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Link Stage Counterpicks?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2007
I'm trying to think of some good ones that would help his recovery. Does anyone have any good ones they can share?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 26, 2008
Confirmed, sending Magikarp. (Killingworth, CT)
Smashville, because the platform. But Yoshi's island takes the prize here, the little platform that pops up is very helpful, and if you double jump, and don't FF your D-air, you can pogo off of a shy guy and get no landing lag on it. The problem with Yoshi's island is that it's small, so it's a bit harder to camp on it, and the platform can reduce the effectiveness of your bombs. Final Destination is good, even though it has no aid to Link's recovery, it's pretty big, so you can camp fairly easily.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
I use this with Toon Link and Pit: Pirate ship. Cause they cant gimp your recovery so if I use link this stage would make him last longer.


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2008
I kind of like Lylat when it tilts but it only helps a little recovery wise


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2007
San Francisco, CA
I kind of like Lylat when it tilts but it only helps a little recovery wise
I tend to find lylat to be quite annoying. The ledges moving up and down make it an inconsistent recovery level... I would probably only counter pick this against ness or lucas... even then...

Deleted member

rainbow cruise, link exceeds everybody in the game when it comes to stage control

plus it makes everybody just as fast as you, now who's too slow sonic?


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
rainbow cruise, link exceeds everybody in the game when it comes to stage control

plus it makes everybody just as fast as you, now who's too slow sonic?
really even snake??

Some of these stages are great but unfortunalty are banned from tourney play

Ex. Pirate Ship
Rainbow Cruise

If your ever allowed to pick a stage that is a walkoff it can help..(unless you play iceclimbers or DDD) as you don't need to recover.

Bridge of Elden

If Norfair ever becomes conterpickable that will be good because you have multiple ledges to recover on. Fire can help you recover. And you can somewhat camp.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Shadow moses island

But it can also be counter pick against you. Dont fight a Falco or Dedede for example.

But yea. Characters like Meta knight, Kirby, Fox all get ***** in shadow moses island.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2007
Shadow moses is banned.

But yeah, I was thinking smashville and yoshi's island were good among the neutral stages, but i never thought of onett, and that could be a good one. But i think that one might be banned too.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
I agree with Smashville, and I always love being saved by that surprise platform on Yoshi's Island..

Thank you for making this thread, it's nice to see a useful thread amongst all the "omg new link tech" threads.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Shadow Moses is banned because of permanent Wall. , I didnt know Pirate ship was banned in USA. Anyway I would Pick Pirate Ship then Yoshi Island


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
yaw n!ggaz is all crazy it's all about halberd I feel like i have a guaranteed win on that stage nowadayz the middle of the bottom of the stage is **** for link, you can uo smash anything they try to come above and hookshot them comin at you and the stage is to small to camp on it's just **** for link i feel low cieling real low down air is good as well it's all about halberd lol

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
yaw n!ggaz is all crazy it's all about halberd I feel like i have a guaranteed win on that stage nowadayz the middle of the bottom of the stage is **** for link, you can uo smash anything they try to come above and hookshot them comin at you and the stage is to small to camp on it's just **** for link i feel low cieling real low down air is good as well it's all about halberd lol
Pretty good. jajaja try that with a pro player that knows how to gimp link recovery. I doubt you would last long. Then again you can prove me wrong who knows. I still think Pirate ship, Yoshis Island and last Battle field because of platforms and good edge game.

Worst stages would be: Halbelrd, Lylat cruise and stages without egdes.

PS: I still dont know about Rainbow Cruise. never really tried it but it seems like a good Idea.

Deleted member

Pretty good. jajaja try that with a pro player that knows how to gimp link recovery. I doubt you would last long. Then again you can prove me wrong who knows. I still think Pirate ship, Yoshis Island and last Battle field because of platforms and good edge game.

Worst stages would be: Halbelrd, Lylat cruise and stages without egdes.

PS: I still dont know about Rainbow Cruise. never really tried it but it seems like a good Idea.
lol @ ignorance

Thot = Trevyn
Trevyn = Best Link in Melee

to prove you wrong even more, he plays Forward and wins.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
you know I'm not into flaming or dont want to say anything against someone I dont know cuz I like to talk with proof and reason. If he is who I think he is I saw a vid of hm against foward and I aint impressed. And foward was playing like ****. (brawl) in melee he was really good. But maybe he got better (Trevyn). Now I dont see why Im ignorant by expressing my opinion and debating something. Do I have to be known to make valuable points and not be ignorant? cause if that is true then you are the ignorant my friend.

Anyway That still my opinion about the stages counterpicks until proven wrong.

And how does beating Someone proves a point. It only proves that you can beat him and that you play good but it doesnt say wich stage is correct. It gives you credibility but its not enough to prove a ponit( depending on the case). I know how to gimp Link recovery and in those stages they get masacred. And Im talking friends that at least know how to pull of everything Izaw put in that vid and devoted to link. and that is how they feel.

PS: if anyone has a strategy about link on rainbow cruise please share, I think I got the right Idea but still I dont feel secure in that stage. Ill keep testing that stage.

Deleted member

Pretty good. jajaja try that with a pro player that knows how to gimp link recovery. I doubt you would last long.
this quote right here is why i called you ignorant, he does play against pro players that do know how to gimp links recovery, those matches you saw of him were from the first week of him playing brawl i do believe. i dont care if you take these remarks as flames do what you will

And how does beating Someone proves a point. It only proves that you can beat him and that you play good but it doesnt say wich stage is correct. It gives you credibility but its not enough to prove a ponit( depending on the case). I know how to gimp Link recovery and in those stages they get masacred. And Im talking friends that at least know how to pull of everything Izaw put in that vid and devoted to link. and that is how they feel.
Beating someone doesnt mean a lot unless the person you are fighting has tournament experience. in the case i brought up thot and forward both have massive amounts of tourney experience, thus giving their opinions greater reliability because knowledge of cp's and other things like that.

now onto RC

rainbow cruise is great for link because of the reasons i stated earlier, and the fact that setting up jab locks is way way easier when you have a wall to help you out. if you ftilt somebody and they dont tech off the wall on the boat that is a great chance for you to get a free jab lock in, i used that strategy in the jccc tournament against a sonic. Not to mention that there is a wall later in the stage.

RC is also amazing for link because of the chances of getting low % kills. since the ceiling and sides are so close, its easy for link to gimp other character's recovery with his items and nairs (not snake though lol...)

if you're still feeling uneasy about RC then go to training mode and learn exactly what platforms you can fall through, the timing of the appearance of the platforms, and how to control all of the platforms through your items. it shouldnt take that long

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Yeah I've been practicing with Linkin RC and felt comfortable with it. So now there are 3 stages to use for counter pick. I still have to see Hlaberd I dont have faith in that stage but Ill w8 until I see either trevyn or some other Link pro using that stage.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
I still say Onnet is the best.

It is a walkoff stage but there are walls so you can't unnecessarily be chaingrabed off.
Plus you don't have to recover.

RC is good because it gives links recovery more options. Just be careful in the air as the platforms do move and last thing you want to do is kill yourself because the swinging platform swung away from you.


Smash Cadet
Oct 7, 2007
I still say Onnet is the best.

It is a walkoff stage but there are walls so you can't unnecessarily be chaingrabed off.
Plus you don't have to recover.

RC is good because it gives links recovery more options. Just be careful in the air as the platforms do move and last thing you want to do is kill yourself because the swinging platform swung away from you.
RC is my best level with link. I never have to worry about suicide because I always keep my opponent on his heels with an nisane barage of projectiles, I control where the fight moves.
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