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Melee snakes


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
OK, so I consider myself a decent Wolf player at this point. I can beat some of the top players online(my only choice due to location). I've progressed through many a ranked match on wifiwars and gamebattles. There has come to my attention 2 characters when played by really good players give me untold trouble. Yoshi/snake. I think i've come up with a way to combat a good aerial to ground combo yoshi but snake is another matter.

Ok so don't even suggest laser spam, I do it when its necessary but i refuse to laser laser laser, roll roll roll laser laser laser till he's at 120%. Now the problem comes down to that I simply can't get around his ftilt. Note that wolf's 2 longest standing attacks ftilt and dtilt are both outranged by snakes. Also note that below like 60% sh a properly di'd snake can get hit by fsmash and still land ftilt before wolf recovers, thats with the attack hitting!. *this is if with top blow only of course*

I have tried the neutral air to shine combo that works well against many other chars but I simply get ftilt in mid air. I have also tried fair shops into grabs/A combos etc, again similiar circumstance.

With it being a double hit, its unsidestepable, and with shield stun snake can if ranged proprly doing another ftilt before wolf can do his own counter attack if wolf's outside A combo range. Rolling seems senesless they simple turn around assuming I can get behind him and do ftilt as i'm rolling.

The only thing that doesn't get me immediatly punished is DI reversed Bairs. I Bair towards him but am DI'n away so I land outside ftilt range. However the snake will simply stand there and side steop or shiled etc. This seems to work alright, but doesn't force snake to make an opening and in theory I should never land a bair in this manner. I also find this sometimes falls me victim to snakes dash attack as i'm landing from this bairs.

I've only mentioned 2 moves of snakes that have almost completely shut down his arsenal,(btw even if I land a shine he can ftilt me before I can shiled afterwards). We not realize that snake has other moves to mix in and really make life miserable. Sure if I can get him in the air or on the offensive I can deal with him. But a player that will walk advance or even stand still waiting for ftilt/utilts destroy me.

I'm wondering if there is anything I'm missing here, the range and priority of this move are driving me crazy, over half of my total losses have come to snakes. In fact I've basically given up playing snakes with wolf and use D3 instead to abuse his own ftilt and make snake roll into grabs.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

P.S. psyching him out doesn't work either, since any good snake player will not do the second blow make the lag from only first one, extremely small and still almost unpunishable. Note that he also out ranges dsmash and upsmash obviously, and snakes utilt outranges dair, and even if u reflect his upsmash snake will simply move slightly to the side and either air attack or use a tilt, and I'm not even going to mention the incredibly annoying grenade drop defence some are so found of.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Oh boy oh boy do I know where you are coming from! Forward tilt is the spawn of the devil when fighting a defense Snake. I was doing friendlies with a friend (lawlz) and almost all he did was forward tilt. It was very irritating. However, easily counter-able.

I am NOT going to tell you to laser laser laser roll roll laser laser. That's ridiculous. However, what I am going to tell you to do is laser. Put him on the offense.

You have only two options in this match. Pressure with Wolf Wall and eventually land a hit or pressure with laser and get him to come for you.

If he matches your laser spam with gernade spam, approach him. He'll probably drop a gernade. Throw him in the air. Grabs won't get you hit by the gernade. You want Snake to be above you as I'm sure you figured out.

You can run toward him and powershield the first hit and sidestep the second. Like, dude, there are SO MANY things you can do it isn't even funny and I am not even going to try and explain them all. I'll make a list for you.

-Perfect Shield
-Sidestep twice
-Perfect Shield and Sidestep
-Shield Grab
-Wolf Wall
-Jab (your jab actually cancels his ftilt priority a good amount of the time. Oh my God, amazing, I know.)

That's just a small list, and hardly including any variations and combinations there of. With so many options you should be able to keep him toes and keep him in line. By no means is this still an easy match up (I myself am still trying to figure out how to triumph over a good Snake) but it is a start. Hope that helps.

Also, if you refuse to laser, fine. But let me ask you this: why do you refuse to laser? If you answer because it is cheap, lame, or some variation thereof... that's why you are losing.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
That was about all of what I was going to say, but I have one more thing to add. If he spams grenades, pick them up and huck 'em right back. Nothings more satisfying than hurting someone with their own weapon (shined aura ball anyone?)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Nah grenades never give me trouble. I can toss em back and keep track of primes just as well as he can. I do use wolf's laser, but I try not to do it more than 2-3 times in a row, quite frankly I know its effective, but I don't want a 15 min match or better yet an extremely pissed off opponent. In a tournie or something I might just laser spam him to death, but until something is truly on the line I'd rather not be overly cheap. Btw I've tried double sidestepping and I haven't gotten that, always seems to land second hit before I can sidestep again. Finally I would love to grab him I would, but I find getting inside close enough to do A combo's or grabs to very difficult. Of course I mix in shop airdodge to shield to get in close now and then, but after 1 or 2 times he'll just grab me, or I may mess up timing and get hit before landing or something.

Finally I was referring to true wolf laser spam as a refusal. the only wolf to outrank me I know of on either site I play on, basically will only do laser and occasionaly fsmash until ur at 110%, literally laser laser laser jump laser laser roll laser. Has to be the cheapest and least skillful way of playing. This tact may work for awhile, but ultimately players will get good at reliably countering it and players like me that strive to use all aspects of thier game will thrive.

I know if I can get in really close while facing him I have some speed moves to punish him in that short period, but it can be extremely difficult to do, especially on wifi. I was really looking for a reliable way of approaching him that may not always yeiled blows, but at least stop his ftilt overpower. Wolf wall is my primary way of dealing with him, but if he's determined to be defensive he shouldn't ever get hit by it. ultimately though its finding a way to close the gap on snake, cause the lag is small enough that ftilt cannot punish after shielding the second blow, so gotta be really close to AAA or grab. I've learned how to deal with morter spam and grenade spam, just this one aspect is really killing me atm. I'll keep trying some of these, I was really hoping for something else though.

P.S. this is wifi with button lag and I'm only referring to good defensive snakes.
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