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Mine: Team Slow Bomb (novelty team)


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
This whole team was made just to contain Ramparados: the coolest looking pokemon of this gen. It's probably going to suck, but Ramparados is just too classy. :p Oh, and the pokemon explode too. yay

This team was intentionally designed around Trick Room to support Ramparados and my other slow pokemon. My party doesn't try to go for Super Effective Attacks very much; though I dont intend to get Super Effectively hit either. From what I am planning, everything should come out Nuetral damage, except my pokemon will last longer. Hopefully...

Bronzong@ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Sassy (+Special Def, -Speed)/Relaxed (+Def, -Speed)
252 HP/252 Attack/ 6 SpD/Def
Grass Knot
Trick Room

Supports the team with Hypnosis and Trick Room.

Ramparados@ Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker
Brave (+Att, -Speed)
252 Hp/252 Def/ 6 SpD
Hammer Arm
Zen Headbutt (Swords Dance?)
Double Edge/Stone Edge

Waits for Trick Room then, hopefully, sweeps.

Forretress@ Focus Band
Ability: Sturdy
Impish (+Def,-SpAtt)/Careful (+SpDef,-SpAtt)
252 Hp/252 SpD/6Att
Stealth Rock
Rapid Spin
Gyro Ball

Sets up Spikes and Stealth Rock because I'm tryng to get a lot of switches with my two Ghost pokemon.

Ability: Pressure
Sassy (+Special Def,-Speed)
252 Hp/128 Def/130 SpD
Dark Pulse
Pain Split

Tries to make the opponent switch as much as possible. The key is keeping him alive with Pain Split. I might make him the starter of my team depending whether he can take a hit from Weavile or not. I'll have to check. You really cant go wrong because he has no weakness. I just have to beware the Brelooms.

Ability: Water Absorb
Quiet (+Special Att,-Speed)
188Hp/252 Def/68 Special Att
Ice Beam
Yawn/Batton Pass

I kinda need him to heal my team as I'll be sure to switch a lot.

Ability: Pressure
Relaxed (+Special Def,-Att)
252 Hp/76 Def/180 SpDef
Trick Room
Pain Split/Shadow Punch
Fire/Thunder/Ice Punch/Brick Break
Fire/Thunder/Ice Punch/Brick Break

My other Trick Roomer to aid my slow party. Pain Split to live and attack when possible.

I see a big problem with Physical walls. I also have a parse amount of Special attacks which makes me depend on Pain Split with my two Ghost pokemon. Eww. Not sure whether to put Forretress in first or Bronzong. I kinda need more ThunderWave/Will-o-wisp. I'm thinking of making my Dusknoir cover that.

I haven't tested this team out yet. Edit: Ahaha! Screw you Gyarados/Eletivire combo! I have no electric attacks!... er, wait. That isn't a good thing, is it?


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
This whole team basically revolves around Ramparados: the coolest looking pokemon of this gen. It's probably going to suck, but Ramparados is just too classy. :p Oh, and the pokemon explode too. yay

Bronzong@ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate

Grass Knot/ Payback
Trick Room

Payback's base power doubles if you're hit first, use that.

Ramparados@ Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker

Hammer Arm
Zen Headbutt Avalanche
Double Edge

Again, very slow and Avalanche is just like Payback.

Forretress@ Focus Band
Ability: Sturdy

Stealth Rock
Gyro Ball/Return

Gyro Ball's power depends on the difference of speed and since Foretress is mainly defensive, Gyro Ball would work better.

Ability: Pressure

Dark Pulse
Psychic/Dream Eater Substitute
Pain SplitToxic

Spirittomb is a Curser not an attacker, Curse, Toxic, Sub, in case of Taunt, Dark Pulse.

Tyranitar@ Scope Lense *considering Milotic*
Ability: Sand Stream

Ice BeamThunder Fang
Aerial AceIron Defense

Just breed to get these attacks and for Thunder Fang, you'll need a Heart Scale.

Ability: Pressure

Trick Room
Brick Break
Pain Split
Fire Punch

Pretty good.

Bleck. It was the best I could do. Spiritomb and Dusknoir together seems kinda redundant. That being said, I see a big problem with Physical walls. I also have a parse amount of Special attacks which makes me depend on Pain Split. Eww.
Mostly, your team is reliant on Pain Split but with a Curseing Spiritomb you can over come most Physical walls.

Overall, I give a 7.9 and 9/10 out of 10.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
In your suggestions toward Bronzong's Payback and Ramparados's Avalanch. Maybe in another team, but in case you couldn't tell, I am going to be using Trick Room a lot. This means that the two of them probably wont be going second because I've lowered their Speed on purpose. Eitehr way, I dont think Ramparados is capable of taking many hits, especially with that Life orb he has. Perhaps I should replace Zen Headbutt with Swords Dance.

