I got back home a few days ago and I was too busy to write any shoutout, but now I'd like to write a few words :D
First of all, I want to thank the TOs and anyone who helped them organizing the tournament. It didn't run as smoothly as planned but it was awesome anyway :D
And then a quick shoutout to all the guys that were at Slhoka's place after the event. It was very nice playing and hanging out with you guys <3
I hope to see you all soon (maybe at the next BEAST? :D)
Special thanks to Slhoka, for being an awesome host and for helping us organizing the trip etc. Also for being an incredible detective and having good math skills, even though Seya doesn't appreciate them enough lolol
Last, but not least, thank you aMSa for coming to Europe!
Your matches were very entertaining, and you're definitely one of the funniest, kindest and most educated players I've ever seen! Those japanese chocolates were good and much appreciated :D
It was a honor meeting you and playing you! I hope you'll come back to Europe and bring some other Japanese players with you (Kou plz? x)) <3