"Mah boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for!"
Ah, the Zelda series. Many believe that it doesn't deserve a fifth rep because there's no clear consensus about who it would be. Naysayers claim that no Zelda character is nearly as iconic as the Triforce trio. I call their bluff.
King Harkinian has been dominating Youtube videos for as long as I can remember. He's the superstar of the CD-I Zelda games; these games are rather infamous among the gaming populace. I'd go out on a limb and say that he's at least as famous as the Ice Climbers were before their inclusion. He's also extremely beloved; the powers that be even went so far as to create a spiritual successor to out favorite King in Wind Waker.
For those of you who are somehow in the dark, the King is a literal fountain of one-liners and a sagely figure in the CD-I games, which are very well known across the internet. Search his name in Youtube or on a search engine; you'll get more results than you were hoping for.
The obvious question right now is: what would he do? His attacks would be drawn from the memorable quotes of the CD-I games! Watch this classic Youtube video for a moveset!
Pros of King Harkinian:
1) Surprise: Sakurai likes surprising the fans. This would definitely be a surprise.
2) CD-I Revival: Smash is used to revive old series. What games would be better for revival than the CD-I games?
3) Well-Known: King Harkinian is a Youtube sensation. Everyone would recognize him and I'm sure some would buy the game for him.
1) Roster Spot: He'd take the spot of a more requested character, like Ghirahim or Vaati.
2) Epicness: He'd steal the spotlight. Prepare to fight King Harkinian every time on Wifi.
3) Legality: Not sure about this. Does Phillips own him? And does Nintendo want to acknowledge his existence?
Supporters List: Groose, TheThirdKoopa, 8-Peacock-8, Yams, MonK4, APC99, OcarinaofDoom, FalKoopa, Pikachu FTW, Golden Yuiitusin, Game&Watcher, KingofPhantoms47, SuperBrawler, LegendofRob11, Crap Zapper, Wegenbarth, GuyWiththeFace, Ephecus, SonicSmasherZero, Xhampi
Courtesy of Gibdo Knight:
Courtesy of APC99:
Courtesy of Shrooby: