Smash Ace
As you may or may not know, we have an official Tier List, courtesy of SBR, and I noticed Lucas was pretty low. I decided to look into that a little more, in a post I made. I'll copy pasta the relevant parts here.
I'll not go into detail about how I came across Lucas, but as soon as I did, I fell in love with the little guy. Being a former Pikachu main in Melee, I was used to a quick playstyle. Lucas isn't as quick as Pika, obviously, but he's fast enough for my tastes. Long story short, his playstyle just felt right.
I am disapointed with Lucas' placement in the tier list, but I can see why he's there. He's got the whole grab release thing(**** you Marth, **** you), and his matchups against the higher tiered characters isn't exactly steller. In fact, if weren't for his ATs and upsides, he'd be much lower than he is now, if that sounds possible. GW is a ***** for him to take on, what with his Bair and Bucket, and Marth's Fair and Uber-Godly-Broken-Dancing-Blade are no picnic either. Oh yah, and he has a hard time against MK, but who doesn't? (Admittedly better than most, given he has the greatest number of reliable moves to break the whorenado)
On the flipside, Lucas has good measures for spacing. There's PK Fire, Ftilt, Fair, PK Fire, and his Jab Combo. His lag is pretty low in general, barring a few moves-PK Love and Dsmash come to mind. His combo ability is good enough for me, what with Nairs and Dairs leading into so many options. Love nothing more than to go Nair-Jab Combo-PK Freeze. Freeze hits like, never, but it's a good pressure move and can give the opponent the impression that you're right in their face even if you're on the other side of FD. His jumps are just sex, and PKT2, while gimpable, is a very versitile recovery if you can aim it right. His tether increases his sweetspot range(and doesn't leave you "falling" if you miss, IIRC), and Zap Jump is just insane beyond words.
But while he has a lot of good moves(I mean a lot of good moves), the higher tiered guys also seem to have something better. Ftilt good for spacing? DK and SNAKE say hi. Think your Fair has some really good priority? Marth disagrees. You have a nice Jab combo, really? Ike's has super armor.
Really, the only thing unique to Lucas that he has over the rest of the cast are his diverse specials. You have spacing, controlled projectile/human missile, and absorb projectile that also *****slaps you into oblivion(at 120%+, but still. Nothing's more satisfying than absorbing a fully charged Aura Sphere from a Lucario at 150%, then KOing him into the next country.)
I personally think Lucas can go higher, but if I may be realistic here, my guess is he'll reach Mid tier, tops. Maybe bottom of high tier, if people learn how to abuse his projectiles really well.
I'll not go into detail about how I came across Lucas, but as soon as I did, I fell in love with the little guy. Being a former Pikachu main in Melee, I was used to a quick playstyle. Lucas isn't as quick as Pika, obviously, but he's fast enough for my tastes. Long story short, his playstyle just felt right.
I am disapointed with Lucas' placement in the tier list, but I can see why he's there. He's got the whole grab release thing(**** you Marth, **** you), and his matchups against the higher tiered characters isn't exactly steller. In fact, if weren't for his ATs and upsides, he'd be much lower than he is now, if that sounds possible. GW is a ***** for him to take on, what with his Bair and Bucket, and Marth's Fair and Uber-Godly-Broken-Dancing-Blade are no picnic either. Oh yah, and he has a hard time against MK, but who doesn't? (Admittedly better than most, given he has the greatest number of reliable moves to break the whorenado)
On the flipside, Lucas has good measures for spacing. There's PK Fire, Ftilt, Fair, PK Fire, and his Jab Combo. His lag is pretty low in general, barring a few moves-PK Love and Dsmash come to mind. His combo ability is good enough for me, what with Nairs and Dairs leading into so many options. Love nothing more than to go Nair-Jab Combo-PK Freeze. Freeze hits like, never, but it's a good pressure move and can give the opponent the impression that you're right in their face even if you're on the other side of FD. His jumps are just sex, and PKT2, while gimpable, is a very versitile recovery if you can aim it right. His tether increases his sweetspot range(and doesn't leave you "falling" if you miss, IIRC), and Zap Jump is just insane beyond words.
But while he has a lot of good moves(I mean a lot of good moves), the higher tiered guys also seem to have something better. Ftilt good for spacing? DK and SNAKE say hi. Think your Fair has some really good priority? Marth disagrees. You have a nice Jab combo, really? Ike's has super armor.
Really, the only thing unique to Lucas that he has over the rest of the cast are his diverse specials. You have spacing, controlled projectile/human missile, and absorb projectile that also *****slaps you into oblivion(at 120%+, but still. Nothing's more satisfying than absorbing a fully charged Aura Sphere from a Lucario at 150%, then KOing him into the next country.)
I personally think Lucas can go higher, but if I may be realistic here, my guess is he'll reach Mid tier, tops. Maybe bottom of high tier, if people learn how to abuse his projectiles really well.