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Magolor Travels From Afar! Vote Magolor for Sm4sh DLC!

Do you want Magolor in Sm4sh?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar

Hey, hey, hey everybody! I was SHOCKED when I came here only to learn that there was no support thread for everybody's favorite inter-dimensional wizard from the Kirby franchise, Magolor!

Well many of you have some questions regarding his likelihood to get in the game, but I think the most likely question that's going to pop up first is, "why him and not Bandanna Dee?!"

Well the answer to this question is simple: voting Magolor instead of Bandanna Dee doesn't discredit BD's chances of getting in the game. A fourth Kirby rep is going to get in regardless of our voting, and we may even get a fifth rep. So voting Mags (that's his new nickname :awesome: ) doesn't necessarily destroy Bandanna Dee's chances of getting in the game. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they both did. But if I had to choose only one, I would go for Magolor. Why exactly? What new representation would he bring? How could he be so unique as to be in the game in place of Bandanna Dee? Let's answer this question first: who is Magolor?

-- Who is Magolor? --

Click here for a slightly more in-depth answer.

Magolor is a wizard who was very prominent in the Wii title, Kirby's Return to Dreamland (known as Kirby's Adventure Wii in English-speaking regions other than North America). He first appears in the game's opening cutscene after his ship, the Lor Starcutter, emerges from a star-shaped portal that appears suddenly in the sky one day, trailing torn-off parts. Kirby and company find him when they go inside the light-speed ship to investigate. Upon recovering from the impact of the crash, Magolor immediately has the ship's computer relay the damage done to the Lor. Upon realizing he has no chance of ever fixing it and going home, he enters a deep state of depression. Kirby, feeling sorry for him, offers to help him fix his ship by journeying across Planet Popstar in search of the missing parts. The others, King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandanna Dee, offer to help as well. The others then proceed to go on their journey, while Magolor stay's behind to tend to the damage. The Lor acts as a hub throughout the game, and during this time, Kirby and co. can talk to Magolor, who will give them helpful tidbits every now and again, and encourage them to keep up the good work.

When they manage to collect all the pieces of the ship, he takes them with him when he leaves to visit his homeworld, Halcandra. When they arrive, however, the ship is attacked and shot down by Landia, a four headed dragon with a luscious looking crown. Magolor then asks Kirby to do him one last favor: defeat Landia.

You eventually get to fight Magolor as a bonus boss fight as well. This boss fight is where most of his moveset would be derived from.

Sound interesting? If you haven't already played the game, and you think you may want to some day, please do so before opening this spoiler window. I'm sure pretty much everybody who will view this will have already beaten the game, but I thought I might as well give some warning/precaution.

Upon defeating Landia, who had split into four different dragons during the fight, Magolor arrives at the battlefield applauding Kirby and company. He then picks up the crown which had fallen from the defeated Landia's head and looked greedily at it. He then expressed extreme joy, as the Master Crown was finally his, and with it, the universe. He then dons it and transforms into a much more powerful version of himself, proclaiming himself overlord of the universe, and informing Kirby and co. that their reward for helping him is to watch their planet be the first to fall to his power.

After informing Kirby's gang of their folly, he creates a portal to Planet Popstar and enters, ready to begin his conquest. Kirby and co. were still shocked and disappointed at Magolor's treachery when Landia, who had somehow recovered in that short amount of time, offered to help Kirby and co. defeat Magolor, get the Crown back, and save their planet as well as the entire universe. They then mounted the four Landias, entered the portal, and chased after Magolor through the betwixt and between. For their first showdown, Magolor summoned the now complete Lor Starcutter to fight on his behalf. Upon defeating the newly repaired Lor, they continue their pursuit. Magolor managed to shoot them down, however, and they met for one final battle upon some weird field of blue flames.

In the final fight, after defeating him, the Master Crown resurrects him. Now, being dead inside and so filled with the power of the Crown, he is nothing but an empty shell, forced to do the wicked Crown's bidding. He is now Magolor Soul.

But Kirby and his friends have been through too much to be daunted by him, and they manage to defeat him one last time. Upon defeat, he dissolves into his original form. The Crown then shatters into oblivion, and Magolor disappears. But what happened to him? Did he really die? Or did he disappear into another dimension? Nothing outside of fan speculations can answer that.

Although he does appear again in Kirby's Dream Collection.

Magolor makes his return a year later in Kirby's Dream Collection, also on the Wii. In the games bonus challenge stage mode, Magolor shows up at the beginning, greeting Kirby, and apologizing for all the trouble he caused for Kirby and his friends during the events of Kirby's Return to Dreamland. He informs Kirby that he's built a massive theme park for him to play in as an apology. (Talk about dedication...) The theme park consist of three levels. At the end of each level, Magolor will challenge Kirby to a race. The moves he uses in this race would also serve as inspiration for his moveset.

Magolor also makes a mild cameo in Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe for the Nintendo 3DS. But that's pretty much it. It's just a cameo.

-- What Would He Represent? --

If you're a Kirby fan, then you probably agree to the following statement: Kirby deserves a fourth representative in Smash.

But many of you are probably asking, "what new representation of the Kirby franchise would Magolor bring?" The answer to me is simple. Kirby's Return to Dreamland was a notable stepping stone in Kirby's history, and nobody represents it better than Magolor. There are multiple other reasons why. I'll just cover a few, since I'm getting tired of typing.

Many a Kirby game there has been in which Kirby is tricked/manipulated/used by a higher power/cunning mind in order for said power/mind to gain something it desires. This trend is as old as Kirby's Adventure, the second Kirby game. Let's make a list, shall we?

-1 Kirby's Adventure/Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland. Nightmare needs the star rod. Kirby fixes the star rod and unknowingly releases nightmare.

-2 Kirby Super Star/Kirby Super Star Ultra - Milky Way Wishes. Marx wants to rule Planet Popstar. Marx tricks Kirby into summoning Nova so he can get his wish.

-3 Kirby Squeak Squad. Dark Nebula wants out of his prison. Kirby somehow mistakes his prison for a box containing a strawberry shortcake. Kirby helps Dark Nebula escape.

-4 Kirby's Return to Dreamland. Magolor wants to rule the universe. Magolor tricks Kirby into getting him the Master Crown so he can get his wish.

Magolor, if he were in Smash, would bring representation and recognition to one of the most prominent recurrences in the series. Since every one of these bosses are different, only one can be chosen, and Magolor is the most recent and deserving, at least in my opinion. He capture's this trend better than all the others, as well as has elements from all his predecessor's boss fights, such as giant laser beams and black holes like Marx, and small energy-type projectiles like Nightmare, making him the top candidate out of the bunch.

Of course these bosses aren't the only ones to have attacks like those. Many elements from previous final bosses are used in final boss fights across the franchise, most notably the "Soul" form of a boss, which started with Drawcia from Kirby Canvas Curse. Magolor is also a part of that overdone trend.

Probably the boss he has most in common with is Marx, someone who I actually wanted in smash at one point.

Do you have any better other good reasons for Magolor to be in the game? Well then let us know! This is a topic that exits for discussing things after all.

-- What Unique Moveset Could He Have? --

I previously already wrote a pretty good moveset idea for him in a previous post. (sorry for the rudeness, Bandanna Dee fans.:dizzy:) So I'm just gonna put that here. I'll also put any ideas you guys have for a moveset in here as the thread gains popularity. Be sure to ask me to put it up here.

So as we've established, Magolor has a BUTTLOAD of potential unique moves he could have in Smash. I'm just gonna make list this one possible moveset just to show an example.

--:GCN: :GCB:
He could have a neutral-B where he flings out a couple of those balls like the ones he shoots in his boss battle. There are a couple of things Sakuri could do to make this projectile unique. Here's my idea: instead of a chargeable, storable projectile, they could make it a combo of projectiles, sending out one after the other in a constant whirling stream each time the button is presses. To balance this, they would do minimal knockbak compared to other projectiles. Personally, I don't think it's that big a deal to make it a generic chargeable projectile.

As a side-B, he could shoot a weird energy ball thing that he can control just like Din's Fire (Zelda's side-B). When it hits somebody, or when the move times out, Magolor will teleport to the current position of the energy ball. If the attack lands, he will teleport behind the struck opponent and strike. It could work similarly to Greninja's Shadow Sneak (side-B). It could also be used for recovery.

For a down-B, he could put his hands in front of him and cause a portal to appear. The portal would stay there for as long as he holds the button, but he wouldn't be able to move. The portal would have some very unique properties. If a player goes in, they will come out facing the opposite direction. If a projectile enters, it will reappear behind the player who shot it. This move, once activated, can also be tilted in a similar fashion to Palutena's Bow (Pit's Neutral-B. Yeah. Pit's). This could give that one single move a TON of diversity in terms of usefulness.

His up-B could be a simple Teleportation move, only with a few unique properties. Maybe it could meteor smash when Magolor passes through a player while teleporting upward. This could make it an extremely dangerous and unpredictable move, like Meta Knights Dimensional Cape (his down-B).

As a neutral attack, he could force his palms in front of him and emit some weird spacial energy to damage his opponent. The first press of the button causes him to hit with his right palm and the second press his left. The combo could have two finishers, like Greninja or Robin's neutral combos. One would be where he hit's with both palms at once to give the opponent a decent launch, the other where he rapidly hit's with both palms alternating between to trap his opponent in a combo that deals decent damage.

For his side attack, he could wave his hand swiftly, leaving a trail of magic energy that acts like like a whip, giving good range. It could also deal good knockback, more so than his neutral combo finishers, giving him a good counter to close-quarters combatants, such as Little Mac or Meta Knight.

His up attack could be similar to his side attack, only done above his head, waving his hand two or three times, and dishing out more damage than knockback. This could give him good range to prevent aerial counters. (I'm looking at you, Ganondorf.)

His dash attack could be his whirling dash attack he uses when you race him in Kirby's Dream Collection. It could deal a considerable amount of damage if the opponent is caught during an early stage of the attack, as well as give decent enough knockback at the end.

His neutral aerial could be where he forces his palms in opposite directions, one in front of him, and the other behind him, causing an explosion of magic energy in front of his palms. This would give decent knockback and allow for him to have a good aerial recovery, good for the floaty character I envision him as being.

His down aerial could be where he releases a ring of energy from underneath himself to attack from above. It would obviously disappear after a couple of seconds. It would also meteor smash if it were to hit right when it comes out of Magolor's body. This gives him even more recovery for when he's launched overhead.

For his forward aerial, he could wave his hand downward and a magic beam would trail out, dealing decent damage and knockback. This, along with his neutral aerial, would be his most prominent/overused aerial moves.

For his back aerial, he could do something similar to his neutral aerial, only behind him and a slightly larger explosion. This attack would be slightly confined by comparison, but more powerful, being able to KO a tad more easily.

His up aerial could be where he positions his palms above his head to create a small magic pulse that does reasonably low damage, and less knockback than his other aerials.

UPDATE: and now here's some theories on grabbing and throwing, which I originally forgot to mention.

For his grab, he could send out a short wave of spacial energy to grab his opponent and bring him/her to him. This would give his grabs good range, but not as much as characters like Samus or Link. The opponent would then be trapped in a vortex of magic energy spiraling downward and being sustained by Magolor holding out his hands for the duration of the grab.

For his dash grab, he could extend his hands in front of him to create a similar vortex to the one he creates while holding on to an opponent, only it would be spiraling toward him instead of down. This would have a bit more range than his regular grab, but still not as much as Samus or Link.

For his grab attack, he could cause blue flames to enter the vortex of magic energy during the grab, dealing good enough damage for a grab attack.

For his forward throw, he would cause the vortex to dissipate and immediately cause an explosion of magic energy like in his neutral and back aerials to occur where the vortex disappeared, sending his opponent flying forward.

For his back throw, he could whirl around backward, taking the vortex and the helpless opponent trapped inside with him, and then release the opponent, causing him to fly backwards. This would deal decent enough knockback, but not as much damage as the forward throw. Afterwards, he could also shoot a few of those energy balls he uses in his boss fight to deal a bit more damage and a tad more knockback.

For his down throw, he could raise the vortex and opponent up slightly, and then quickly slam them against the ground, dealing good damage and fairly decent knockback.

For his up throw, he could reverse the vortex's flow from slowly downward to quickly upward. This would cause his opponent to fly upward considerably.

And his smash attacks? Don't even get me started on those. It's quite simple. He could cause one (two for his down smash) of those star-shaped portals to appear when he flings out a palm or two and immediately bend into a spike like in his boss fight.

Obviously, they wouldn't have anywhere near as much range as they have during the boss fight. They would give fairly low knockback (for a smash attack) when the opponent is hit at the tip of the spike, but INSANELY high knockback when the opponent is caught in the actual portal segment of the spike. This is noteworthy, as my speculation for a potential moveset thus far has put emphasis on his good range, while these attacks dull down his range significantly as the portal segments of the spike would be right on top of his palm, bringing the attack sweetspot very close to himself, encouraging him to get really close to his opponent when going for the kill. This would be a good balancing factor, as he is otherwise a tad-bit OP in terms of range and knockback.

--Final Smash

A Final Smash is actually kinda hard to figure out, as he probably has more potential in this area than any other. He could simply transform into the form he takes during the boss fight, or he could do that as well as use any of the stronger moves from the battle. The blackhole attack or the giant laser beam are both candidates. He could do both, but then his FS would be too much like Palutena's. I think the blackhole attack is the best bet out of any, as assuming most of you recall, Marx had both attacks, but he used the giant beam during the first stage of the battle; he didn't use the blackhole attack until the latter. The same can be said of Magolor Soul. Although those attacks are about on par in terms of actual damage output, I think the blackhole would be MUCH harder to avoid. So I think for his Final Smash, he would simply create a giant blackhole-like star-shaped portal where he is standing at the time the attack triggers. I honestly don't think he'll transform at all. The opponents ensnared will then be teleported to a hell-like dimension of pain and suffering just like in the boss fight. At the end of the attack, the blackhole will spit them out and immediately close, as well as launch them off the screen.


Here's another idea for a moveset. I don't know if he takes credit for it, but it was originally posted by @ Chalo5000 Chalo5000 . I don't have a clue what any of that says, but it's still golden material for a moveset.

Artist: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2446301



Alright! What does everybody think? Any other ideas? I can't wait to hear them!

last updated:4/14/2015​
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Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2015
Probably on Twitter
You have my semi support...I've used my one vote for well

I would LOVE Magolor in his final boss form as I feel the only reason he needed the master crown was because he was unable to fight back on his own. ALSO he's a fricken baus

random rendum

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2014
I support! but I think that bdee isn't 100% because of the backlash he'll get so he'll need many votes

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
I do agree that Kirby needs a final boss to represent the franchise, but I'm not sure who is the best boss to represent it.
Those are the most relevant bosses excluding Magolor
-Nightmare is already an assist trophy, and he is also canonically too overpowered (and too big lol).
-Dark Matter, depends on what form of Dark Matter do you take. A generic Dark Matter wouldn't work; Zero/Zero2 is so impossible for several reasons, the only one would be Dark Matter Swordman (that had several cameos in modern games as well)
-Drawcia, she had much influence recently, and she's definitely a candidate (also representing the painting trope), but she's not suited for being a fighter, because has no hands and it's hard to make her grab instruments and opponents (yeah, you can still mewtwo her but that would be very forced)
--Marx, he and Magolor are equivalent, just that one is modern and the other is classic. Magolor is a bit more "character", had more small roles and his role in KRTD was more than just being the surprise final boss... but Marx is still a classic, Sakurai made, character (but he also has the no hands problem).

Excluding Nightmare for being an assist, all those bosses have big chances, but probably the real fight would be between Magolor and Dark Matter Swordman.
I love Dark Matter, but since I also want Adeleine in the game and I doubt that more than 1 character from Shimomura's games will ever be in (The animals won't ever become a fighters, it's impossible for moveset reasons - the best thing they can do is become an assist - also both the animals and Dark Matter could simply be represented as Adeleine drawings), offcourse I think that Magolor is the boss that deserves the most of being in Smash.
I won't hide that I would prefer if he gets in over Bandana Dee, as I think exactly the same thing as you do about him.

I'm not really a supporter of Magolor, since Adeleine will always be my #1 supported Kirby character, and he's not even one of my other favorite characters (who are Chef Kawasaki and Daroach, and I kinda like Gooey as well but he's useless XD) but your points are extremely valid and I hope they both will get in.
Also your OP post is awesome.

