I've been a sheik since the game first came out (Before I even knew what a 'tier' was!), and I always HATED Mewtwo. I'm not that big of a pokemon fan, I won't bash it or anything, but I just didn't like all of the critters in the game, and Mewtwo I thought was just so worthless that it would really make me angry just to see his worthless hind end on the selection screen. Then I played him on a random once 2 months ago.
He's made me such a better player than it's ridiculous. My one weakness was always crouch-cancelling. I never did it. I can do all the other advanced techs and such, but my ledge game and cc was just awful. Now when I pick up shiek, I do so much better because of my M2 experience. He's also taught me to be much more aggressive, as I was a very passive sheik.
Anyways, none of you probably care about all this, but I am addicted to Mewtwo. I just love his tail, and all his tilts. Even though I'm way better with my sheik, I do main Mewtwo, and he is awesome.
Wow, this post was too long.
Oh wait, almost forgot.
St. Louis, MO