Fancyfall Forest
The adveture starts out in a quaint autumn forest region, at first you will face the traditional autumn trees, leaf piles (some having enemy ambushes) and pumpkins, however as you head deeper you see very strange sites.
This includes such places as a maple syrup river, giant pumpkins, and a cornfield maze, despite this the palce is very peaceful and relaxing, perfect for a first region.
Redfeild Town
This place is dotted by various shapes of orange, red, and brown to color the buildings and there are pumpkin patches all over the place, too add to the fall charm the mayor even has a pet Twerkey, and the locals are easygoing, peaceful people:
Here are some of the locals
Lazy Farmer
"He may look slow, but him relaxing is his reward for picking all of his crops early"
Cranky Farmer
"Has a bad back, and he will tell everyone that wheather they like too or not"
Perky Market Worker
"Works at the market, with a smile of course"
Playful Children
"A group of four kids playing various innocent game under the watch of their teacher"
Panicky Teacher
"Worries for the children's safety, but is told not to worry"
Honest Mayor
"He follows the rules, and makes sure everyone has a happy time in Redfeild"
Elemental Monster
Autumn Tengu
Family: Tengu
Apperance: An orange humanoid bird creature, they have a pair of autumn leaves it uses as fans, a pair of mii eyes and a nose are on its pumpkin orange mask, it also wear a pair of maple wood sandles and a loose thread cloak.
Attacks: Uses it's two leaf fans to attack 3 members at once, luckily that attack us very weak, it also can grab a flute to play that makes enemies heal a bit of hp, they can also create a tornado of leaves to launch at a single target for Plant based damage.
Elemental Resistances: Plant (they use plants) Arcane (being magical beings they are resistant to Arcane magic)
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice (Both can freeze or burn leaves)
Journal: Tricksters that dwell in autumn forests, they play their flute to signify that the leaves are falling soon, they are said to use these leaves to create magical pranks, but no one has seen that happen or proven it, at least they smell like cinnamon.
Tengu Leaf Salad ● (Speed and Magic up)
The spice of fresh Tengu leaves give this a slightly sweet taste
Tengu Leaf Sald ●●
Grinding these leaves makes a good substitute for cinnamon, and mixes well with peppers for a sweet and salty taste
Tengu Leaf Salad ●●●
A salad so tasty, even children will eat their vegetable and mistake it for desert, a win win for parents.