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Social Link checked the thread. Wow! This is a nice thread!


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I played some ssb4 wifi and my Link's still pretty good after all this time :) In LoZ BotW I have 3 more shrines to find. Getting bored of DS3. I wish the PS+ online service was free like Nintendo's.

Edit, I'm p***ed off about this. Anyone watch Games Done Quick? A youtuber named Appolo Legend made a video which was largely inaccurate slander about them:
Here's my comment on exactly why the video was deceiving and wrong:

There's a lot wrong with this video. 1:05, more accurately "your money", as in from fundraising events, was $3,445,376 as detailed on page 10.
So it's not like donation money was going directly into salaries. And the 3 executives worked 65, 65 and 40 hours a week as shown on pages 8 and 9.
0:57 so what, is domestic charity bad? The events take place in the USA and research eventually helps everyone.
1:37 read pg11 for the exact expenses. You make it sound like they're just handing money to volunteers and completely ignore things lie travel, catering, software support etc.
2:24 Nice little annotation at the top where it's hard to see saying you were wrong about this. Here's a link to John's 2017 run:

Pass it on.
It's a shame great charities like GDQ get s*** from people who can't read more than the first page of a tax forum!
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I hadn't gotten that many notifications since I stopped posting on the SSB4 Zelda social.
I never understood the love behind Sidon.

I mean he is a pretty alright bloke and all but nothing too special

^Thank you! TBH no BotW character was fantastic :/

I'm cat sitting for my mom and it's hot as heck in her upstairs rooms. It's really boring.

Edit, back at my house. I did all the horse jumping and archery in other LoZs but screw that stuff in BotW. I hate how horses control in this game and bow range was heavily nerfed. I understand why they made these changes but it makes horseback minigames a living hell.
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The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
I hadn't gotten that many notifications since I stopped posting on the SSB4 Zelda social.

^Thank you! TBH no BotW character was fantastic :/
I mean, Zelda herself was pretty freaking awesome in this game. I'd say this is my favourite version of her right next to Skyward Sword

Oh and Urbosa. I liked her spunk :3

The King was a straigh up **** tho

Edit, back at my house. I did all the horse jumping and archery in other LoZs but screw that stuff in BotW. I hate how horses control in this game and bow range was heavily nerfed. I understand why they made these changes but it makes horseback minigames a living hell.
I actually really enjoy the way horse control in this game. Like i just went back to Majora's Mask for a bit and tired riding Epona and my gods, I missed the auto movement of the horses so much. It just makes things so much easier and relaxful

As for the Bows... eh i'm on the fence. I mean i enjoy having to actually think about my shots and the arcs of them rather then just point in the direction and shoot. But at the same time the bows never felt like the went the distances that they should.
One thing that did annoy though that was even if you were locked onto a target, you still could (or in some cases have to) aim the bow rather than have the bow be aimed for you. I mean it's not significant but it did make some fights really annoying



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I mean, Zelda herself was pretty freaking awesome in this game. I'd say this is my favourite version of her right next to Skyward Sword

Oh and Urbosa. I liked her spunk :3

The King was a straigh up **** tho

I actually really enjoy the way horse control in this game. Like i just went back to Majora's Mask for a bit and tired riding Epona and my gods, I missed the auto movement of the horses so much. It just makes things so much easier and relaxful

As for the Bows... eh i'm on the fence. I mean i enjoy having to actually think about my shots and the arcs of them rather then just point in the direction and shoot. But at the same time the bows never felt like the went the distances that they should.
One thing that did annoy though that was even if you were locked onto a target, you still could (or in some cases have to) aim the bow rather than have the bow be aimed for you. I mean it's not significant but it did make some fights really annoying

I liked Urbosa. She had one of the few actors who 'sold' the role to me.

