...
So, only 3 dsmash in the game, not used at the "good moment".
But, if the dsmash "isn't ok to spam" according to you (I won't say your wrong)...
Please tell me why the nair would?
nair is a kill move too? and it has the refresh thing too...
From what I've seen... 7 nair vs. char, 3 vs. squirtle, and one vs. ivy...
He did used it too much vs. char, even if he did well vs. the others.
D-smash is to use when you're almost sure to kill, just as Omega Star said, Ftilt is very good to rack up damages, especially right after a dtilt (because of the "instant two hits" glitch, added to the good amount of damages of the ftilt).
And SaiX, you said==>
"tomare los que me parezcan mejor, pero algunos consejos que me han dado no me parecen correctos, muchos me dicen que soy demasiado ofensivo que deberia ser mas cautelosos a la hora de atacar, pero a mi me gusta jugar asi, pero solo me sale rentable hacerlo con mk, si hiciera eso con samus me la destrozarian"
==> It's totally ok to do it with mk... Contrary to samus, he is not really what we could call a defensive character...