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Mac vs. PC


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
It might've been the case at the time, but the cost-to-performance ratio has come down considerably in recent years when dealing with Macs.

@Toon Marth: I used to think the same thing, which was why the first thing I did when I got my Macbook was install Windows. After a few months, it got to the point where I had replaced all of my Windows-only software with Mac-compatible software of equal or superior capabilities, and so I just removed my Windows partition to clean up space. It's an odd transition, particularly for someone like myself that had been using the Windows operating environment for the majority of my life, but it's not an especially hard transition.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Of course Macs are more expensive. All the hardware is proprietary. There's no competition, Apple can charge whatever they want!

A friend's MacBook (which cost over $1500 and is worse in specs than my $800 Dell) doesn't have a VGA output. So he couldn't plug it into any standard monitors or projectors. Of course he bought an adapter from the apple store. It's just a little piece of plastic with some wires, nothing complex about it. $50. Yea.

Everything from Apple just costs a ton. This is no secret.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Mine came free with my MBP, but I guess they don't include those adapters for the new Mini Display Port notebooks? (Which seems especially odd, seeing how virtually no one other than Apple supports DP, and DVI->VGA adapters used to come free.)

But, yeah, of course Apple will mark up accessories and upgrades. You can save yourself a nice chunk of change by just buying them elsewhere.

And not to sound like a fanboy, because there's a lot of stuff about Apple that I don't like, but comparing my tablet PC with Vista to my MBP is like night and day. The tablet functionality is very cool, but the video drivers are seriously broken and crash the system every other day. My MBP isn't perfect (it just crashed earlier today), but it's far more stable. I guess you can't necessarily blame Microsoft for a bad set of drivers (though I can definitely blame ATI and Dell), but it's still a representative experience.

Linux/Ubuntu in particular is getting better, but I know when I actually relied on Linux for day-to-day use, the hardware support was still lacking, and too often did I find myself having to Google things and reach under the hood to get (usually simple) things working properly. I have Ubuntu installed on a VM but I haven't used it much, so I don't know exactly how "fixed" those issues are.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2008
Macs are better than PC's for video editing and PC's are better for gaming.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Lol. I've never been a real big fan of the Mac to be quite honest. I don't know why so many people like it that much. Just to fit in with the "in crowd?"


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
Lol. I've never been a real big fan of the Mac to be quite honest. I don't know why so many people like it that much. Just to fit in with the "in crowd?"
Because for me, I find the OS X operating environment to be simply much more enjoyable. If I'm going to be using the exact same programs as in Windows (Firefox, iTunes, Photoshop), doing the same activities as in Windows, and not playing games, I'd much rather do it in an operating system I prefer working in, on a robust hardware configuration that's never going to bother me with driver problems.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Because for me, I find the OS X operating environment to be simply much more enjoyable. If I'm going to be using the exact same programs as in Windows (Firefox, iTunes, Photoshop), doing the same activities as in Windows, and not playing games, I'd much rather do it in an operating system I prefer working in, on a robust hardware configuration that's never going to bother me with driver problems.
Ah I see. I guess one of the reasons I've never been a big Mac fan is because I grew up with PC and windows. Maybe I don't like big changes.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2008
Macs are nice and sleek, but I was never into their shiny, casual appearance. I'm PC all the way and I love it... especially the customization options and potential.


Smash Cadet
Sep 15, 2008
Athens, Greece
MAC are better than Windows in certain aspects (video and picture editing, safer from viruses, faster, etc.) but if you don't want them for something specific and you are just a regular user, stick to the PC. It'll get the job done and cost much less.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Do you really think that is true? Give me any Mac and I can build a PC for you that is cheaper AND performs better in any benchmark.

My new $800 Dell has better hardware in most respects (not the video card, and slightly less clock speed) than the new $2000+ macbook pro, and even has more stuff like HDMI and VGA output.

