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Mario Combo

Blue Bird

Smash Cadet
Oct 30, 2004
Look at this match. Isai vs. Takamitsu.


Isai uses Mario to do the complicated air down+A, up+A combo. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS THAT'S THE MOST BROKEN COMBO IN THIS GAME!?

Discuss. :p I honestly don't get why people pick on Kirby when characters like Mario and C. Falcon are out there. This move can easily rack up 80+ damage and even kill the player.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
This isn't the American version of the game, gameplay is different, and thus that combo isn't as cheap as you make it sound.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Don't get hit, ever. If you do, DI. No johns, dont be a scrub.

Best advice I can give ya when you make threads like this.

See as soon as Isai or superboom or anyone else super 1337 touches you, you're going to die if you don't DI.

Even if you do have some nice DI, chances are they'll still follow it.

Dont get hit.

Also, that mario combo is almost impossible to do online, so I doubt itll cause you any problems in the future :p


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
California, Sacramento
You can D.I. from that combo easily, the drill gives you 8 chances to get away!

You can't DI from kirbys uptilt combo unless you are some super human computer.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
"am i the only one who thinks this is the most broken combo in the game"

yes, yes you are.

not broken


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2007
you don't need perfect computer DI to escape kirbys utilt if you're fast enough DI into the ground and roll away or if you failed to do that you can DI behind kirby and upwards

and I don't think mario's dair to uair is close to as bad as kirby's utilt like kirby noobs just need to hold up and press a while if you're mario if you miss a z-cancel or you didn't do the dair fast enough to do a uair after bye bye combo


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
I DI up out of Kirby Utilt combos...maybe...
I swear DI on the console is harder than on the emu. I pull off some good DI on the emulator, but on the console, it just looks so sluggish. *Johns*
Seriously though, my keyboarding friend DI's so far out of my drills that he grabs me before I touch the ground. *Johns*
But yeah, not broken.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Console is easier to DI on because it allows 1 action per frame unlike online.

but isnt it easier to DI on kb, regardless of the frame data? so if what your saying is true, the best DI would be if we could play on console with a kb?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
California, Sacramento

but isnt it easier to DI on kb, regardless of the frame data? so if what your saying is true, the best DI would be if we could play on console with a kb?
No no the game still follows the "1 action per frame rule" online, it's that the players are limited to the amount of actions they can do per second.

I don't know why keyboard DI is so good even online. It must have to do with how hard the direction is being pushed. Since when you press a key with the keyboard it senses that you pressed the analog stick all the way in such a short amount of time. *shrug* I'm no expert. :p

And I don't know if that would give the best D.I. possible to play keyboard on console. You can always test it out with the emulator offline and with one of your friends hitting you with a move and you're using a keyboard. Since the ROM is the same game as the cartridge. :p

I was just saying it's easier to DI offline than online because you get more chances to D.I. per second.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
California, Sacramento
You know instead of posting this you could just correct me if I'm wrong in a nice way. It can help the community in general. "............" is kind of hurtful to my feelings because you're making me feel stupid about my self. Thanks a lot for being an *** hole.

This thread is more than done anyways. Bye.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
California, Sacramento
In my country it means "Please can you explain".
Oh, I'm so sorry! I couldn't have known. I'm not good at explaining you probably know more than me about this. I read somewhere that on smash online (or online games in general, especially over kaillera) depending on how fast you set your connection, it limits how many actions go through over the net per second. I don't know the numbers, but on "Good" connection on kaillera, it sends 18 - 25 actions per second I think. It's just the way online works I believe.

Excuse me if I'm wrong.

And getting back on topic... I think luigi combos are more hardcore than marios! Uair Uair Uair Uair Uair... Uair Uair... UP B.

... Let the arguements BEGIN.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
lol luigi's combos are much cooler than falcon's :p


i really wish luigi's fireballs didn't defy gravity. if they were like mario's fireballs luigi would be so good! and if his sh was a lil lower 0.o


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2007
Agreed. I would main Luigi if he had a lower short-hop.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
Dash_Fox said:
I read somewhere that on smash online (or online games in general, especially over kaillera) depending on how fast you set your connection, it limits how many actions go through over the net per second. I don't know the numbers, but on "Good" connection on kaillera, it sends 18 - 25 actions per second I think. It's just the way online works I believe.
Kaillera/EmuLinker a tad different in the way they handle delay, and lag. However in a nutshell. No actions are limited to a specific number; You should be sending X actions a second, X being the number of times a game needs input. This number is dependent on the ROM itself. (For N64)

Delay is calculated by connection settings, and ping. (for EmuLinker it is calculated by the worst ping)

The reason DI is harder online is because of timing, but it is in theory easier to do when a game lags.

Keyboard DI seems easier because you can easily press a direction at full force and quickly rotate in the cardinal 8.

Another thing to consider is the size of the data being sent, and the speed of the emulator.

For comparison MAME sends 2 bytes a message, Mupen64K send 4 bytes a message, PJ64K sends a whopping 24 bytes a message. (per player)

4 Players on MAME: 480 bytes a second. (0.46875KB/s)
4 Players on Mupen64K: 960 bytes a second. (0.9375KB/s)
4 Players on Project64K: 5760 bytes a second. (5.625KB/s)

Modem Speed Comparison

56kbps will max out at 7KB/s

However, due to level restrictions, phone line quality and other factors, obtaining this theoretical maximum throughput for a dial up modem is technically impossible.

DSL between 32KB/s to 3000KB/s (Depending on the type of modem)

Cable Modem between 250KB/s to 6250KB/s (Depending on type of modem)


Another thing to consider is the constant flow of overhead information coming into/out of the server, you have lobby chat, join/quit notifcations, server notifications, and game create/close notifcations.

On top of that you have external programs: AIM, MSN, mIRC, etc.

The last thing to consider in all of this is that not only must you send information to the server, you need to wait until the server recieves it, plus all other players information then sends it back to all clients, which ends up looping so all players recieve information.

So, there you have it...

Dash_Fox said:
Excuse me if I'm wrong.
You are excused.

Blue Bird

Smash Cadet
Oct 30, 2004
If Luigi's fireballs were like Mario's, I don't think anyone would be playing Mario. One of the good things about Mario is that he has better fireballs (longer range and they bounce).

Luigi has a better down+B and a better up+B. His A moves aren't much different than Mario's except for his forward smash. xD I guess they knew what they were doing when they made Luigi. Fireballs are teh w1n for Mario.
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