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lol, Ike.

Saki Zatoichi

Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Laurel, MD
It was an online match, it's not like I knew he was going to pick Ike.

Anyways, that first Aether was a slip of the finger. Meant to Quick Draw.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
If you can help it, try not to use QD for recovery. Use DI, air-dodge, and Aether to get yourself back onto the stage.

One of Ike's good method of hitting is spot-dodging an attack then using a quick attack (like Jab) right after it. Against another Ike, this is a great way. Against other opponents? Not as effective but still a good method.

When using air attacks, make sure you fastfall back onto the stage. All of Ike's air-attacks except for D-air auto-cancel when back on the ground.

Use F-smash sparingly. In fact, use all your smash attacks sparingly. Use it when the opportunity arises, like against a roll-spammer. Ike's tilts and air attacks do more than enough knockback to kill, especially B-air.

One last thing, the D-throw --> Aether is too easy to DI out of. If you're gonna use D-Throw, use a different follow-up attack.

I think that covers everything.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
Bourbonnais (hour S of Chicago)
It didn't hit your opponent though, and it left you right open for an easy punish. If you're going to use it, mindgame your opponent into thinking you won't use it. Ike is all about reading and punishing, and when I play Ike my eyes are on the opponent, not myself. Also, I use QD randomly to keep my opponent guessing, but I never make it so I rely on QD'ing onto a ledge. It's nice to QD onto a multi-platform level (Yoshi's Island, Lylat cruise, Green Green's, etc) to get away from your opponent and give you some breathing room. There's also that lagless QD -> bair when descending from a platform... I know how to do it, but it's hard for me to explain. Care to do it yourself, Ryko?


Smash Cadet
Aug 28, 2008
Spacing simply cant be stressed enough. On several counts, you got in far too close. Ike has some of the best reach in the game, and if not, THE best. Definitely get pivoting into your game to get spacing down.

And, like several others said, wtf at that aether, man? o_o Try not to let your finger slip like that again.

Havoc Cycle

Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Definitely need to work on spacing as was said before. Try and incoporate a little bit more jabs into your playstyle, *** canceling -> F-tilt works in situation and the appropriate %.

D throw to Aether needs to be done at a percentage between 30-50 to increase the likely hood of hitting. I would say work on your chasing and try using the Nair for your approaches, it's lagless so you can go straight into a grab or jab combo.

Hope that helps =D
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