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Links ultimate counter characters


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
before i get started I've only been to 2 tournies so i have no idea who ***** Link but from what i gathered I'm pretty sure the first character is gonna be his ultimate counter forever

Links worst match up is vs D3 I'm about 95% sure this is correct, reasons why.

well at the tourny i was playinn some D3 in friendlies and he was pretty decent so i ran in and attack like normal well once i got off the stage i was ****ed everytime back air combined with fast falling creates a wall that Link can not get past at all. so i figure ok i juzt won't get knocked off not to much of a problem, well if i approach him at all i get chain grabbed off the stage and gay edge guarded, and this tactic can work any time from 0%-999% this is so gay i think, it's about as bad as sheik in melee and thats super depressing. I would like to know whaty you guyz think but I'm pretty sure D3 is Links ultimate counter

next on the list I'm not exactly sure but I'm pretty sure it would be like Kirby or metaknight i dunno who's in front of who, but i'll start off explaining why i think kirby ***** Link.
down air. when Links off the stage and kirby down airs link is ****ed completely. kirby can combo well, and edge guard super ****ing well and to link thats very bad. other then that he's not to bad just down air and he's short which makes him auto dodge all projectiles which is ****in stupid. same applies to metaknight really, super broken edge guard tasctics and short, the only diff in kirby and metaknight is metaknight is just ****in amazing in general so i dunno kirbys down air gave me more trouble then any metaknight thereO(I actually beat one of the really good metaknights, but got rsaped by kirbys)

after thats theres not anyone Links is completely ****ed over by I mean Falco and Snake are pretty bad I consider Falco worse then snake though cause falco can hit you while your off the stage while snake can't that well. pluys falco has a gayt combo(you know what it is)

other character I'm nto to sure about cause i have played that many people, maybe ROB should be up there i got ****ed up by some ROBs but i almost took out the best ROB at the last tourny i went too(he got 3rd) but yeah I'm only pretty sure about the D3 comment he's just to ****ing good

Deleted member

only character i disagree with on this list is d3. in all the matches i've fought, d3 is even slower than link, his spam game really ISNT better than link's (yea i said it) , and the zair stops all approaches that d3 has. D3 hasn't been a problem at all for me (as in 2 or 3 stocks). the only way D3 is good at all is if he counter picks u on delfino plaza and even then the walls there are active for like 30 seconds at most. D3's kill moves are pretty garbage and easy to shield too. i have no idea where everybody got the idea that D3 is one of the best in the game, but he really isn't.

kirby, snake, falco, and MK are all true link counters and nobody has REAL proof that they aren't

Kirby: bair dair, fsmash, up tilt, really? all these moves will gimp you so hard its not even funny
my brother plays one really mean kirby and i think i've beat him with link maybe 10 times out of the hundreds of matches we've played

MK: mk is a counter to everyone lol...

Falco: jesus christ the lasers @_@, who in their right mind would allow falco to shdl? really? plus chain grabs? wtf falco is my choice for second hardest match

Snake: WHY WONT HE DIE!?!?! p.s. ftilts are ghey

but yea trevyn this list is probably Brawl Link's true counter picks


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
good input

I dunno the only reason i see why you disagree with my on the link vs d3 is cause it doesn't sound like you've played a DECENT D3(I could be wrong and willing to except that), but D3 is just way to good vs Link one it's not like it's hard for him to move in on Link lets be honest hookshot is great but it's not gonna keep someone out forever, the bombs go throguh his little minions so i'd say link can out spam him better but Links spam isn't the ultimate straighty you kinda make it sound like it's impossiable for D3 to get in, and I'm saying thats all he needs one good get in and grab your off the stage at D3s will to back air fast fall making a wall that Link can't get past going under is ok but toad stool jumping is so easy to do on link they do it on accident most of the time it's effin gay. thats all you need to beat Link in this match up thats not even talkin about everything else he can do just those to moves alone are enough. I don't see how you don't understand it unless you have played a decent d3, the only way i could ever approach him is if i had a bomb in hand and hookshot the **** outa him, but eventually he's gonna get through, plus bombs and hookshots aren't gonna kill him lets be honest.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2008
I also disagree with D3. Link's projectiles are just a bit better spam wise. He is able to gimp pretty easily though. Its a tough match, but nowhere near the level of other counterpicks.

Haven't played a decent falco.

Kirby is an agreed ****.
So is MK.
There are a lot of people to seem to be not as bad against snake.