Then there's the whole debate about security. First off, saying "Macs are safer from viruses than PC's" fails from making the assumption that somehow having a PC equates to running a Windows operating system. But of course this isn't true. Ubuntu Linux has even fewer reported vulnerabilities than OSX.

Video editing? So apparently you can't use photoshop on a PC? Of course you can. Do video and picture editing people often use macs, yes. Like my uncle. He's a graphics designer in the Virginia area. Why does he use a mac? He's told me: Because he has no idea how to use a computer, and he finds macs easier to use. There's only one button to click rather than a confusing two!

Macs: Computers for people who don't know how to use computers.

What Apple DOES have is great marketing people. They manage to give off this image like there's even any competition. In terms of number of machines running OS's, it's not even close, Mac OS isn't even on the map. They manage to portray some image of "hip young people" use macs!


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Linux > all

My hope, actually, is to have all three running on a circular desk with me at the center. I would just spin my chair the appropriate machine for whatever I need done. That is my dream as a web developer. ^_^


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005

I'm not sure why I'd need those on three separate machines, but sure... :p


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
Farmington Hills, Michigan
Personally I am not fond of Mac's because they are ridiculously over priced... :( but I do still like them, but, there's not much games for them as far as I know!


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2008
Okiedokielookoutta... FOOORE!
Viruses will screw your PC. With all the money you blow on annual fees for security suites (unless youre cheap and like to download useless freebies), the cost of a decent PC will soon add up to the cost of a Mac.

Windows equipped: I CAN but please dont do that to me T_T.
screwed: no

haxors: 231 and counting...beware
viruses: zomg PC bin PWNED by that trojan!....sorry, umm... 35...
Windows Equipped: Yep. Oh, and say good bye to that photo folder of you on top of teh Mount Everest. *delete*
screwed: wouldnt you like to know.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Toon Marth:

First off, don't pretend that there aren't Mac and Linux viruses. You don't know the people that I do. ;) There's just more on Windows. But why is that?

Because nobody uses Macs. Period. Despite what the hip commercials seem to portray, Windows has a stranglehold on the global market share. Then when you count servers and such, *nix machines come in second, THEN macs are somewhere in third.

You see, it's just as easy to write a virus for any of the Operating Systems. It's just a matter of what opcodes to call, etc... There's no bugs being exploited in a virus, it's not something that the OS is doing wrong. I The higher percentage of windows viruses merely means that the VAST majority of machines run windows. Which they do.


I'm no Microsoft fanboy. I use Linux at home and whenever I can. But you have to call a spade a spade. Windows is inferior to Linux for many reasons, but the number of viruses is not one.


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2008
Okiedokielookoutta... FOOORE!
Toon Marth:

First off, don't pretend that there aren't Mac and Linux viruses. You don't know the people that I do. ;) There's just more on Windows. But why is that?

Because nobody uses Macs. Period. Despite what the hip commercials seem to portray, Windows has a stranglehold on the global market share. Then when you count servers and such, *nix machines come in second, THEN macs are somewhere in third.

You see, it's just as easy to write a virus for any of the Operating Systems. It's just a matter of what opcodes to call, etc... There's no bugs being exploited in a virus, it's not something that the OS is doing wrong. I The higher percentage of windows viruses merely means that the VAST majority of machines run windows. Which they do.


I'm no Microsoft fanboy. I use Linux at home and whenever I can. But you have to call a spade a spade. Windows is inferior to Linux for many reasons, but the number of viruses is not one.
ok then. you like linux, ill like Macs, and everybody will continue to dislike Vista :p. I have nothing against linux. Ive never even owned a linux machine! Macs are just easier. And I wasn't saying that there are NO viruses and adware out there for Macs, just a crapload less. I have had two computers where i can no longer connect to the internet due to hackers and viruses. So yeah, viruses is something a person should consider when choosing an OS.


