Smash Journeyman
As Brawl draws ever closer, we grow more and more excited and less patient for the many false prophets (I personally would like to shoot many of them). We've waited a long time for this game and I, personally, have grown up a lot since the original Smash for the N64. I think it would be interesting to talk about when we first played each of the previous two games and how much we had been anticipating them.
I remember when I first saw the commercial for Super Smash Brothers on the N64. I'm sure we are all familiar with it. The memorable song, the sudden turn, and the stereotypical voice of the narrator. I immediately knew I needed this game. I bought it, played the crap out of it and that's pretty much the end of that story.
A few years later, I found out that Melee was in development and saw some pictures on IGN. I distinctly remember seeing Fox and thinking the graphics were amazing. I waited in line to buy my Gamecube for Christmas on that chilly day in November outside of my local Toys-R-Us store. Promptly after purchasing my black system, two black controllers, and a memory card, my mom took the bags and hid them from me. I eventually convinced her to let me open it up and play Luigi's mansion to ensure there was nothing wrong with the system (I was quite the trickster). The next month and a half's wait was excruciating. On Christmas day, I got my system but no Melee. I was a little disappointed, but I had faith in my other family members. Later that day, I received Melee from my Grandmother. I immediately went into my cousin's bedroom, set up the Gamecube, and played. I haven't stopped since.
There is no other game that I have dedicated more time to. Over these past 6 years. I have never stopped playing this game since it was released. I've done it all. Unlocked all of the characters and deleted them to do it all over again just because I was bored. The hundreds of matches between myself and my best friend alone have become the stuff of legend. We still discover something new every time we play together. It wasn't until a few months ago that we united to get the last few trophies we were missing. We accomplished the feat at last and now are truly ready for Brawl.
It is going on nine years since the original Smash was released. I am now eighteen years old. Half my life has been spent playing this game. It is incredibly geeky to say this, but I feel it is true. Smash has been an important part of my life. It helped me make my best friend. It helped me stay away from drugs and other such things. It helped make me who I am today. Is that a stretch? Probably. However, I truly feel like these past nine years were worth it. I still laugh and curse every time I play Melee. It has been one of the most enjoyable time-wasters in my life.
Therefore, as we flame the false prophets and ***** over who is in and who is not, let us remember the years past and what this game truly means to each of us. For me, it is an experience that brings out the inner, immature child in me that curses like a sailor. Most of all, just have faith. It doesn't matter if this or that character doesn't make it into the game. It will be a masterpiece nevertheless that we will continue to play for years to come.
I remember when I first saw the commercial for Super Smash Brothers on the N64. I'm sure we are all familiar with it. The memorable song, the sudden turn, and the stereotypical voice of the narrator. I immediately knew I needed this game. I bought it, played the crap out of it and that's pretty much the end of that story.
A few years later, I found out that Melee was in development and saw some pictures on IGN. I distinctly remember seeing Fox and thinking the graphics were amazing. I waited in line to buy my Gamecube for Christmas on that chilly day in November outside of my local Toys-R-Us store. Promptly after purchasing my black system, two black controllers, and a memory card, my mom took the bags and hid them from me. I eventually convinced her to let me open it up and play Luigi's mansion to ensure there was nothing wrong with the system (I was quite the trickster). The next month and a half's wait was excruciating. On Christmas day, I got my system but no Melee. I was a little disappointed, but I had faith in my other family members. Later that day, I received Melee from my Grandmother. I immediately went into my cousin's bedroom, set up the Gamecube, and played. I haven't stopped since.
There is no other game that I have dedicated more time to. Over these past 6 years. I have never stopped playing this game since it was released. I've done it all. Unlocked all of the characters and deleted them to do it all over again just because I was bored. The hundreds of matches between myself and my best friend alone have become the stuff of legend. We still discover something new every time we play together. It wasn't until a few months ago that we united to get the last few trophies we were missing. We accomplished the feat at last and now are truly ready for Brawl.
It is going on nine years since the original Smash was released. I am now eighteen years old. Half my life has been spent playing this game. It is incredibly geeky to say this, but I feel it is true. Smash has been an important part of my life. It helped me make my best friend. It helped me stay away from drugs and other such things. It helped make me who I am today. Is that a stretch? Probably. However, I truly feel like these past nine years were worth it. I still laugh and curse every time I play Melee. It has been one of the most enjoyable time-wasters in my life.
Therefore, as we flame the false prophets and ***** over who is in and who is not, let us remember the years past and what this game truly means to each of us. For me, it is an experience that brings out the inner, immature child in me that curses like a sailor. Most of all, just have faith. It doesn't matter if this or that character doesn't make it into the game. It will be a masterpiece nevertheless that we will continue to play for years to come.