Deleted member

trevyn i do see how you think d3 is a good counter pick, and i have been walled by D3 all too many times, but 80% of the time DI will help you recover enough so then d3 cant even wall you

look at his kill moves

up tilt
up smash (somewhat)
down smash
down B

4/6 of his kill moves kill vertically, and the only horizontal kill moves are super easy to DI

i often find that i get knocked offscreen at high percentages before i get a chance to get walled or footstooled

I do play D3 somewhat (if im good or not is controversial :D) but i know d3 enough to know that he can be a threat to link, but link's nat attacks give link the edge most of the time

this is just my opinion, which probably doesnt mean anything to the great trevyn @_@ lol


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
ok his projectiles are better therefore you say he is better? projectiles can't determine who is better cause your saying link is better then metaknight cause his projectiles are better yes? no thats doesn't define better, sure it has a impact but it can't say he is better cause of that.

the 2 moves i said with D3 are good enough to **** Link, you make it sound like Link projectiles are gonna make him unreachable to D3 they can hold him off for a bit but one good grab is enough for D3 to finish Link off, correct? if you don't believe that you have no played a decent D3


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
arkive you also forgot to mention down tilt as well as dash attack f air too, those moves hit link off the stage where D3 is in charge the whole time off the stage once link is off the stage it's over for that stock and all D3 has to do is sheild grab link how easy is that, compared to how easy it is for link to keep him away? all D3 literally needs is one grab at ANY percent to have a potentail stock on link how does link have a advantage over that?

Deleted member

link has an advantage over that because link has great spacing techniques (spam game, fair, zair), of course you will slip up once and maybe be chain grabbed (nobody is perfect) but NO stage is long enough to have more than 50% done to you

Link can easily rack up massive damage to any of the bigger characters by aerials alone, not to mention that jab locking our friendly penguin is super easy so a few seconds should allow us to settle that 50% margin that was created by the o so skillfull down throw


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2008
ok his projectiles are better therefore you say he is better? projectiles can't determine who is better cause your saying link is better then metaknight cause his projectiles are better yes? no thats doesn't define better, sure it has a impact but it can't say he is better cause of that.

the 2 moves i said with D3 are good enough to **** Link, you make it sound like Link projectiles are gonna make him unreachable to D3 they can hold him off for a bit but one good grab is enough for D3 to finish Link off, correct? if you don't believe that you have no played a decent D3
The point of my post was that D3 isn't as threatening as a counterpick as the others listed. Everytime Link get knocked off, he always had the weakness of being gimped against a buttload of characters. Especially the ones I listed. Being d thrown off the edge, shouldnt you still have your second jump?

Deleted member

The point of my post was that D3 isn't as threatening as a counterpick as the others listed...
pretty much what i'm shooting for too, D3 of course is a challenging match, but then again you have to remember you are playing as link lol...

*cries self to sleep*

stupid sakurai >_<


Smash Rookie
Mar 19, 2008
I will start out by saying that I haven't played any tournaments... as lowly as that makes my experience =( , but that I have played some, at least, decent smashers.

Ok, I'm hesitant to agree with you on D3. He has a decent spam, but so far i've been able to avoid it decently enough to make them change tactics enough for me to slip in. He can not get by your porjectiles for crap if you play it right, and even if he does, its an easy hit due to his slowness by the time he gets to you. (if he goes for a grab, sidestep, jump away do wut ever you have too)

Meta knight- good luck, I can usually make it a good match if I play against MK, It's difficult for me to win though, however close I get.

Falco- I can usually make it closer than meta knight, though I'm usuallly even matched with all of the good falcos i've played

Kirby- I haven't played any good kirbies but you're probably right based on everything i've seen of him


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
alright you guyz I really don't know how you see it my way, i am very baffeled this is exactly how melee was when i said Fox was Links ultimate counter in the very begining of melee and everyone disagreed with me and i ended up being right in the end, I'm still very confident i will be right again when D3s become better you guys will start to agree with me, the other characters i mentioned are very good vs link but i think in the end D3 willbe his biggest counter


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2008
alright you guyz I really don't know how you see it my way, i am very baffeled this is exactly how melee was when i said Fox was Links ultimate counter in the very begining of melee and everyone disagreed with me and i ended up being right in the end, I'm still very confident i will be right again when D3s become better you guys will start to agree with me, the other characters i mentioned are very good vs link but i think in the end D3 willbe his biggest counter
The thing is shouldn't Falco have the same ability? Chaingrab to edge and bair edgeguard? Albeit he won't quite have that wall with the fast fall, he could also use his reflector, which completely stops momentum. Completely ****** Link, which is dumb.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2007
San Francisco, CA
alright you guyz I really don't know how you see it my way, i am very baffeled this is exactly how melee was when i said Fox was Links ultimate counter in the very begining of melee and everyone disagreed with me and i ended up being right in the end, I'm still very confident i will be right again when D3s become better you guys will start to agree with me, the other characters i mentioned are very good vs link but i think in the end D3 willbe his biggest counter
I'm going to sell this on ebay once Trevyn is famous.

We need more threads like this btw.


