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Landing with DDD


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
Hey, I'm a Bowser/Kirby mainer but I like using , among others, the king penguin once in a while so I don't get bored (how people can manage to play only 1 character in brawl is beyond me).

So my biggest question is, how do you land properly with Dedede, when somebody is trying to juggle you?

His fast falling speed is great for avoiding aerials with an airdodge, but if I do this too often it turns predictable and my opponent will just wait and punish. I guess I should also mention that I play mostly online, so my dodges are based on prediction and not reaction. Against aerial opponents I find that the the Dair doesn't work so well because of the lack of horizontal coverage - meaning it won't hit opponents coming in from a diagonal.

My main problem would be grounded opponents. Sometimes if I can get a good angle I can Bair them, the timing is a little tricky online (plenty of times I'll do it a half second too late and fall flat on my belly without the hitbox coming out), but that's because of the lack of practice with fast-falling characters.

Dair. Dair doesn't seem to ever save me against ground opponents. I hit them, but as soon as I land I'm lagging and since it has so little knockback they just launch me back up again (or whatever suits them most). I tried both fast-falling and non fast-falling Dairs (accuracy and damage wise the ff'd one seems ot be better).

Should I just practice timing non-ff'd Dairs so the aerial finishes a few frames before I hit the ground? Should I try Nairs? Or is there something I'm missing?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
Yeah this is somthing that happenes to me alot and i always use Dair but end up having the same problem. If you accidently miss a dash grab and DK starts juggling, well say goodbye to your stock. Well tbh DK shouldnt have that chance to juggle anyway if you know how to CG properlly but it was an example ^^

i sometimes try hop to the side just before the opponant is about to upB, so you can get a quick Bair in and go back to chain grabbing.

If anyone with more experience has a simpler solution, it would be appreciated!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
If they're under you, the best option is Dair, you just have to start it earlier so that last hit gets out and knocks them away. I suppose you could try to Nair then Utilt them too.


Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2008
use the fact that you have 5 jumps to your advantage. Fast fall really fast then all of a sudden jump, fastfall again, jump up again. Mind game the opponent and he wont be able to predict if u are gonna do a fastfall bair in his face or try to use a dair or a spot-dodge, especially not online


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
Yeah I only found out recently the Dair has extra knockback on the last hit. More timing and spacing practice I guess.

I find that Dedede's multi-jumps after fast falling don't exactly make him any harder to hit, they're pretty small and he's a pretty large penguin. But yeah they're good enough to space for the Bair/Dair.


Smash Ace
Dec 16, 2006
Belgium, Antwerp
online fast falling dair actually works, believe me.
anyways, nair and mindgames are your best options. if you FF the nair it can also lead to your juggling combos =D
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