I didn't like BotW Zelda but I think a lot of it was a case of the voice actress not having proper presence. She wasn't bad but not good either. IDK if you've seen these movies but, it's like Brendan Fraser in 'The Mummy'; he acted fine but couldn't sell the role of a bad*** action hero. He was perfect in George of the Jungle and good in Bedazzeled but didn't have the authority for the serious hero part. As a counter example look at Viggo Mortensen who played Aragorn in Lord of the Rings; he walks in the room and you're like 'yep, this guy is the bad*** ranger'.
She didn't feel like Zelda either. I'll expand on that later.

On the other hand I think the guy who voiced Revelie the bird was perfect but who cares? Revelie is a p****. I had no emotional investment in rescuing him; it was strictly business. Even Falco has the 'rogue/rival' kind of d***ishness to him. Revelie was the snob in high school who you had to do a history project with and never talked to again.

I can't remember the Goron champion's name but he just felt like 'discount Darunia' from OoT. His decendent felt one dimensional.

Mipha had a similar problem as Zelda; I just couldn't 'buy' the performance. There was the whole romance thing going on but it felt completely one sided and shoved down my throat. It basically was 'see this 3 minute cutscene? This is romantic tension. We're telling you there was romantic tension and you should care for some reason'. Without it feeling natural or giving me enough time to give a damn that Mipha existed. Also I got a little Sonic 2006 vibe.

That actually was a problem with all the 'main' protagonists; it was all telling with no showing and no interaction. It's like reading about George Washington in a history book: 'see this man was the first president- remember that, it's important'. Nothing's presented naturally and there's almost no character development, or room for it.

It would have been better without voiced dialog :/

Zelda, ironically, is rarely fleshed out as a character in the LoZ games. Half the games interject Zelda's name in the first act so the titles make a grain of sense even though she has no role in the story.
When her character has significance, she plays minor roles but in most games she feel like the same Zelda, as does Link (except for the Toon versions branching off but that's another topic). In general she seemed to be modeled after the OoT/MM Zelda. She was a princess but gossiped to be a tomboy and shown to be very independent, intuitive and sometimes sneaky. Minish Cap Zelda really was OoT kid Zelda. In WW she basically was the same Zelda reincarnated in the future with a less formal upbringing. In TP she played the role of a disgraced, dethroned monarch in mourning but this was situational so we only see brief glimpses of her personality. She's shown personally holding a sword so it's not out of the question that she's the same Zelda as previous games with a darker past. Skyward Sword Zelda also fits this character.

BotW Zelda wasn't the Zelda I came to know and love. Call it nostalgia but I couldn't accept her as Zelda.

Horse riding leisurely was fun but trying to precisely control them for jumps was a huge pain. There's a guy at a south-central stable who sets up a fence jumping game. Somewhere west of that there's a horseback archery game NPC.
Arrows would be stupidly OP if they had good range. It sucks they fall short but I see why they have to. TP had the best arrows of any LoZ; I could shoot the eye out of a vulture from 500 meters, maybe.
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The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
I liked Urbosa. She had one of the few actors who 'sold' the role to me.

I didn't like BotW Zelda but I think a lot of it was a case of the voice actress not having proper presence. She wasn't bad but not good either. IDK if you've seen these movies but, it's like Brendan Fraser in 'The Mummy'; he acted fine but couldn't sell the role of a bad*** action hero. He was perfect in George of the Jungle and good in Bedazzeled but didn't have the authority for the serious hero part. As a counter example look at Viggo Mortensen who played Aragorn in Lord of the Rings; he walks in the room and you're like 'yep, this guy is the bad*** ranger'.
She didn't feel like Zelda either. I'll expand on that later.

On the other hand I think the guy who voiced Revelie the bird was perfect but who cares? Revelie is a p****. I had no emotional investment in rescuing him; it was strictly business. Even Falco has the 'rogue/rival' kind of d***ishness to him. Revelie was the snob in high school who you had to do a history project with and never talked to again.

I can't remember the Goron champion's name but he just felt like 'discount Darunia' from OoT. His decendent felt one dimensional.

