Isn't it a good thing? I mean, this way more people can enjoy the MGS series.
I never really got the mindset that if a game goes multi-platform it is now less entertaining nor the fact that it affects the console at all. In fact, with this generation, the word "exclusive," in most regards, means "timed exclusive." All MGS going to 360 means to me is that a series that I enjoyed with the rest of the list (except Assassin's Creed; that game was boring after you kill the 3rd or 4th target) are able to be played by other consoles. I bought my PS3 solely because I rather the first party titles compared to 360. That's about it. All other big name titles will go PC anyway.
What I think is ******** is exclusive DLC. This practice makes no sense whatsoever since all they are doing is hurting the consumer. There is no way I am buying a 360 just to play two new episodes on GTA4. So, why do it? In reality, it hurts everyone because the company dwindles their potential customer base, and with DLC being what it is, not a lot of people buy everything. PS3 has this with Arkham Asylum (where, for now, you can play as the Joker) and I think, Bioshock (where you have challenge rooms, but this may have gone to 360). 360 has this with GTA and Fallout 3, and I am sure others that I missed. The Fallout 3 one was considerably worse until it was announced that DLC will be available for PS3 in the Fall. I will never understand this practice whatsoever.