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MK vs Lucario (Lucario = MKs Worst Match Up ?)


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2008
Chula Vista
Any tips on fighting a really good Lucario player ? I usually combo him till he reaches 70%+ and thats where i start having trouble knocking him out. Since his aura grows stronger depending on his %.

Once he reaches this level of power, he seems to spam alot of ranged attacks, Ftilts, Dtilts and ->A .
I've tried many different approaches.. tornado wont work since he just easily counters me with his aura sphere.

My only chance to actually knocking him out is blocking one of his tilts or smash attacks and rapidly countering with a D-Smash.(at high %'s) I tend to use shuttle loop alot to knock him out while in air, but he already knows when to DI and dodge it. (I've used it so many times it has become very predictable)

Is Lucario perhaps one of the worst match ups for MK ?



Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
South Dakota
try doing more than just tornado and shuttle loop is a good start, sh fairs/sh dairs/ dairs/ are a good thing to try


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
Plainview, New York
Watch out for tlucarios disjointed hitboxes on alot of his attacks.

Like Ringo said approach with your sh airs.

Try to get Lucario under the stage and then as hes recovering steal the ledge.

i had a big gigantic post and i messed up and pushed back ><


Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2008
Oviedo, FL
My most difficult matchup is Snake, but then again, I get a lot of Lucario practice since my friend mains him. As R1ngo said, mix up your attacks more or else you'll become too predictable. It's easy to edgehog Lucarios since their recovery doesn't hurt, but if they're high up enough they can always shoot an aura sphere to try to get you away from the edge at the last second; shouldn't be too hard to avoid and get back though, depending on both of your timing skills. And, yea, Lucario only gets scarier with higher percentage, so watch out for those crazy long-range smash attacks and kill him fast; space well and dodge. Fighting in the air is no picnic either against Lucario; I mean, MK is obviously great in the air, but so is Lucario; so watch out for the fair approach and the punishing dair.

i had a big gigantic post and i messed up and pushed back ><
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2006
use airs and chase him off the stage
also since alot of his smashes are slow if you can catch him with a Dcape than you can throw him off balance.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Benton Harbor, MI
Your best bet is to probably gimp him off the stage as soon as you can. Once you get him to 70% damage, that's when you should try aggressive gimping. Knock him off the ledge, and chase him off with dairs until he's killed off the side or bottom of the stage.


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2008
Chula Vista
Those were all great suggestions

Thanks to everyone that replied, however.. i forgot to mention that he plays very very defensively ..

1.Stays in the middle of the map.
2. Charges & Shoots his aura sphere every chance he gets.
3. He also tends to spam smash attacks like crazy.. to the point of getting very annoying couse of his high range. :dizzy:


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
Thanks to everyone that replied, however.. i forgot to mention that he plays very very defensively ..

1.Stays in the middle of the map.
2. Charges & Shoots his aura sphere every chance he gets.
3. He also tends to spam smash attacks like crazy.. to the point of getting very annoying couse of his high range. :dizzy:
Step 1. Choose Hyrule Temple or New Pork City.
Step 2. Spam down and side taunt.

Hose A

Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
Naugatuck, Connecticut
Step 1. Choose Hyrule Temple or New Pork City.
Step 2. Spam down and side taunt.
QFT. Hahaha. Try using some approach mind games. Run in like you're going to attack, do a SH and airdodge or get behind him and d-smash or something. Mix it up and the punish him when he misses.


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2008
Chula Vista
QFT. Hahaha. Try using some approach mind games. Run in like you're going to attack, do a SH and airdodge or get behind him and d-smash or something. Mix it up and the punish him when he misses.
That sounds like a brilliant idea.. totally forgot about those mindgames.. Will do...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Zacoalco, Mexico
Watch out for tlucarios disjointed hitboxes on alot of his attacks.

Like Ringo said approach with your sh airs.

Try to get Lucario under the stage and then as hes recovering steal the ledge.
Lucario's lack of an offensive recovery move can make edgeguarding a LOT easier. And yes, the disjointed hitboxes are always worth watching out for, especially since they don't have sweetspots unlike other characters (Marth immediately comes to mind)


Smash Rookie
Apr 24, 2008
my brother has always mained lucario so i have quite a bit of experience playing him. one thing that stands out to me is that utilt has priority over lucarios punishing dair. also short hop to airdodge has helped me alot, along with sh to fair and backair is he rolls into the direction you are comming. spacing and using mk's speed with timing is key. lurcaio has long ranged attacks but they take a while to fully execute. if you space correctly and time, the last hit of ftilt will connect while being far enough away to make most of his attacks miss. timing is key though, i think his fsmash (not sure what is is for lucario but i know there is one move) has a longer range than the last hit of mk's ftilt, but it take lucario a while to execute so time it correctly. i usually ko a lucario at around 120% with a dsmash on the sides of fd but deffinetly try gimping and edge guarding. ussualy i jump after him when hes off the stage and do airs and then edge grab. take advantage of mk's quick execution of attacks.. but watch out for that counter..


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2008
Chula Vista
Ah i see..

my brother has always mained lucario so i have quite a bit of experience playing him. one thing that stands out to me is that utilt has priority over lucarios punishing dair. also short hop to airdodge has helped me alot, along with sh to fair and backair is he rolls into the direction you are comming. spacing and using mk's speed with timing is key. lurcaio has long ranged attacks but they take a while to fully execute. if you space correctly and time, the last hit of ftilt will connect while being far enough away to make most of his attacks miss. timing is key though, i think his fsmash (not sure what is is for lucario but i know there is one move) has a longer range than the last hit of mk's ftilt, but it take lucario a while to execute so time it correctly. i usually ko a lucario at around 120% with a dsmash on the sides of fd but deffinetly try gimping and edge guarding. ussualy i jump after him when hes off the stage and do airs and then edge grab. take advantage of mk's quick execution of attacks.. but watch out for that counter..
hehe.. yeah I know what you're talking about, My friend also mains Lucario.. at the beginning I used to pwn him badly lol, however, my game-style have become so repetitive, specially the edgeguarding part, he already knows when to exactly DI to evade the Shuttle Loop and any other aerials I attempt. (Shuttle Looping to KO while hes recovering is no longer a choice for me hehe)

But yeah.. i didnt think about the Timing part also.. i keep that in mind.. Thanks
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