Greetings one and all! By the gracious request of Robertman2, I've decided to join in this lovely conversation about Lucina! <3 But to be perfectly honest, it's not like it was a difficult decision given how much I LOVE Lucina and everything about here lol

Although for some reason I had no idea this thread existed which is a bit strange on my part. Oh well, I'm here now and ready to join in the conversation in regards to all things Lucina!
My first introduction to Fire Emblem: Awakening was also my first introduction to the Fire Emblem series in general. I had heard of it through Smash Bros. and other sources of course but I had never really given the games much attention for some reason or another. Perhaps it was because of they're infamy for being difficult that drove me away and given how I've never played a SRPG before, I wasn't sure I wanted to. However, after hearing glowing reviews, articles and even a trailer about Fire Emblem: Awakening, my interest piqued and I plunged into the world of Fire Emblem: Awakening after hearing of the demo. I instantly fell in love with this game! Never had I been so obsessed or addicted over a demo. It was truly love at first sight! <3
When the full game came out, I instantly downloaded it at midnight in eager anticipation the day it came out. I spent SO many hours playing the game, getting deeply involved with the characters, story, the beautiful musical arrangements, the anime inspired art style, the quirky humour and well written dialogue, along with the deep and engaging gameplay. I've spent over 500 hours playing Fire Emblem: Awakening, my most played game to date and more than likely my favourite game of all time, which is saying a lot given how many video games I've played and enjoyed.
My first marriage or pairing in the game was with Lucina. Out of all the woman that you could choose to marry in the game, she had the most complexity, had gone through the greatest of hardships and had been refined by them as such. She came across as a strong, independent and incredibly beautiful woman, even without showing any noticeable skin like many other of the woman in the game. As a guy, I'm deeply attracted to woman of Lucina's description and from the moment she revealed herself as a woman, I knew I wanted to marry her in the game. If that wasn't enough for me to love her, during the scene when she revealed her true self to Chrom, I wept like a baby seeing her cry so openly after holding back all her feelings. In many ways I could relate myself given the many hardships I too have been in my life, although not as drastic as Lucina's of course. And when Lucina pointed a sword at me after chapter 21 and I was given the choice to surrender my life or say no, I instantly choose to surrender my life for her and Chrom. That was another moment that made me cry given how hard it was for Lucina to feel she had no choice but to kill the husband she loved for the father she loved and cared for. It was a deeply emotional and gut wrenching experience but it again solidified why I loved Lucina as a character.
And after seeing her revealed officially for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS alongside Robin, I couldn't believe my eyes! Two of my most requested characters had become officially playable characters in the game and after playing with them extensively in the full game, they've become my mains and I'm really enjoying they're play style, even if Lucina is a clone of Marth. That honestly never bothered me as I never used Marth in Brawl or Melee unless I had to so her move set seemed fresh because of that. And her alternate skins are PERFECT! I love the choice they made for her costumes and you could tell that Sakurai really loved Fire Emblem: Awakening enough to make her costume colours similar to that of other FE:A characters.
Anyways, sorry for the long introduction but I felt the need to express my story as to why I am here. I'm looking forward to meeting all you fine people and joining in the wondrous conversation about Lucina. I hope I can actively participate in this thread and thank you all to those who read this rather lengthy introduction. ^_^