I decided to ditch Tyranitar altogether. I've been using him for a while now, and commitment isn't my thing. I upgraded to a younger, hotter Milotic.

Sorry, I cant really say I like your suggestion of Spiritomb a whole bunch. It seems to me like he'd die pretty easily after using one curse. Even then, the opponent would probably switch on me which would make half my HP wasted. I brought back Pain Split to cover this if it should happen. Toxic and Hypnosis also aid in keeping Spiritomb alive longer. I also want to keep Substitute like you said. Should I take out Dark Pulse? That would essentially leave my pokemon with no attacks. Oh, and it's screwed against a snorlax/any normal pokemon, isn't it?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Whoops! I thought it was Ground/Steel, not Rock/Steel. Nevermind.

I'm putting in Vaporeon instead of Milotic for Wish. *Edit on first post.*

*It has been brought to my attention that I have a severe Gyarados Taunt Weakness.*
No one uses Slaking anymore, silly.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Electivre + Gyrados= End of your Blissey. Ha!
Snorlax should replace Spiritomb because a Primape could do this, Swagger, then swagger then switch and of course don't forget Infernape's speedy wrath. Bronzong will never survive so have a Thick Fat Snorlax... I can trade you a Brave Natured Snorlax...


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
-_- The fact that a Blissey beat your Electivire one on one is kinda sad... :)
But who am i to talk? I still lost the match.
Just so you know, Thunderpunch STABBED does more damage than Earthquake on a nuetral pokemon.
Curselax? I'll think about it, sure.

I can get my own pokemon. ;)


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
HOLY ****, YOSHI'S POST ARE ALMOST 5000!!!!!!!!!!!
But seriously, this team is good. One of the reasons I think that is because every team is weak to a trick room team in some form. In fact, I'm especially weak, cause all the starters I ever put out have a Choice Scarf.
Gyro Cannon(I think that's the name) is an excellent move on Bronzong, especially if he has a -speed nature. Try using that instead of Explosion.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
-_- The fact that a Blissey beat your Electivire one on one is kinda sad... :)
But who am i to talk? I still lost the match.
Just so you know, Thunderpunch STABBED does more damage than Earthquake on a nuetral pokemon.
Curselax? I'll think about it, sure.

I can get my own pokemon. ;)
Other way around with Blissey Vs Electados combo. Oh and I was just testing my team's attacks because I had some EVs left on Electivire and I nad no idea what use them on...


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
HOLY ****, YOSHI'S POST ARE ALMOST 5000!!!!!!!!!!!
But seriously, this team is good. One of the reasons I think that is because every team is weak to a trick room team in some form. In fact, I'm especially weak, cause all the starters I ever put out have a Choice Scarf.
Gyro Cannon(I think that's the name) is an excellent move on Bronzong, especially if he has a -speed nature. Try using that instead of Explosion.
Haha. Thanks, but all it does is show how little of a life I have, really.

I was going for something completely original in this team, but I think a team revolving around Trick Room and Ramparados is original for a reason. >_> It seesm like it's going to be hard even to set up. Not only that, I have no type coverage against Dragons. I also lose a moveslot on two of my pokemon, and I cant even paralyze. Meh, I'll see how it all turns out. If the team sucks then I'll scrap the whole thing and never speak of it again.

I think the worst part of Trick Room is that it only lasts five turns. That could hurt me as I'd be wasting one turn every five moves. And, I lose one of those turns if I decide to switch. Bleck.
Other way around with Blissey Vs Electados combo. Oh and I was just testing my team's attacks because I had some EVs left on Electivire and I nad no idea what use them on...
Er, no. I'm pretty sure anyone would tell you that Electrovire>Blissey.
I didn't have my pokemon properly EV trained either. I'll look forward to facing all of you once I get either this team or another going.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
A wise man once sad "super effective hits are not everything". I used my Togekiss to flinchax someones Metagross to death.

If you really think you need a dragon attack go with Outrage on Tyranitar. Alternatively use a pokemon that can take hits and deal Ice damage.

Ooh! I just had an idea. What about Swampert? While he doesn't run off special attack he can withstand most dragons, ice beam does good damage to Mence and Chomp from the 2X weakness, he resists sandstorm if you keep T-tar AND he's slow which goes perfectly with your team.


Jun 7, 2005
Chill, don't you mean 4x weakness?

About Spiritomb, I prefer to have it lean more towards a Special Wall since good Special Walls have become very very uncommon due to the huge changes in the metagame. The only Special Walls that manage to still hold theirs are Blissey and Dusknoir. Spiritomb is also immune to Normal and Fight, making it Special Wall-orientated the better choice IMO (use WoW for the Physical Sweepers + it's defense isn't too shabby either).
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