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Mississippi State University. New Smash Scene


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2010
Mississippi State University
Hey guys, thanks for inviting me to these boards and I'm pleased to announce a new Super Smash Melee and Brawl scene in Starkville, Mississippi on the beautiful campus of Mississippi State University (and home to Winnar and MookieRah). We recently had our first Melee and Brawl tournaments yesterday and today (1v1 and 2v2) with 30 participants for each tourney. Our entry fee was only $3.00 but the future events will be $5.00 and should expect a bigger turnout now since I know about the Smash boards. Here is a quick video of our 2v2 finals for Melee featuring Winnar vs MookieRah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_tpNJpl0zg. We host these tournaments every 4 to 6 weeks (and we do other games as weekly tournaments) and in March we will have a SUPER TOURNAMENT which we are networking with other schools to come down and participate. We hope to see you soon, and if you would like to participate or have question, email us at MSUVGCL@gmail.com

Thank You



Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
what the address and everything so i can mapquest this is try to the next one with some friends.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
While there were a bit of things that were rocky about these first tournaments, I feel that they have pretty much all been ironed out during the course of both of the tournaments. I'm very, VERY excited about the turnout of people, but not just that, the fact that most of the attendees actually want to start learning and playing Melee competitively (as well as Brawl). I had long since given up on smash happening here, but I guess that I was wrong to feel that way. I know that I'm gonna be dropping at least 15 minutes a day into just training tech skill in Melee to not only get myself back to where I was at before I retired, but to improve greatly as a smasher.

As far as shoutouts go, I have a good many to make, but I need to go to bed so I can work properly in the morning. So for now I'm only going to give a shout out to Winnar.

Mane, it was good to finally actually meet you. It's funny how we've known of each other for so long, and early on we tried several times to meet, but we never actually could, lol. I'm glad that you've cultivated a group of dudes that are working hard at being ******es, and that you have become a pretty awesome smasher (much better than I expected). I also want to let you know that I do indeed know that the only reason I made 2nd in the brawl tournament is because we both went low tier. You would have destroyed my Rob, and you had already handily beaten my random Meta. I did enjoy our Falcon dittos a good deal. The jigglypuff matches... not so much. The only reason for that though is simply because I dislike playing against extremely floaty characters in every iteration of smash :-P. Anyways, TL:DR, I'm super impressed, and I look forward to playing you and your friends A LOT.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
it's so awesome to see that MS will be having a smash scene! And I'm so glad that MookieRah is making a come back :D (I loved reading all of your melee guides MookieRah, haha)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2010
Mississippi State University
YouTube Chanel.Has all the final Matches from Today. SUBSCRIBE PLEASE !!! And talk about the tourney in our thread on the smash boards. http://www.youtube.com/user/MSUVGCL?feature=mhum#p/a/u/2/5t33EbxhTe8

@I_SEE_YOU. The entry fee's are now $5.00. In March, we will be having a GRAND SMASH-A-THON (Which will be in a new thread for sign-ups) and those events will be $10.00 entry and $2.00 venue fee
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