This is the beta look of Magolor. To be more precise, this is not Magolor, this is the final boss of that canceled Gamecube Kirby game, but it was transformed into Kirby Returns to Dreamland so this is still the old Magolor.

It was very cool!
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
The normal Magolor is the original and he can also defend himself (he has powers in Dream Collection), so saying that Magolor without the Master Crown is useless is wrong.

Also, the giant one is perfect Final Smash material.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2015
Probably on Twitter
Me too, but there's a problem with that
He is like 2 times Ridley's size in the Pyrosphere stage
Also that giant form would be better as a Final Smash :p
However he would look weird scaled down..his final smash could be his 2nd phase or even...HIS SOUL!


The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar
Thx for the support guys! I know Magolor has a big enough fanbase to land him in Smash, but it may take a while to round them up. Spread the word!

Also, anybody with skill at photoshop/image editing should make us an official Magolor support banner. This is just an idea I'm coming up with from the top of my head, but I think it would be cool as well as useful. We could have it on the OP of this thread and ask people who want to support to copy the URL, put it in there sig, and link it to here! Is good idea, no? It would help get word around faster.

Magolor fans unite!

Deleted member

I like Magolor a lot, and his boss fight in RtDL/races in Dream Collection are really entertaining and show off his potential. I'll vote for him on the Smash Ballot soon in support.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2014
If I had to vote for another Kirby character then Magolor would definitely be my pick. On a related note Sakurai needs to add both of his battle themes to the game as DLC!!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
I'm supporting both Kirby characters. I would be happy with either one.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Even though the chances are basically slim to none, Magolor is a ballin' villain and I would adore CROWNing myself the victor in Smash.

I'll support Bandana Dee and Mags alike~ :3


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2014
Magolor has so much moveset potential. One of his alts should be Marx's colors.


The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar
Magolor has so much moveset potential. One of his alts should be Marx's colors.
I was thinkin' that, too!

Aside from that, he could also have an alt color scheme where he get his color palette from his boss fight, his EX boss fight and...



Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2015
A clover field
However he would look weird scaled down..his final smash could be his 2nd phase or even...HIS SOUL!
I don't think Magolor Soul would be normal, I mean Magolor Soul is after all controlled by the Master Crown so his giant first form would be enough in my opinion :p


The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar
I do agree that Kirby needs a final boss to represent the franchise, but I'm not sure who is the best boss to represent it.
Those are the most relevant bosses excluding Magolor
-Nightmare is already an assist trophy, and he is also canonically too overpowered (and too big lol).
-Dark Matter, depends on what form of Dark Matter do you take. A generic Dark Matter wouldn't work; Zero/Zero2 is so impossible for several reasons, the only one would be Dark Matter Swordman (that had several cameos in modern games as well)
-Drawcia, she had much influence recently, and she's definitely a candidate (also representing the painting trope), but she's not suited for being a fighter, because has no hands and it's hard to make her grab instruments and opponents (yeah, you can still mewtwo her but that would be very forced)
--Marx, he and Magolor are equivalent, just that one is modern and the other is classic. Magolor is a bit more "character", had more small roles and his role in KRTD was more than just being the surprise final boss... but Marx is still a classic, Sakurai made, character (but he also has the no hands problem).

Excluding Nightmare for being an assist, all those bosses have big chances, but probably the real fight would be between Magolor and Dark Matter Swordman.
I love Dark Matter, but since I also want Adeleine in the game and I doubt that more than 1 character from Shimomura's games will ever be in (The animals won't ever become a fighters, it's impossible for moveset reasons - the best thing they can do is become an assist - also both the animals and Dark Matter could simply be represented as Adeleine drawings), offcourse I think that Magolor is the boss that deserves the most of being in Smash.
I won't hide that I would prefer if he gets in over Bandana Dee, as I think exactly the same thing as you do about him.

I'm not really a supporter of Magolor, since Adeleine will always be my #1 supported Kirby character, and he's not even one of my other favorite characters (who are Chef Kawasaki and Daroach, and I kinda like Gooey as well but he's useless XD) but your points are extremely valid and I hope they both will get in.
Also your OP post is awesome.

This is the beta look of Magolor. To be more precise, this is not Magolor, this is the final boss of that canceled Gamecube Kirby game, but it was transformed into Kirby Returns to Dreamland so this is still the old Magolor.