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
^any machine can be a Linux machine^ setting up a dual-boot system is way convenient

I got my computer with windows (thats all it had) and I have installed a Linux OS on it since. I like having the Linux OS on my system: It boots up near instantly, runs smoothly and is great for everyday browsing, E-mail and documentation. I still have Windows on it, mostly for running applications that are made for it and can't be used in Linux (as far as I know). I have nothing against Mac, other that the fact that that they're expensive.

Ideally I'd have a system with Mac, Windows and Linux OS all on one system with a multi-boot loader. Which can happen, It'd allow me to pick and choose which OS I should use at any given time without having multiple computers


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Linux runs soooo fast compared to Windows. When I finally dumped Windows, I was blown away at how quickly Ubuntu booted up. My favorite part is how Ubuntu launches, and the computer stops thinking entirely. In Windows, even after the 8-hour boot, the computer buzzes for a long time launching a bajillion services that are worthless.


What the hell is this thing
Jun 27, 2006
Brooklyn, New York
Linux runs soooo fast compared to Windows. When I finally dumped Windows, I was blown away at how quickly Ubuntu booted up. My favorite part is how Ubuntu launches, and the computer stops thinking entirely. In Windows, even after the 8-hour boot, the computer buzzes for a long time launching a bajillion services that are worthless.
And then, Buzz, what were you able to do on Linux, pray tell.
Have wiggly windows and multiple desktop screens? x]

As far as booting useless services; you're very much able to stop them from booting in windows. Surely going to run and then typing in msconfig and selecting which services you don't need, isn't any harder than using the terminal on linux?



Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
And then, Buzz, what were you able to do on Linux, pray tell.
Have wiggly windows and multiple desktop screens? x]
Absolutely nothing. I just sit and stare at the screen wondering what I can do. T_T J/K

I use Linux full time now. As a hardcore web developer, I have everything I need to work extremely effectively! Dual monitors, open source IDEs, Apache, MySQL database, etc. all make my life easier. Programs rarely crash/freeze (if ever). My experience was Windows was not so grand. Also, Linux workspaces are freaking fabulous: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxldW8ioqq0

As far as gaming goes, sure, Linux struggles in this arena, but it still has come a long way. I play games like Portal just fine. :)


What the hell is this thing
Jun 27, 2006
Brooklyn, New York
Absolutely nothing. I just sit and stare at the screen wondering what I can do. T_T J/K

I use Linux full time now. As a hardcore web developer, I have everything I need to work extremely effectively! Dual monitors, open source IDEs, Apache, MySQL database, etc. all make my life easier. Programs rarely crash/freeze (if ever). My experience was Windows was not so grand. Also, Linux workspaces are freaking fabulous: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxldW8ioqq0

As far as gaming goes, sure, Linux struggles in this arena, but it still has come a long way. I play games like Portal just fine. :)
Hahaha. That's what I did with Linux. Which is why I moved back to my XPsp2. Though, now I'm running on Vista (which isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I used to be completely adverse to Vista until I tried it).

Windoze can do the things that Linux can do, and that OS X can do. The way I see it, it's a good in-between; someone who has spent their days on the Windows OS would probably be just as fine for web developing as he would be on Linux.
I'm a graphic design kinda kid; everyone I know uses OS X. I loathe the system, I feel very restricted with it, to be quite honest. I do everything they can (and better?) just fine with Photoshop and Illustrator right here on my PC.

And then there's games; which PC obviously has over both Linux and OS X.
Personally, it's all about preference. Vista was made to run on Today's computers, which come with 1.5gb RAM and dual-core processors as standard. When XP came out, it was being run on 256mb RAM and 2.0ghz processors. A lot of "common" people have a hard time understanding that. D:
As a gamer myself, I have quite a setup, so Vista isn't a problem.



Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Yo, Buzz: got a question for you.

I'm assuming you use WINE to run games in Linux. Do you happen to know if it supports Left 4 Dead yet? Also, last time I tried to get Steam to work through WINE, everything worked flawlessly EXCEPT the Steam chat, which wouldn't update when the other person typed. It waited for me to resize the window or tell them something. Any of that fixed?
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