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Local NM tournament July 28th results/shoutouts


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
The tournament went smoothly and there was a decent tournout. Thanks to everyone who entered and participated. I would also like feedback on how good of a job I did hosting the tournament (so I know how to improve). If all of you feel that I did a good job then I will host future tournaments. BTW everyone, not to hurt anyone's feelings but I sandbagged the whole tournament. Not to say that you guys suck or anything (on the contrary, all of you are the greatest). I intend to win every tournament I attend from this point forward, so watch out.....

Anyway, here are the full results for the Triple Threat Weekend:


1: ABP
2: Alphabravo
3: Sinz
4: Erich
5: Kash
6: Lrin
7: Tw1n
8: Sliraobe God

9: Eric
9: Lewis
9: GoldenGlove
9: ArticDrac
13: Twin A
13: ivylicious
13: Vash
13: Odst
17: Phatkid
17: Suthloco

Bracket image (so you all can see who you lost to and beat):


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
That was fun. I just gotta improcve on some more stuff for next time :D Kash... good job. It was close.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Now I will do shoutouts.....

Tw1n: Fun matches in tournament. Work on making your characters faster.

Lrin: Out of all the people there you have probably improved the most. Not sure if you took my advice from the last tournament but you are definitely more unpredictable. Keep working on it.

ABP: Nice job winning the tournament Chris. I swear when I discover a way around that strategy I'm going to own you with my incredible mindgames.

Twin A: Great seeing you there. It doesn't seem like you did too well but you'll do better next time.

Neil: What is wrong with you Neil. Remember a couple of weeks ago where I told you to use more grabs with Falco? All the matches I saw you play you didn't grab. Good job taking 8th and winning at MGC.

Erich: It seemed that you were off your game, big time. You placed fourth, which isn't as good as the past but you were playing poorly. Next time I expect you to be in full force.

Sinz: Your probably mad at me for not winning the tournament (trust me, the secret will soon be unleashed; I'm saving it) but you did well by taking third place. You also beat Erich, good job. But I must admit that both you and Erich seemed to be playing really poorly.

Kash: Good job beating Everett in the first round Davis. I must admit though, that it was a total shock when I heard that you lost to Lrin. Believe me, I share in your Samus hate. But at least you came back and beat him in the tie breaker to get 5th place.

GoldenGlove: You didn't seem to do to well in the tournament Steven. If you hadn't been up against Chris in the second round then things might have been different. Don't worry, you'll place well next time.

ArcticDrac: You didn't place as well as I was hoping but your still #1 in my book Jason. Anyway, thanks for coming to my tournament and I hope to see you again in the future. Sorry I couldn't talk too much but I was busy yelling at everyone.

Yukitanuki: It was great seeing you again too Michelle. Sorry I couldn't really talk to you; I think I maybe said a total of three words to you, sorry. Hope to see you again.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Overall a very fun tournament. I wasn't doing my best, and for most *cough*Erich and myself*cough* it was a pretty chill tournament. Though, I plan on placing at least third or higher in every Albuquerque tournament henceforth... no joke, so I'll be seeing you in the finals matches, Paul ;).

I guess I'll do shoutouts, but first: I think the tournament was ran superbly, and I'm glad you used Tio, Paul. I think you and Joe are great tournament hosts.


Tw1n: I want to see your Samus get better, man. Mindgames, my friend. Mindgames. Fun games, though. You're great.

Lrin: I can't... ****ing... believe I got knocked out by you (at least out of the winners). Not trying to be rude because I'm not implying you aren't skilled. You have improved greatly. Next time your Samus and SWD won't be so lucky, though.

Twin A: Rawr. That is all.

Just kiddin'. I want your Link to four stock me next time.

Neil: I didn't even see you play any matches, and I played you like, once. Just work on your mindgames as your technical skill is pretty up to snuff.

Erich: I SWEAR TO GOD!!! Now that I know I can Fair combo Marths at 100% I will destroy you! That goes for you, too, Paul! The battle has just begun, lol.

Sinz: Lol.

Alphabravo: I didn't even get to play you once... oh well. *fair combos you*. Nice job running the tournament.

GoldenGlove: Poor Stevie boy. Better luck next time, eh?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2006
Hey hey, my SWDing has nothing to do with luck. I've spent hours of practice learning to get that consistent. Plus, you still placed higher than me, so I don't see the big deal. lol.

-Lrin, Samus Player


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Great job running the tournament. It ran smoother than I thought it would. Also good job on making sure no one messed with the brackets. I just wished everyone brought there A game. With the exception of Lrin improving alot and Alphabravo's "sandbagging" I think everyone could have played a bit better.

Silraobe god, just need more work on some of the basics now. You've got probably the best technical stuff with Falco out of everyone here, now get down the simple stuff. But at least the matches were fun :) can't wait to face you again

Sinz, I understand why you weren't playing at your best. Wen your mind is racing about other stuff its hard to play well. Next time k.

Erich... next time lol.

My brother, Lewis, and myself weren't playing well early on. It wasn't until near the end that we started picking it up. In my first warm up game with sinz he beat the hell out of me lol.

Great job to everyone still tho. And only one thing truly dissapointed me. Lrin. I wanted to face you more than anyone else. A samus ditto fight is in order. And no more SWD shield reflecting lol


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
first off i wanna say that the tourny went really well. good job you guys i was really impressed. oh yeah did anything get stolen this time? i know you guys were talking about something getting taken every tourny? i trust you guys but i kept a close eye on my stuff to say the least lol.

my first shout out actually goes to that 8 year old guitar hero kid. wrong place to put his shout out but if you saw it then you understand :p

Kash: rawr back lol. dont worry i will get better and next time ill play better too. but your doc never fails to impress me.

Erich: as we both said neither of us tried too hard in the tourny but we all know your marth is unstoppable in NM. cant wait to try my luck against you next :D

Neil: matches with oyu are always the best. as my bro said work on the basics (grabbing, different approaches, etc).

Sinz: dont think i played oyu at all did i? oh well maybe next time. and call me, i know you dont play sundays so ill try and keep saturdays open. (same goes fo you neil, call me and we'll meet up)

Tw1n aka david aka my twin aka... you know ill just give you props in person after tackling you too the ground :p

to everyone else. i know i dont know you guys that well but you're all awesome. the tourny was run beautifully and you were all awesome. next time i promise i will be better so my name appears up there :D and again if you guys wanna do any all night smash nights or anything call me and we'll play. besides you never know, it might make NM better as a whole and put us on the smash bros map :D


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Kash: rawr back lol. dont worry i will get better and next time ill play better too. but your doc never fails to impress me.
That comment... makes me happy. You're my new best friend, Kyle ^_^

Erich: as we both said neither of us tried too hard in the tourny but we all know your marth is unstoppable in NM.
'CEPT BY MY DOC! *fair combo*

I can't wait for the next tournament.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
You know what is kinda funny.

Players with the Most Wins
Sinz: 7
ABP: 6
Alphabravo: 6


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
I'm glad everyone thought I ran the tournament well. I'm glad I used Tio too Davis, I tried both tournament maker 2 and tio before the tournament; In my opinion tio is the superior program.

That kind of stuff happens all the time at tournaments Everett; if you wouldn't have lost to Davis then none of that would have happened.
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