Mipha had a similar problem as Zelda; I just couldn't 'buy' the performance. There was the whole romance thing going on but it felt completely one sided and shoved down my throat. It basically was 'see this 3 minute cutscene? This is romantic tension. We're telling you there was romantic tension and you should care for some reason'. Without it feeling natural or giving me enough time to give a damn that Mipha existed. Also I got a little Sonic 2006 vibe.

That actually was a problem with all the 'main' protagonists; it was all telling with no showing and no interaction. It's like reading about George Washington in a history book: 'see this man was the first president- remember that, it's important'. Nothing's presented naturally and there's almost no character development, or room for it.

It would have been better without voiced dialog :/
I actually really liked Zelda's voice actor. She plays the role quiet well and does a good job at portraying Zelda's distaste for Link. Yeah I haven't seen any of those movies but i do know what you mean. Like the person plays the role well but just can't get the extra omf. I also give all the voice actors a benefit of the doubt since, you know, this is the first time for voice acting in Zelda

Oh... OH don't even get me started on that guy. Literally I had no desire to save him. Hell, i was actually thinking "you know what? **** that guy, I'll just use 3 guardians and the master sword. It will be just fine. I mean my goods, literally he thinks Link is nothing despite the fact that only Link can wield the master sword yet any ****ing Rito could have piloted the divine beast. And what is worse is how he reacts when Link saves him "I guess i should thank you" YES, YOU SHOULD THANK ME YOU LIKE WANNA BE FALCO ****!!!!!" argh...

Yeah i thought he felt very Darunia, but just a little less cool. Yeah i didn't really like his decendent (my least favourite of them all) I never really went for the "Big guy who is a scared it cat" I mean I'm not saying it couldn't happen, just feels cringy

I like Mipha. She was pretty adorable. But yeah i don't know how i feel about the whole romance thing. I just feels a little lost among the Link x Zelda relationship they try to develop. Also yeah, you're not wrong about the whole Sonic 06 vibe. What makes it even weird was when you hook up a Zora child (who is probably actually 50 years old) and a teenage year old Hylian. It was weird

Also I'm just realising that the Zora are the equivalent of Elves in the Zelda universe.

Zelda, ironically, is rarely fleshed out as a character in the LoZ games. Half the games interject Zelda's name in the first act so the titles make a grain of sense even though she has no role in the story.
When her character has significance, she plays minor roles but in most games she feel like the same Zelda, as does Link (except for the Toon versions branching off but that's another topic). In general she seemed to be modeled after the OoT/MM Zelda. She was a princess but gossiped to be a tomboy and shown to be very independent, intuitive and sometimes sneaky. Minish Cap Zelda really was OoT kid Zelda. In WW she basically was the same Zelda reincarnated in the future with a less formal upbringing. In TP she played the role of a disgraced, dethroned monarch in mourning but this was situational so we only see brief glimpses of her personality. She's shown personally holding a sword so it's not out of the question that she's the same Zelda as previous games with a darker past. Skyward Sword Zelda also fits this character.

BotW Zelda wasn't the Zelda I came to know and love. Call it nostalgia but I couldn't accept her as Zelda.

Horse riding leisurely was fun but trying to precisely control them for jumps was a huge pain. There's a guy at a south-central stable who sets up a fence jumping game. Somewhere west of that there's a horseback archery game NPC.
Arrows would be stupidly OP if they had good range. It sucks they fall short but I see why they have to. TP had the best arrows of any LoZ; I could shoot the eye out of a vulture from 500 meters, maybe.
I don't mind Oot zelda, she was pretty cool. Yeah i did like the checky nature of MM Zelda. WW was alright, but the key problem (and is the same for OoT) is that she is somewhat over shadowed by he counter part Tetra (and Shiek in OoT)
I really don't like TP zelda. I get she is in hiding and in disgrace, but like seriously, her entire kingdom fell and she really didn't seem emotionally effected by it. Eh maybe that is just me.

I guess just the the reason why i like Botw Zelda so much is because of how much she isn't like normal Zeldas.

She wasn't kidnapped by Ganon.

