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Lloyd Irving for Brawl


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia

Name = Lloyd Irving
Game of Origin = Tales of Symphonia (2004)
Class = Sword Fighter

Walking speed = ****/*****
Running speed = ***/*****
Jump height = */*****
Jump distance = **/*****
Recovery = *****/*****
Attack speed = ****/*****
Attack power = **/*****
Crawl Speed = ***/*****
Weight = ***/*****
Height = ***/*****

Wall Jump = Nope

He will use the swords that are blue and red (forget the name)

Costumes = 1. The main Lloyd costume 2. Blue clothes, black trim 3. Dark green clothes, purple trim 4. Black clothes, white trim 5. White clothes, Pink Trim 6. Orange clothes, pink trim

Ground Moves =

A = Lloyd will swing his left sword very fast in a diagonal upper left to lower right slant and holds it for a couple of seconds(2%)
AA = Lloyd will do the A attack and then swing his right sword very fast in a diagonal upper right to lower left slant and hold it for a couple of seconds (2%)
AAA = Lloyd will do the first two attacks and then slice both swords in an X shape with backhands (3%)
AAAA + = Lloyd will do the X slice and then float a tiny bit in the air and the swords will become blurs as they hit the enemy (3%) every two seconds.
A > = Lloyd Will step forward and slice with one of his swords (12%)
A = Lloyd will swivel around and do one slice, eventually facing the attacked (9%)
A /\ = Lloyd will swing one sword 180 degrees and slam the enemy down (10%)
A \/ = Lloyd crosses the swords and then slashes them out in both directions (18%)
Dash A = Lloyd will jump forward swinging both swords (4% and 10%)

Smash Attacks =

Smash A > = Lloyd will put one foot forward at cross swords, putting the tip of each sword on the opposite shoulder. He will charge and then do Beast. (15% - 25% with heavy knock back)
Smash A \/ = Lloyd will crouch on one knee and charge. He will then back flip into the air and do Rising Falcon (10% - 30% with no knock back)
Smash A /\ = Lloyd will squat down and then charge. He will then do a Hurricane Thrust straight up (5% - 25% and holds the enemy for 3 seconds)

Aerial Attacks =

A in air = Lloyd will spin and do a single Tempest (8% and hits enemy down)
A > in air = Lloyd will reach forward and do a small Tiger Blade (4% and 4% first hit hits enemy up, second hits enemy down)
A in air = Lloyd does a back flip with swords outstretched (5% with no knock back but gains Lloyd a little bit of height)
A /\ in air = Lloyd swings one sword in an arch hitting enemies that are above him (3% with no knock back but no recovery time so it can be stringed into a combo)
A \/ in air = Lloyd dives down with swords extended (16% damage and huge knock back but if Lloyd misses, huge recovery time)

Special Moves =

B = Lloyd does demonic chaos ( 8%, 10% and 15% with very little knock back)
B > = Lloyd does sword rain with one big thrust at the end(1-20% + 10% thrust and big knock back)
B /\ = Lloyd does tempest and has quite a great horizontal and vertical jump making up for his bad normal jumps ( Holds enemy during attack and does 14% damage, if it is done on ground then Lloyd doesn't move away from the spot. Average knock back.)
B \/ = Lloyd does Guardian (Knocks back projectiles with power x2 and knocks back enemies a lot but with no damage)

Throws =

Z = Lloyd grabs enemy and hods them by the throat
A with grabbed enemy = Lloyd smacks enemy with the handle of the sword on his other hand (3% damage)
> throw = Lloyd makes a small shock wave and the enemy goes flying forward quite far (10% damage)
throw = Lloyd throws the enemy back and then swings sword back over his head, sending the enemy flying (8% damage)
/\ throw = Lloyd drops the enemy but he cant move, and crosses and uncrosses his sword, sending the enemy up (12% damage)

Super Smash =

Lloyd flies to the middle of the screen. He will then get his angel wings and bright light will close in on him and then explode out, heavily damaging all enemies. (40% to all enemies)

Dodges and Shields =

L or R in air = Lloyd jumps back with swords crossed

L or R on ground = Same as normal shields

Other =

Taunt = Lloyd crosses the swords and then slides them across each other while saying "Piece of Cake"
Victory Animations = Lloyd will swing his swords and then hang in the air while saying "See what happens when you ask for my name???" and his other one is him jumping 45 degrees and looks at the screen smirking while saying, "Inferior Beings, eh?"

Private Zulen

Smash Apprentice
Jun 6, 2007
I'm more for Kratos, myself (even though he's like... a father of 17 at age 30), simply because Lloyd's American craptastic "Teen Titan's... GO!!" voice pissed me off so much. It could work, though, I suppose. That Final Smash attack of yours seems pretty bad ***.

But... why no wall jump? ;-; He's made jumps in the game where I've literally fallen off my seat laughing at the sheer impossibility of them.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2007
He should use like Holy Song or Judgement on them. That would be killer pwnage. His wings are ugly though in the end of the game. They're like 40 feet long. :p

I think the swords are called the eternal swords. I think.....

He should wield the Valkyrie Saber. Or the Paper Fan you get from Luin.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2007
You've been playing too much Super Smash Flash haven't you, heh? Your dedication to make a moveset makes the character an interesting idea, but I was never a fan of the subject material... gg. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2007
Wow, I seiriously wish they put Lloyd Irving in Brawl now. I'm not even being sarcastic. He sounds like he'd be so much fun, especially with two swords, plus I think his attack speed should be max, and his running speed max.


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
His jump would be really good, cause in tales when you jumped with him it was like 5 times his height.. but you don't want to make some third party character too good cause then people won't like him. And making a whole moveset? I'm sure nintendo is looking at this thread for help or something. . but lloyd is crazy for real. One of his b moves should be raging beast, that was my fav. tech of his.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2007
Longmont, CO
I would really like to have Lloyd in it also, anyone who has played ToS would want him in.

actually, Zelos/Kratos, Sheena, Precilla or really any 1 from ToS would be awsome additions in Brawl.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Just to through this out there, "I don't like Tales of Symphonia"

Lloyd could be a awesome character.
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