This again?
Melee is not just Fox. Fox has gotten small nerfs but everything else is being changed to sound like Melee, feel like Melee, and match Melee.
Of course Melee isn't just Fox. But there's also no denying that Fox's playstyle represents a large part of the spirit of competitive Melee.
Nerfing him just goes to show that while PMDT respects Melee's playstyles with Melee characters, they aren't hesitant to adjust 15 years of meta and shift the balance in a way that it evens the playing ground. This also suggests that 'Melee-favoritism' isn't the end-all, be-all for their design philosophy, as shown by the many aesthetic nods to 64 as well.
The other Melee top tiers also aren't nearly as dominant in the new environment, but PMDT wanted to keep the respective design philosophies of their competitive styles intact, just like with Fox.
It's a lot like how Ryu, Chun-Li, etc tend to have the same exact (or at least very similar) fighting styles even through multiple game iterations, except applied to Melee's top.
Is this project's goal to be Melee + new characters or something different?
"Project M hopes to achieve a game similar to Super Smash Bros. Melee in many respects. It does not, however, intend to be a 1:1 Melee clone."
Taken from their website.
"In many respects" can be taken to mean anything from gameplay, to aesthetic preferences. There's probably a huge chance you won't like this piece of information, though, but it seems like this is their set philosophy for P:M.
If you're worried about Melee SFX and stages (they've shown a lot of love for 64 too, btw), those take about as much effort to replace yourself with whatever you like, as it does to put P:M on your SD card in the first place.
So I'll be blunt. The game is trying to be "like Melee."
In the sense that Street Fighter V is trying to be like Street Fighter IV.
A lot of the same old fan-favorite characters, fighting styles, stages and music, with some new balancing, characters, etc.
It's basically building a sequel to Melee. So if that's too much "like Melee" for you, then maybe P:M just won't be for you. There's nothing wrong with that, but keep in mind, this is the nature of a sequel that holds the same spirit of it's predecessor. They're going to be alike, but also different.