She wasn't suddenly forced into this important role like WW or SS

She chose to go to Ganon and keep him out of hyrule for 100 years.

And she just feels much more human too. Her struggles she goes through to not disappoint her father and kingdom. It just really relatable. at least for me

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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
^That's cool. She just wasn't my cup of tea.

I have 2 more shrines to find.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I'm pet sitting my mom's cat; I brought mine over and keep her in a different room so I don't have to commute back to my place. There are extra Wii U cords here so for a week no DS3 PvP but I can catch up on LoZ BotW and maybe smash if I can get online setup.
SSB4 is fun to watch even if I rarely play anymore.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I found some Korok seeds but those last 2 shrines are slippery, in BotW. You can hunt down all the Hinox, Talus and (um...) whatever the big desert fish bosses are called for Kilton so be sure to take them out when you find one. I've got Silver Lynal hunts down to the point I rarely take any damage.

I can't play Brawl online because I forgot my Ethernet cord :( which sucks since after watching T I want to pick smash up again. T has a very fundamental heavy Link but usually makes the right calls with the right spacing. On occasion he panics and does dumb stuff like going for hard reads vs Tsu's Lucario the first time. I think low and mid level Link players could improve by KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), and refining their spacing/choice of moves. One thing I want to integrate into my Link is SH FF Nair in neutral as a footsies tool. Nair has good shield safety when spaced right.

Edit, I tried SSB4 offline and it's a good thing I'm practicing to get the rust off. You know the feeling when you have touched a GC controller or the game for a while and can almost do what you used to but get the buffering wrong so nothing happens? I'm doing things like missing FF Nairs and Fsmashing after a bomb connects when meaning to SH Fair.
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Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
I think the desert things are called Modulga? I dunno, I use the x5 Savage Lynel bow w/bomb arrows so the fight goes by so quick I tend to miss it. The last few shrines are a pain to find; good luck!

Edit: Also, hi Links! It's been a while.
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
My mom's setup is terrible over here. She doesn't use the flatscreen TV as a computer monitor because it's "too big"

And the TV I have my Wii U hooked up to is adjacent from a window so during the daylight hours it has a huge glare over 2/3rds or the screen.

But despite these inconveniences I'm getting my smash tech skill back. CPUs are stupid.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
I found some Korok seeds but those last 2 shrines are slippery, in BotW. You can hunt down all the Hinox, Talus and (um...) whatever the big desert fish bosses are called for Kilton so be sure to take them out when you find one. I've got Silver Lynal hunts down to the point I rarely take any damage.

I can't play Brawl online because I forgot my Ethernet cord :( which sucks since after watching T I want to pick smash up again. T has a very fundamental heavy Link but usually makes the right calls with the right spacing. On occasion he panics and does dumb stuff like going for hard reads vs Tsu's Lucario the first time. I think low and mid level Link players could improve by KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), and refining their spacing/choice of moves. One thing I want to integrate into my Link is SH FF Nair in neutral as a footsies tool. Nair has good shield safety when spaced right.

Edit, I tried SSB4 offline and it's a good thing I'm practicing to get the rust off. You know the feeling when you have touched a GC controller or the game for a while and can almost do what you used to but get the buffering wrong so nothing happens? I'm doing things like missing FF Nairs and Fsmashing after a bomb connects when meaning to SH Fair.
You should probably watch Scizor's analysis of T at Civil War. It's long, but iirc in the Nakat vs. T match he basically said "Nakat respected Link too much and had no idea how to play against a good Link. On the other hand, T knew EXACTLY how to play against a good Fox. Not to take anything away from T though, as he exploited that advantage to its fullest."
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Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
You should probably watch Scizor's analysis of T at Civil War. It's long, but iirc in the Nakat vs. T match he basically said "Nakat respected Link too much and had no idea how to play against a good Link. On the other hand, T knew EXACTLY how to play against a good Fox. Not to take anything away from T though, as he exploited that advantage to its fullest."
I heard the footage was lost.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
This is cool:

I went home and got my mail after a doctor's appointment today. It's funny to see envelops that say "important insurance information inside" and "don't crush" be addressed to "current resident".

