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Metaknight is hax


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
Use the stickies. Look at the two or three matchup topics that are floating around. Use the search function. You wouldn't believe we get "How do I beat Metaknight?" threads almost daily :bee: You'll find better information searching for it. I hate to say this, but the topic's talked to death. I mean, other than saying: "use lasors, grab, AAA combo, camp"...there's nothing new we can say.

Try giving us a video of you playing a good Metaknight. We can then assess your style and try to help you improve.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
to beat metaknight first you kill him
Dude clank i dont like you at all....
well, metaknight is an EXTREMELY hard match up for falco, if not the hardest. His airiels are amazing, u get out prioritized and in alot of ways you get out ranged. really, the only way to beat a skilled metaknight is play reaaaalllly defensive. camp with lasers, space with your reflector, and when he gets to close, SH Phantasm away and continue spamming. CG is a good way to rack up damage to a spike. THIS WILL NOT KILL HIM! do not chase or your gonna get level spiked if your playing a competent Metaknight. simply back up, and continue with the above strat. Once hes at a high percentage, a fresh up smash can kill at around 110%, and around 90% with a sweet spotted fresh forward smash. U smashes will probably be the easiest way to kill him due to it being MUCH faster and harder to block for metaknight.
This is really the only way to battle metaknights, and it is in no way fun or easy. Play smart, slow, and defensive and the match should go in your favor. Just watch out and dont get gimped by his up B or airiels.
PS: Remember that your shine and lasers out prioritize his Nado. so if you see him about to use it, jump back and throw your reflector out. enough of those will stop metaknights who spam the Nado


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
Jersey City, New Jersey; Cornell at Ithaca, New Yo
i have a tip. try to look in the match up guide first at the very top of this forum. A convenient and easy to make sure it is user friendly. Meaning it is easy to find. Meaning look in the thread first to see if they have a strategy to beat metakinght. Which they do. So look there.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
that strategy doesnt go very much in depth. if someone is looking for mor help than just a few small tips, whats the problem with making a post?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
Honestly, the only viable way to fight Metaknight is to camp him. Short up spam single soundless lasors. Make it a mindgame. Throw in empty shorthops. But keep jumping like a lunatic. Soon, your opponent will start shielding and dodging when no lasors are shot. He'll never know if when you land, a lasor will be strung on the end or if you'll just land. He'll make unecessary moves to guard the lasors...leaving him open to be punished. If Metaknight is ever hanging off the edge, keep shooting SH'd lasors. Your lasors have a very good chance of hitting when he jumps up from the ledge.

Lasors stop his whorenado. It stops his recovery. It stops pretty much anything Metaknight can do to you. As long as you keep jumping backwards, jumping away from Metaknight, jumping towards Metaknight, he can't touch you. The lasors work great for spacing and will do a decent amount of damage along the way. Chaingrabbing is another effective tool but far less reliable. About the only way you can ever grab a good Metaknight is by shield-grabbing...Metaknight will not leave himself open to a grab. So, never rely on the grab, only use it if you find the perfect opprotunity. Don't vainlessly try for that measly 50% (because your spike won't kill him). A good metaknight will know you're going for the grab and effectively punish every failed attempt.

A well timed D-Air can do wonders against a Metaknight. Metaknight's extremely weak from air attacks when he isn't ready or prepared to U-Air. Also, Metaknights are never expecting to be spiked. Don't ever charge stupidly into the fray. But, there are times when even the best Metaknight can fall victim to a spiked death if it's unexpected. Name of the game? Don't be predictable.

Spot dodging will give you opprotunities to U-Smash or D-Smash. But honestly...lasors are a must. If you're good at spacing with lasors, about the only way Metaknight can come near you is by flying through the air. When Metaknight's in the air, a well timed B-Air beats most of his moves. In fact, B-Air is pretty much your only way to compete with Metaknight in the air. When you get a smash on him, follow it up with a N-Air. When Metaknight is falling helplessly trying to recover from your attack, N-Air will catch him and rack up some good damage. Something else to think about: Metaknights often forget about Falco's shine. They'll charge for a running grab. They'll approach with a Short Hopped D-Air...they'll do a lot of things. But most of Metaknight's approaching can be destroyed with a well timed shine.

Most of all...when in doubt, AAA combo is probably your best bet. When Metaknight starts getting desperate, he starts Spotdodge spamming D-Smash, or he starts camping or a lot of other tactics, AAA combo will punish him every time. Other than Metaknight's F-Smash, your AAA move actually out ranges anything Metaknight can do (besides his special attacks). So, you're pretty safe to spam AAA obsessively. It even hits him when he's short hopping. Key: Don't follow AAA up with a shine at the end (metaknight will block it and punish). Just AAA, hit him a couple times, and roll away. You'll remain unpunishable.

The secret to Metaknight is guerrilla warfare. Everything you do must not be punishable. Camp him. Spam lasors. AAA. Shine. B-Air. Repeat when necessary. I'd advise NOT using Phantasm too often. It is horribly easy to punish for a Metaknight. As soon as he sees you chargin' up your Phantasm, he'll punish with a N-Air, F-Air or pretty much any move he pleases. Phantasm takes control out of your hands and puts it into Metaknight's hands.
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