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Ledgecamping Yoshi: viable?


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
OK so as background info, I went to Rochester this weekend and stayed at JesiahTEG's house along with Kirk. Many matches were played over a couple days. On Sunday in particular, I tried coming up with tricks/strategies different from the norm.

One of said strategies ended up being ledgecamping. Notthing hardcore, but for a few ledgehops here and there. I did some thinking afterward, and I was wondering what you all think of the possibilitles in whole. I'll offer an example in playing against Ike, since they're currently talking about us and I brought it up over there to some success:

possibility one: Ike tries to dtilt spike.
response: drop down from the ledge, punish endlag with DJ aerial OR ledge attack OR drop, DJAD past attack, and punish with a bair->whatever OR drop down and DJC egglay -> edgeguarding tactics.

possibility two: Ike anticipates ledgehop with SH fair.
response: Egg toss on edge OR DJ through fair and counter with aerial OR climb up from edge and try to counter the endlag OR DJAD past and punish with aerial/jabs/tilts.

possitility three: Ike waits for you to come up.
resopnse: ECE lol OR DJ with appropriately timed aerial or airdodge depending on what it seems like the Ike will do OR something completely different and WTF-like. =P

possibility four: Ike comes off-stage with an aerial (bair or dair probably)
response: Depends on damage and the aerial used. If you're at relatively low damage, you could use DJ armor to go through/counter the attack (nair sounds nice) OR drop, wait, and then counter OR climb back on stage and reverse the situation (Ike isn't quite as good at ledgecamping so this is a good thing lol) OR DJAD through and do the same as climbing back on stage. I wouldn't trust the DJ armor tactics against a dair, obviously. Therefore, if you think that's what he'll do, don't do that. With bair, don't DJ through at high percentages (again, for obvious DJ armor reasons). Timing is important, and this is going to be a lot of guesswork. If he shorthops, he's most likely going to dair. If he runs straight off the stage, it's definitely a bair.

I'll probably write more on this later, because there's obviously more to talk about, here. For now, though, I need to sleep. Good night, Yoshis! =D :yoshi:


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Good stuff but most of the time if they are right on the edge I just us a DJ Uair or Nair or air dodge no matter wat so they don't have any chance to attack me and i can attack them :p


if they are far from the ledge like a few step then you can ledge hop with a bair


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Meh, ledgehop's too slow to work on the people I was playing, I'd get countered with a shorthop aerial or a utilt/nair from snake easy. I'd rather bait them with eggs into a situation where I can do something more reliable.

Big Red

Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2008
Just West of Chicago
The only thing I hate is, Yoshi's head sticks above the stage so much when you ECE that you can get hit by a lot of stuff. I find getting back from the ledge to be one of the biggest wholes in my game, because I always get predictable. I like to cancel a ledge hop with an egg lay, then you'll have to use an egg toss to get back to the stage, and then just roll on if people are standing to close to the edge just waiting for me.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
aha! someone actually made a post! lolz =P

anywho, responses:

Don't ECE when he's that close, then, unless he's in end lag from a previous attack or you see a jump coming. =)

The fact that you recognize your predictability is a big step towards fixing it. =D A lot of people, when they play, tend to go on autopilot. This is when you just go through the motions, simply trying your usual strategies to kill the opponent, without paying attention to what you're opponent's doing (habits, etc.) or what you're doing. This is what separates an average player from a good player. You need to force yourself out of autopilot and consciously look at what you're doing. When you do this, it's much MUCH easier to pick out bad habits, or mistakes, or things that you just plain do a lot. Paying attention to the opponent's actions can result in you predicting what he's going to do more often, and getting closer to shutting him down.

Consciously mixing things up is also a great thing to do. A lot of the stuff I posted in the Ike example above can work on most of the cast, so USE IT!!! =P It takes patience to get right, but once you get there, your game will improve loads, I guarantee. XD
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