Edit, I played vs all the characters in SSB4 and got my tech skill back :). It always takes a bit of practice if I haven't played in a long time, especially if I used a different controller for other games.

It's times like this I miss Brawl's Subspace Emissary adventure mode. You could run around the stages while practicing DACUS, bomb slides and ledge hops. SSB4 should have adventure mode DLC. I enjoyed Subspace; it's very similar to Kirby and the Amazing Mirror with smash characters.
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I'll be glad to go home tomorrow. The cats are driving my crazy. Arwen, my cat, loves to chew on everything and had to be put in timeout for chewing the computer cords, repeatedly. I gave her a comb to chew. I keep her in the guest room, which was my grandma's room, with the door shut most of the time except when I shut my mom's cat in her bedroom so they don't mingle. It's a small space and she's getting bored.

I still haven't found the last 2 shrines in BotW and in SSB4 CPUs are way too easy. Link's low landing lag is great for either hitting with a FF aerial or forcing an airdodge and following up.

In other news youtube comments are hepatitis b; avoid them. You can't even see a Mother's Day video on Mother's day without people whining about feminism and "where's the father's day video?" Probably the third Sunday of June, same as every year :facepalm:.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
So Mr. R went Link game 3 in 2GG Greninja Saga against Anti's Mario after being down 2-0 and... his Link is a lot better than I expected. It was pretty even for a while (both took each other's first stock at the same time), before Anti just ran away with the second stock.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
^That's cool, although it would have been nice if he'd won. Only characters who won a game are noted in results.

You always have to deal with incompetent people: the Oxygen company still hasn't picked up my grandma's oxygen canisters in months and we arranged for them to do it twice. And the lawyer handling my grandma's estate didn't write something in the will because she thought my grandma would end up spending the money before she died, rather than putting it in a trust fund. What the hell are we paying her (the lawyer) for?! * sigh*
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009

Anyone here going to Momocon this weekend? Gonna be getting there Friday for the doubles tourney and entering in singles too.
I'm not but good luck!

Lately I've been getting bored of Dark Souls 3 and picked up Skyrim again. That game has a million quests.

In other news, I'm teaching my cat "Water". Whenever I run water from the sink I'll splash it and say "water". I feel like Anne Sullivan.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
65th out of 283. Got bodied by Salem.... On stream lol. Ah well.

Also, moved to Knoxville a little while back. Any link mains up this way?
After losing to Salem, it looks like you lost to Dubz 2-0 in Losers, who you beat 2-0 as your first match in the touney? Interesting.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I reworked some things I was unhappy with on a painting from a few years ago.

Done on a computer tablet by hand with no filters etc.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Weird trivia: The Ooccoos from Twilight Princess were probably inspired by the works of M.C.Escher.

Edit, been playing some wifi again. At first it feels like you're wearing iron boots but I'm getting my skills back :)
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2015
Seattle, WA
Participated in my first crew battle the other day, although I still don't really understand the lineup meta all too well. Is it better to have your best player go first to go wreck or is it better to save them as the anchor?


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Participated in my first crew battle the other day, although I still don't really understand the lineup meta all too well. Is it better to have your best player go first to go wreck or is it better to save them as the anchor?
I assume you wouldn't have a set order and treat it like counter picking. If a DK wrecked your last player bring out a ZSS or Rosalina player.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
My dumb cat keeps waking me up in the night.
What's up? Been play more wifi and watching a documentary on Russian Rain forest.

There's nothing to do at night :c I'll play DS3 if I can't find a smashladder match.
Edit someone helped me with the DDD MU and had a good G&W too. Got some good games in :)
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009

I haven't played video games much lately. I've been trying to hike and take some weight that I gained last year off. Now it's so ****ing hot I have to exercise at night or early morning. Went on this trail:

and others. I've been busy except when insomnia keeps me up.

My cat keeps trying to run out the front door. She's cute but naughty as ever.
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