Again, why be happy about the delay? You would've had the game for the break anyway, and without the delay you could've already unlocked characters to go online with (or gotten the more annoying ones out of the way).
Before you read the following post, you need to know that I call Spring Break as March Break.
True, I was p****d, and still a little bummed about the wait. But the very instant I saw the delay notice my day just went downhill. So I noticed someone saying that's my March Break! At that point I realized that's when I had my March Break last year. I went to my school board website and checked the date, and March Break was the week Brawl came out. Then my day only got better!
But that random post aside, if we had gotten Brawl when we did, I was only going to fake sick for a day so I could play Brawl, and it would have affected me BIG time, as willing as I was to actually do it. But now I have a whole week of not worrying about homework or studying or feeling guilty, or getting in trouble for faking sick and skipping school. Plus I can pull all-nighters for
sure. Besides, before the delay I was unsure if I should pre-order it because EB Games' date was March, but I was unsure if this was the Canadian date or not so I would have ordered it from an American website instead, if the date wasn't brought down officially beforehand. Now that it's official, I can get it the day everyone else in North America will get it. So the delay was a good thing.
And Brawl does come out after I get my report card, which is the last day before March Break, so the pressure for school should be off and I can play Brawl until the cows come home!