It was very cool!
Your post got me athinkin'. Magolor would represent Kirby bosses very well. But on the topic of Dark Matter, I think the DarkMatter trilogy needs a little bit of love. I've seen people suggest characters like Rick or Coo would be prime candidates to represent that portion of the Kirby genre. But I think Dark Matter himself would be the best candidate to be in the game. His moveset could take attacks from all his incarnations, as well as other Dark Matter based enemies. He could separate into several different blobs of dark matter and the reform on the other side of his opponent for his dodge. I don't think he has as big a chance as Mags, but I think he's the only other Kirby final boss at this point who really stands a chance.

Not to get off topic, but I think it's a cool idea.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2015
Magolor is such a great character. I hope HAL/Nintendo bring him back in a future Kirby game and perhaps even make him a main character. He definitely has potential but he only has two games right now. I support him, but I don't expect him.

I also think that the Lor Starcutter would make a better final smash.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Hm. From my searching, there does seem to have been a Magolor thread in the past. http://smashboards.com/threads/the-mage-beyond-popstar-magolor.335674/

Though similar to the Rundas thread, it seems to be closed from further replies..

EVEN despite this, I still feel like we should ask about this, as we wouldn't want to be shut down or anything. Perhaps we could ask a mod about it?

From what I'm guessing, they must have been left over from the days of when Smash wasn't out yet... as it seems to have been from a year ago. Perhaps we could get a revival in order?

Edit: Just look at what this piece of the Character discussion guidelines says:

"You can find your characters support thread by performing a search within this section. Just go up to the search bar found near the Smashboards title and type in your characters name. Remember to also click "Search Titles Only". Please bare in mind that certain character threads were locked after the games release since they were seen as not being justifiable support threads (examples include Dark Samus, Isabelle, and Ridley) as they are already included in the game. This rule is still in effect so do not make a thread for a character whose support thread was previously locked. Instead, bring the issue to the staff and the decision will be made to keep it locked or re-open it. Failing to do and posting it will be an immediate lock and may result in a warning/infraction."

Thats why I'm bringing this up in these couple of threads. If you haven't gotten in touch with a mod on this, we could get shut down. We seriously need to sort it out.. I mean I'm not exactly sure if we're alright or not myself either.. but it would be better safe than sorry

Edit: On a latter note... I shrunk the Magolor art in the OP into a few mini icons :D

Their so adorable ^_^
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The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar
Hm. From my searching, there does seem to have been a Magolor thread in the past. http://smashboards.com/threads/the-mage-beyond-popstar-magolor.335674/

Though similar to the Rundas thread, it seems to be closed from further replies..

EVEN despite this, I still feel like we should ask about this, as we wouldn't want to be shut down or anything. Perhaps we could ask a mod about it?

From what I'm guessing, they must have been left over from the days of when Smash wasn't out yet... as it seems to have been from a year ago. Perhaps we could get a revival in order?

Edit: Just look at what this piece of the Character discussion guidelines says:

"You can find your characters support thread by performing a search within this section. Just go up to the search bar found near the Smashboards title and type in your characters name. Remember to also click "Search Titles Only". Please bare in mind that certain character threads were locked after the games release since they were seen as not being justifiable support threads (examples include Dark Samus, Isabelle, and Ridley) as they are already included in the game. This rule is still in effect so do not make a thread for a character whose support thread was previously locked. Instead, bring the issue to the staff and the decision will be made to keep it locked or re-open it. Failing to do and posting it will be an immediate lock and may result in a warning/infraction."

Thats why I'm bringing this up in these couple of threads. If you haven't gotten in touch with a mod on this, we could get shut down. We seriously need to sort it out.. I mean I'm not exactly sure if we're alright or not myself either.. but it would be better safe than sorry

Edit: On a latter note... I shrunk the Magolor art in the OP into a few mini icons :D

Their so adorable ^_^
A'ight. I'll contact a mod about this right away.
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The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar
K guys! Just got news that the OG thread will be reopened to replace this one. I hope Mags will get the support he deserves there. Click the link in Manic Rykker's post to get there. Not sure if and when this one will be closed. Hope to see you all there!
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