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latest sheik vids of me


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
this is so funny. I decided to enter singles at quizno after not playing for a month (since i play sf4 now) and somehow my matches r getting recorded without me knowing haha. Freaking edrees deciding to go to quizno last minute and somehow we got 3rd in teams. =p


1st match should have been a falcon ditto but i didn't know he picked falcon since he mains lucario. I didn't wanna reset the game just to pick falcon cause that might have seem kinda rude.

2nd match the dark side got to me. I got mad when i turn to zelda then calm myself down after killing him. The first stock was just so dumb.

all those running attack are on purpose now instead of mess up DACUS. I spam them now for some reason.

p.s. every1 should play street fighter 4. It is very fun and imo not as hard as the other fighting game now. It been dumb down a little bit so casual people can get good too now.

oh yeah, i'm not that amazing anymore and don't really care about tips. Just wanna show u guys how dumb my sheik got from being inactive.
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