Warning: Spoilers for Twilight Princess. Don't read if you don't want them. This is your only warning.
(It is a Wolf Link/Midna team, but they will be referred to as Midna by the announcer.)
Attack: ***
Attack Speed: ****
Wolves (like foxes) are naturally agile and quick.
Reach: *****
Because of Midna’s hair-extensions (no joke intended), she will have good reach.
Jump: ***
Both of Wolf Link’s jumps combined would equal one of Fox’s second jump (because wolves are not built to jump.) However, Midna brings this up with her teleport abilities. All-in-all, it would be average.
Gravity: ***
Height: ** (and a half.)
Wolf Link is about as tall as Ness, but add in Midna and he’s taller.
Weight: **
Because Midna is so small and light, Wolf Link has all of the weight here.
Wall-Jump: No
Playing Style: You would control Wolf Link for about half of the “A” attacks, all the movement (walking, running, etc.), the first two jumps, and very few air and “B” attacks. Midna would handle some “A” attacks, all/most of the “B” attacks, all/most of the aerial attacks, control the “third jump”, and control the “Super“ attack. Midna uses all handheld and equip items, while Wolf Link uses all throwing items.
Fighter Stance: Wolf Link would stand on all fours (duh) in a “ready to fight”-like pose. While Midna would hold onto Wolf Link with both hands and lower her head. Stand still for a little bit and Midna will look around.
Movement Speed: One notch lower than Fox.
Taunt: Wolf Link sits and looks back at Midna while she yawns in classic Twilight Princess style.
Victory Music: The music from Twilight Princess anytime you defeated a boss/learned a hidden skill.
Victory Poses:
1) Wolf Link jumps around in circles trying to get Midna off of his back (like when she first mounted him.) The picture freezes with Wolf Link’s front paws on the ground, back paws in the air, and Midna hanging on for dear life.
2) Wolf Link howls and then spins (like in TP.)
3) A Moblin is seen on the screen. Suddenly, Wolf Link comes from the side and (easily) vanquishes the Moblin. As the Moblin “poofs”, Wolf Link and Midna turn to face you.
(Open to suggestions)
Icon (face): Triforce (Midna)
Stage: Kakariko Village - Unlocked once Midna becomes playable. This level is very similar to Onett. There is no falling on this level. KO is only possible on the left, right, and up. Start with the shrine on one side, put Barnes’ Bomb shop on the other, and add every building against the western cliff side between the two.
You fight on the roofs of the buildings with two gaps. The first gap in between the shrine and the first house, while the second gap is between Barnes’ shop and the last house. These gaps will let you fight on the ground between them. You can also fight on the other side of Barnes’ shop and the shire, but it’s dangerously close to the level edge.
Level Hazard: Every now and then, a Goron will roll by and harm anyone caught in the path (down in the gaps.)
Adventure Mode Level: Twilight Palace - You start at the bottom of the palace and have to fight several Twilight-themed monsters while making it to the top. You can not advance to the next floor of the level until all the monsters in the area are defeated. After about 5-6 floors, you arrive at the top for a 300 stamina battle against Zant. Note: Zant does NOT become playable if defeated. Also, Zant’s life decreases to 150 on Easy, 75 on Very Easy, and increases to 450 on Hard, 600 on Very Hard.
How to Unlock: Defeat Zant in Very Hard difficulty Adventure mode with Link.
Gale Boomerang - Throwing item. Once thrown, the boomerang releases a small tornado around it. If the boomerang hits anyone, they are engulfed in the tornado, spun around, and thrown into the air [think Hyrule Castle from SSB] (the boomerang then returns to the thrower.) If it doesn’t hit anyone, the boomerang returns. The boomerang can be thrown three times. Can also be used to grab items from a distance and put them at your feet. Unlike Link’s boomerang, it will not return if you don’t catch it.
Oocca - Throwing item. Basically, they are the new Mr. Saturn item.
Shadow Stone - Equip item. Gives the user wolf-like characteristics (tails, ears, fur, etc.) and temporarily increases attack speed (gives them wolf-like agility.) Works in the same way that the Bunnyhood, Super Mushroom, and Metal Box do.
(In retrospect, this item would be tricky to see on Wolf, Krystal, or Fox.)
Alternate Colors:
Inverted - Midna’s white areas become black, and her grey areas become white. Her hair also becomes blue. Wolf Link also becomes white.
Tupic Green - Wolf Link become the same green as his tunic. Midna stays normal.
(Open to suggestions) (Needing someone willing to make images)
Kirby Hat: Kirby equips Midna’s hat and hair, while the remaining exposed area becomes covered in fur. This symbolizes the Midna/Wolf Link team.
Because of Midna’s great reach, all of her hair-hand attacks have extended hit-boxes (like a sword.)
NOTE: * = Taken/Modified from Twilight Princess.
