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Miami in Action 2


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2010
Kendall, FL
a fun (but small since PunisherX and his SFL guys didn't come) tournament. I definetely learned just a bit more from the SFL pros :D

original tourney thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=294314

1) Flamin Roy :fox: / :sheik: (split pot $40.95)
1) nicaboy :sheik: / :marth: (split pot $40.95)
3) Blea Gelo :luigi2: $9.10
4) Trikrome :falcon:
5) Daniel :ganondorf:
5) Cryptik :fox: / :falco: / :falcon:
7) Darius :sheik:
7) Daniel #2 :marth:
9) Borracho :peach:
9) Shade :drmario:

Shoutouts when I get home


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2010
Kendall, FL
Shoutouts to:

Crytik: For bringing the TV, the mad skill, and great team friendlies. Never doubt my Jigg's rest skill XD

Nicaboy: For alot of advice and tips on improving my game. This is GAWDLY advice that I will never forget as I keep practicing

Daniel(s): for the hilarious friendlies, and for knocking me out of brackets w/ a beast *** ganon.

Eli: For bringing the sexyness with Falcon. That moonwalk momentum jump to the ledge, to a wall jumped knee was something out of a pr0n video

Blea: for giving Luigi an overdose of Red Bull

Warren: For showing me what it looks like to have mutated hands that can hit like 59 buttons in the timeframe of 3 seconds, and one of my stocks...

Good **** guys, and I hope to see all of you on March 5th, (that means you too NICA!!!!)


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
for the record me and warren spilt the pot and he beat me in winners 3-2. grand finals was not played out because we wanted an xbox 360 for our crib lol.(mvc3 hype!)

eli is trikrome
sionxtc is flamin roy.

gg bro's. fun meeting all the new faces :)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2010
Kendall, FL
for the record me and warren spilt the pot and he beat me in winners 3-2. grand finals was not played out because we wanted an xbox 360 for our crib lol.(mvc3 hype!)

eli is trikrome
sionxtc is flamin roy.

gg bro's. fun meeting all the new faces :)
Got it fixed for ya. GG's all around. Those props you gave me is just fuel to keep practicing and getting better.

Don't put your doc hopes down, this guy didn't know how to wavedash. He just spammed f-smashes and capes all damn day...


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
Yeah, I'd just rather see Doc prevail in tournaments though.
So seeing this kind of character pattern:
1st :fox:, 2nd :ganondorf:, 3rd some character, 4th some character, 5th some character, 5th some character, blah, blah, blah, last: :drmario:

Just makes me ughhh.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
w8 ya he did right? he knew what he was doing. or so i thought.

oh and you didnt have to change anything darius lol i probably would have gotten 2nd anyway(2 sets vs my bro isnt exactly easy but very possible time consuming) but ya we knew we were gonna share the money lol. sionxtc is cool for him i guess. was trying to clarify in case anyone asked. I also used marth so ya :). it was fun guys shoutouts when i get home

edit lol ricky life for doc aint easy son. unless you live in norcal doc ***** there! also good docs are generally black


Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2011
Alright so Darius suggested I post this over here (I didn't even know there was a results thread but whatever). Here goes :

Ok so I made an account on smashboards to try to keep in touch with everyone better. I guess this is what my tag is gonna be? Just wanted to say thanks to Darius for holding the tourney and everyone there for making it a great experience, including afterwards at ZP.

Oh, I suppose to clarify I would be the ganon main.

And now the obligatory shout-out reel :

Darius - Thanks for holding the tourney. You were awesome, hope we can do it again.

Blea, Eli, Nica, Roy : Each one of you opened me up to a whole new world of *** kicking. Thanks, can't wait until next time.

Cryptik : Fox dittos? You were too cool. Had fun talking in the car

Ok see you folks in the social thread.
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