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Looking for Florida players


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2009
Daytona Beach, FL
So pretty much... here where I live at (Daytona Beach) we only have like 3 or 4 smashers and 2 of us are actually pretty decent players. The rest of the players are being trained by me and H5G.

I'm looking for people that attend the nearby schools but still play smash. Schools like Embry-Riddle, Daytona State and Bethune Cookman. I heard we have some smashers down here but I''m guessing they're shy.

If you go to any one of these schools or if you play smash and have a way to get to this town, please let us know. Thanks for your time.


Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
You might want to state which games you guys play. Also north of Orlando on the east coast is tough to find smash players. You guys maaay want to consider traveling to Orlando for tournaments. They're having a big event next month actually.

If you maybe want Orlando to travel up here try to work on establishing a regular event in your city to generate interest. I'm sure they'll consider coming then.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2009
Daytona Beach, FL
Sorry for the late replies. I've been busy as of late.

Thanks for answering. We do play melee over here but I think some kids here play brawl (they're not very good though lol) and we've dabbled into the brawl+/-/P:M hacks once or twice lol. We're mainly melee smashers than anything else. I mean, we also play other fighters like SSFIV, MvC3, BB, MB, GG, etc. I am a big Touhou Hisoutensoku fan (and anything Touhou related lol).

D-Torr wassup man. Yeah getting back into smash and I wanna go to tournaments. I've only been to so very little of them but I never placed horribly. I kinda wanna get more acquainted with the community since most of my good friends graduated and I need to make new ones.

Edit: It's possible to travel to Orlando now that I have a car, but I can't say the same for the other smashers. Some of them don't like to leave Daytona or spend gas money to travel outside of Daytona. I'll go down there myself and see if I can't get some people to visit us one day. =]


Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
Ooh okay, for some reason I knew you guys would be Melee lol. Anyway like I said there's a big Melee monthly going on in CFL


check it out maybe?

Edit @ your Edit: Oh I see, hmm well what I would suggest here is start hosting events for your city to start a bigger interest in the game for your players. They'll develop a 'hunger' for more competition sooner or later and would be willing to travel lol. With a regular series of events you'll have CFL traveling up to your guys' place too.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2009
Daytona Beach, FL
That looks incredible. It's probably a good place to meet other smashers, get some friendlies in and make friends.....

Thanks for the link. I'll be sure to try and make it over there. I already have it noted.

In response to your edit: I'll try to see if I can get Embry-Riddle's In the Game club to get sponsorship like back in 2008 (Project Storm). If I can't get ITG to create another tournament, I'll do something within my school (Daytona State) or go to Bethune Cookman and see if I can find some people. It's frustrating that there's like nobody here to play with. I mean, I play and am good friends with Halo5God, but I only met him because he goes to Riddle, even though he lives in Titusville. :/


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
That looks incredible. It's probably a good place to meet other smashers, get some friendlies in and make friends.....

Thanks for the link. I'll be sure to try and make it over there. I already have it noted.

In response to your edit: I'll try to see if I can get Embry-Riddle's In the Game club to get sponsorship like back in 2008 (Project Storm). If I can't get ITG to create another tournament, I'll do something within my school (Daytona State) or go to Bethune Cookman and see if I can find some people. It's frustrating that there's like nobody here to play with. I mean, I play and am good friends with Halo5God, but I only met him because he goes to Riddle, even though he lives in Titusville. :/
Yeah come down to my tourney, it'll be tons of fun. :D


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
I mean, I play and am good friends with Halo5God, but I only met him because he goes to Riddle, even though he lives in Titusville. :/
What the ****kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
HaloGod's still around. Give him a hello for me next time you see him. What's Motar's story?

As far as Daytona Beach is concerned, there is a good opportunity to start a decent scene in the area. If you want to get more smashers in the area, start a school organization for smash. A smash club of any kind is huge for growth. Note: you will be playing brawl sometimes, since most casuals have moved on, but there will be people who LOVE melee who are glad that you still play it because 'brawl sux melee rox.' Starting a club will also give you a place to host regular events, be it weekly smashfests or (bi)monthly tourneys. If you want to have more smashers in your area, this is the number 1 recommended thing I can suggest.

A school like Embry-Riddle should be rich with the type of personalities who would become tournament smashers, having a smash club there would be fantastic.

As far as smashers in your area go, I'm in Orange City, which is only about 35 minutes from Daytona Beach. There is one other guy I know who goes to Stetson in Deland who really likes melee, but he doesn't have advanced techs, and doesn't frequent the boards. I've lived in this area for ~5 of the past 6 years, and will be here for the foreseeable future.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2009
Daytona Beach, FL
^ He goes by Grindfox now lol. I don't know Motar very well so I couldn't tell ya. I only know Grindfox and Nova (but Nova's more into brawl).

I'm working on getting a smash club over at Riddle. There's a gaming club in Daytona State but some of the members are so weird and they creep me out lol. I'd rather avoid talking to them and find more normal people. They're good, but not my cup of tea if you know what I mean. In any case, I'm closer to both presidents of Riddle's clubs. I'd be able to set something up. I don't know how successful it'd be, but I will leave the campaigning and all that jazz up to them if I do give the recommendation. Bi-monthlies sounds great! Most of the students at Riddle don't have cubes/wiis. It's an engineering school so a majority of the students are on that PC joint. If it's not PC, it's 360 or ps3. It's rare finding people interested in smash, but I'm not giving up just yet.

I'll look into speaking with those smashers from the other cities. I wanted to come down for the tourney today and I was practically ready to go right now. I checked my mail and I realized that I need to pay my blasted car insurance. I can probably still go but I won't have the entrance fee pretty much. Can't remember if you need to pay to do friendlies. Probably not but you never know. What do you guys think? Should I still head down there even though I may be tardy?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I don't know where Daytona Beach is. But if it's near Pensacola I'm always down to play.

I play Melee, Starcraft II, SSFIV, Halo, etc.

Lots of other **** but that's the main.
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