Smash Rookie
Jun 18, 2008
from my experience, wolf is a good opponent for link, jiggly i kind of disagree as link can kill jiggly effortlessly, falco has that spinning attack of terror in the air!, fox yes has the gay laser and the fast smashes so ill put him on the list of dangers to link, wario manhandles link most of the time and donkey long now beats link, snake has a fast fall like link but i havent really tried fighting snake with link very much, ill get back to you on that

edgeguarding is a ponitless and cheap tactic and is one i do not ever use, when i play as link i allow my opponent to recover and then fight them fairly.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
well the diff with falco is falco can only chain grab up to 40% after that your fine so i really don't mind it to much where as D3 it's over when he grabs you at any percent, plus falco won't alwayz get you off the stage where D3 is going to. i don't mind if yaw diagree with me I'm just pretty sure within 2 years when we discover most of brawl it willl be D3 who counters link as bad as sheik in melee

Deleted member

edgeguarding is a ponitless and cheap tactic and is one i do not ever use, when i play as link i allow my opponent to recover and then fight them fairly.
leave now

crawl back into the scrub forums in which you came

Metro Knight

Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2008
pretty much what i'm shooting for too, D3 of course is a challenging match, but then again you have to remember you are playing as link lol...

*cries self to sleep*

stupid sakurai >_<
lol, i wonder how they balanced this game, like sometimes i think they decided that items should be apart of the balance based on how far people can throw things, but than the smash balls and throwing doesn't even seem balanced.... ah well ;p


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Spokane, Wa
Yeah, I'm not seeing the whole D3 thing. I haven't faced this player in tournament yet, but I've beaten the best DDD in Washington in friendlies and he's considered for top 3 on the PR. I mean, you are DIing, right? I've never been in a situation where the bairs just ***** me off the stage. after the DI, I don't even need to go for the ledge, and if I do, you can air dodge the bairs before they even start. From the CG, you can up-b before the he turns for the bairs, trust me, he tried it, lol. Either for the sweet spot or to hit him before the bairs. And honestly on stage Link easily controls the match. Link can out spam him, meaning DDD has to approach Link, and from there, since DDD is slow as hell, you can out space him easier than pretty much any other character in the game.

Also, I pretty much ***** T!mmy's kirby in crews. Isn't he like the best Kirby right now or something? IDK, but again, as long as you're DIing, I don't see how this could ever present a problem. His combos on stage are annoying, but only rack up to like 20% and then he's usesless. he's really easy to space with spam and jabs. He's kinda slow too.

For counters, I'd say Snake, MK, and Falco. Don't know the order just yet. I have'nt actually lost to an MK or a Falco yet, but I can just tell from the matchups that Link would have the most trouble with them.

Deleted member

Yeah, I'm not seeing the whole D3 thing. I haven't faced this player in tournament yet, but I've beaten the best DDD in Washington in friendlies and he's considered for top 3 on the PR. I mean, you are DIing, right? I've never been in a situation where the bairs just ***** me off the stage. after the DI, I don't even need to go for the ledge, and if I do, you can air dodge the bairs before they even start. From the CG, you can up-b before the he turns for the bairs, trust me, he tried it, lol. Either for the sweet spot or to hit him before the bairs. And honestly on stage Link easily controls the match. Link can out spam him, meaning DDD has to approach Link, and from there, since DDD is slow as hell, you can out space him easier than pretty much any other character in the game.

Also, I pretty much ***** T!mmy's kirby in crews. Isn't he like the best Kirby right now or something? IDK, but again, as long as you're DIing, I don't see how this could ever present a problem. His combos on stage are annoying, but only rack up to like 20% and then he's usesless. he's really easy to space with spam and jabs. He's kinda slow too.

For counters, I'd say Snake, MK, and Falco. Don't know the order just yet. I have'nt actually lost to an MK or a Falco yet, but I can just tell from the matchups that Link would have the most trouble with them.
of course this seems like a noob comment im about to make but T!mmy's kirby does not look like the best kirby so far, a lot of other players play a lot faster and can 0-40% combo you like none other plus dont forget the bair to dair edge guard technique

i really think kirby is one of link's worst matchups, but ur Deva and you are an exception to the rules lol


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Spokane, Wa
yeah, IDK how good T!mmy's Kirby actually is. I just assumed he was pretty good since I tend to hear about his Kirby pretty often on the forums. I mean, even if it's not the best, it is pretty good. Honestly, I just don't see it though. He can get a quick 20-40% on you, but then he can't really do anything. I mean, spam and jabs. It's really difficult for Kirby to hit you, and after his combo, the hits after than seem to amount to very little. Maybe it's just me, but off the stage Kirby just seems like anyone else. As long as you DI, you'll rarely be in situations where kirby can get the dair off. I only remember being edgeguarded by Dair once, and I was in my kill zone anyways, so meh.

lmao, if I was an exception to the rules, I'd be beating Snake's more often. It's just a really annoying matchup IMO. you both spam, space, and live forever. Only difference is Snake tends to space a lil better, and live a lil longer, with better kill moves. I wouldn't really call him Link's worst matchup, but it's just a really long and boring match that draws out and you're always at enough of a disadvantage where you tend to run out of stamina before you can make a comeback. Not always, but Snake definately poses a problem in that regard.
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