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Marth spacing issues

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
My friend uses marth as a secondary and i just can't get past his sword. When i try to space myself he tips me and his recovery is good so its hard to gimp plus the fact that he is fast doesn't help. i try tilt locking sometimes but counter or up b kills that dream. I try to use needles as often as possible but marth speed closes up and gaps i put between me and him before i can charge. I tried using zelda to but she also gets out ranged so are there anyways to approach him?????????


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
As far as combos go the Sheik Vs Marth match up is very difficult since he can up B out of you AAA combo, ftilt lock and down B the chain so to fight him you will be using mainly hit and run tactics because you already have so little options left for comboing him. Because of this if Zelda had a favorable match up it would most wise to use her but she doesn't so...yeah.

In the low percents for tilt combos I usual do ftilt, ftilt, utilt, into dash grab. I'm not 100% sure since I play mainly online if the utilt can come out in time after the second ftilt but still it's a good combo.

Also sweet dtilt, ftilt, (maybe another ftilt), utilt, into dash grab. That's also nice to do when given the chance.

Since marth doesn't have range it's best to play defensive and force approach from him until he get's reliably close then either retreat or rush toward him into a shield grab. Marth aerials can only safely shield pressure when the tip of the sword hits so by sudden charging him you might cause a failure to space correctly and allow you to get a free grab.

Marth air game although good and hits ever angle around him can easily be defeated by sheik fantastic speed. Most noteworthy being his fair. Marth fair range is good but because the attack start above his head it does a poor job protecting his lower body unless he starts the move a little before hand. Meanwhile sheik fair also starts above her head so it hits opponents who are above sheik even faster then normal.

As far as Gimping goes, horizontal needles seems to stop marth floating back to the stage and force him to approach low, and a strong bair I recall beats his up B. Although now that I think about it I'm not sure if you have to be using the strong bair away from the stage or towards it.

If Marth uses his neutral B to recover just uair him and be quick about it to as the cool down of that move isn't long.

edit, by the way sheik back throw causes people to face away from her and marth bair is slower but more powerful then marth fair. Something to keep in mind in the future ^-^; I just notice that like a few days ago myself.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2008
York, PA
You'll generally want to play Marth as you would Meta Knight. Marth beats you easily in ground and air games - don't anyone say otherwise - so your best bet is to punish and play defensively. Don't approach. Use plenty of needles, grabs, and shield/spotdodge-dsmash whenever you can to rack up damage and keep him away. Switch to Zelda for the kill or attempt to land a sweetspot usmash. Tiltlocking isn't very useful, but you can still ftilt-grab, ftilt-utilt, or others. If you manage to get Marth in the air, stay directly below him. Good Marth players will rarely use their laggy dair, so simply bair the airdodge and punish with uair.

Dash attack is, like, godly in this matchup. Any time Marth whiffs shff fair or sh double fair you should be able to dart in and hit him in afterlag.

Sheik needs to play really smart this match. Stay away from Marth and chip in attacks whenever it's safe.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Really? I don't treat Marth like Meta Knight at all. For one thing, it's relatively easy to mess with Marth's spacing games because his stuff actually has punishable ending lag.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Yeah marth is dependant on his spacing and if you can follow it with sheik's speed you can mess with marth alot. They like to have this "come approach me" attitude waving their sword around, you can just shoot needles until he approaches. Once he approaches you don't have to worry about his spacing game so much because it comes down to up close combat.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2008
York, PA
you don't have to worry about his spacing game so much because it comes down to up close combat.
...which Marth will often win anyway with 4 frame dancing blade and amazing OOS options.

Both characters have little difficulty crippling Sheik's ground and air game. Sheik can actually punish Marth's ending lag on a several moves, but in the end it's the still the same playstyle for me - bait with needles, dart in, run away, wait for an opening. Attempting to fight either character up close usually ends poorly for Sheik.
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