I don't think I have any sort of qualifications to critique here, but I've seen you post this site a few times and want to give you a hand because why the hell not.
I think your writing is fine, but it doesn't seem to flow together much at all in a few parts. As in, it seems formulaic and abrupt. Personally I'd put in words at the end of a paragraph to help move to the next topic or put words in the beginning of a new point to let us know that you're moving on. Sounds like English class, I know. But Like in your EBA review in particular, paragraphs 4 and 5 (transition wise) seem really awkward reading for me.
Since we're on the EBA review right now, look at the last paragraph. Do you think you could fit what you're saying there somewhere else? And maybe try making it sound more natural instead of like a thesis statement from a paper. You could probably incorporate things like, "unique game" into the meat of the review by explaining, for example, how the game, along with letting you play catchy music in a challenging way, has both hilarious and heart-wrenching (Christmas episode anyone
) episodes that you can't help but get involved in. I know I purposely failed parts of songs just to see what happened in bad situations, lol.
Also, I know it's probably hard, but it's obvious to me that you like the games you've reviewed so far. Because of this you often don't acknowledge the weak points in the game and instead focus on the good. Or if you do, you don't elaborate much. Again, the EBA review in particular where you say that "there's room for improvement" in the song list. How so? Especially since before that you said that there's a wide range of songs, and qualifying it as ok since the gameplay is good doesn't really have much to do with it, you know?
Last thing: humor. I love good jokes or subliminal humor in a review. I'm not saying you did this, but if you keep on doing it make sure it's in good taste and doesn't detract from the review. I've seen some that seem like they're columns on how many jokes you can make about a bad game in 1000 words. Might just be me but I would prefer reading a review that made sarcastic, biting remarks on a bad game (but still pointing out good stuff!) instead of one that was "Mario lolol wears a fur suit and is a furry."
Try writing a review on a game you're neutral on disappointed in sometime, I'd like to see what you do with it!
If I didn't come across clear on something you can ask and I'll try to explain myself better. And ahhhhhhh haven't typed that much in a good while. Good luck on this man.