A: Chomps forward once.* No knock back. 2%
A twice: Second chomp.* No knock back. 3%
A three: Quickly turns and tail swipes.* Low knock back. 5%
Dash A: Midna’s places her hair-hand in front of Wolf Link and makes a fist; acting as a battering ram. Decent knock back. 6-7%
Forward Tilt: Wolf Link swipes with his claws. Low knock back. 5-8%
Up Tilt: Wolf Link swipes upward with his claws. No knock back. 6-7%
Down Tilt: Wolf Link tilts his head to a diagonal angle and aims for the ankles (or hands if they’re hanging from the edge) with his teeth/fangs. Low knock back, good for edge-guarding. 6-7%
Forward Smash: Wolf Link leans back and puts all of his weight and strength into his back legs. When released, Wolf Link pounces forward ready to bite anything in his path. Decent knock back. 10-14%
Down Smash: Wolf Link quickly spins around with claws, teeth, and fangs attacking anything in the way.* Decent knock back. 10-12%
Up Smash: Midna moves her hand in an arc above her. As her hand makes the arc, a trail of Twili magic is left behind in the form of an offensive barrier. The barrier does not protect against projectiles, but will harm anyone it comes into contact with. It fades about a second after it’s made. No knock back, stuns opponent and opens for attacking. 10-12%
Aerial A: Wolf Link spins around using his tail as a weapon. Minor knock back. 3-5%
Aerial Forward A: Wolf Link rolls forward while Midna’s hair-hand slaps in a downward arc-path (think DK‘s F-air with Midna‘s hair-hand acting as his fist and Wolf Link acting as his body.) This is a spike. Great (downward) knock back. 10%
Aerial Back A: Midna’s hair-hand swings around and hits behind her. Decent knock back. 6-9%
Aerial Down A: Wolf Link rolls forward slightly and chomps underneath of himself. No knock back. 5-7%
Aerial Up A: Midna swipes both her hands across each other above her head and shoots a small sphere straight up. Little knock back.* 5-7%
Forward Throw: Midna grabs the target with her hair-hand, rears back, and then smashes the target into the ground in front of Wolf Link. Low knock back. 7-10%
Back Throw: Midna grabs the target with her hair-hand, smashes them against the ground behind her, then smashes them against the ground in front of Wolf Link, and then finally throws them behind her. Decent (backwards) knock back. 4%, then 4%, then 2%
Up Throw: Midna grabs the target with her hair-hand, and throws them backwards… catapult style. Good knock back. 2%
Down Throw: Midna grabs the target with her hair-hand and smashes them against the ground. Then Wolf Link attacks using his “finish the poe” maneuver.* No knock back. 13%
B: Dark Energy - A 360 degree sphere of Midna‘s magic surrounds Wolf Link. It is a chargeable attack, but cannot be saved. You will also have restricted movement while charging. While it is charging, any enemies that enter the sphere become highlighted to show that they are targeted. Once “B“ is released (or the attack has been held too long) Wolf Link will perform a near-impossible to dodge chain of quick attacks. The only real way to avoid being hit is to get out of Wolf Link‘s jump range. All highlighted targets will be auto-targeted and attacked (unless they avoid it) with increasing damage per target (I.e. target one takes the least damage while target three takes the most.) If there are no targets highlighted, then Wolf Link does his “Down Smash” with increased lag. In the air (and if used correctly,) this attack can become a nice recovery, but it’s very risky because Wolf Link is stunned until he hit’s the ground if no targets are highlighted. Great knock back regardless of damage, best used in close-quarter combat.* 5%, then 10%, then 15%
Up B: Twili Teleport - This is the only move that keeps Wolf Link’s jumping stat from getting a one star. It works identical to Zelda’s, with some slight modifications. Midna turns herself and Wolf Link into the “twilight squares” and teleports in the direction selected. The big difference between the two is the damage. Zelda‘s causes damage while she is casting the spell. Midna‘s would cause damage after the spell is cast and she is moving. Minor damage is given for each “square” that the target is hit with. No knock back.* 1% per square
Down B: Hair Fist - Midna turns her hair into a giant fist. Then both she and Wolf Link rear back to get some extra momentum. They both then come forward and she pounds the ground in front of her. Getting hit with the fist before it hit’s the ground causes some decent knock back and damage. Getting hit with the fist into the ground causes you to take the full damage, but has no knock back (because you’re being flattened into the ground.) The pounding also creates a small shockwave. The closer you are to the center of the shockwave (without being under the fist) the more damage and knock back you take. Of all of their attacks, this one has the worst lag. Very dangerous attack at upper percentages (60+.) Should only be used when you can guarantee a hit. 20%
Forward B: Hair Spear - Remember how Midna…dispatched of Zant? Pretty much all I need to do to sum it up. She launches a spear made out of her hair at the target causing a nice bit of damage. Good knock back.* 10-15%
Super Smash: Fused Shadow Creature - Midna equips the Fused Shadows and uses the giant spear to “impale” one target for massive damage.* 75%