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KO% starter


Apr 10, 2008
In order to make my personal contribution to the Olimar & Pikmen community, I've decided to do all the KO percentages w/all pikmen w/ every character on up-smash(so far...) on all tournament regulation stages. If DI isn't too hard, i'll do that too. (Idk how to smash DI)

-please be ***VERY***(could i get this bigger?) patient though as this takes a considerable amount of time to do. PLEASE tell me if u plan on doing any of this or u see anyone else doing this so i don't waste my time. As Puddin pointed out in the original thread, It'd be very helpful if anyone would help contribute to my data. Be sure to post any info u may get. I'm only going to include data that has been posted twice(by different users of course :p), so I can be sure it is right. Anything not posted twice, I'll have to check myself. Anything will be appreciated. :)

ALSO, I'm starting to gather my info and i need recommendations on how to format it, if you don't mind. :)


Mario 79 166 98 107 98
Wolf 84 175 104 113 104
MK 70 148 87 94 87


this isn't the final format, it's just for recording purposes. Be sure to spot check.

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Dibs on FD and smashville

Umm for format I'd say

Name (character getting UP smashed)-%for Red KO-%yellow-%blue-%White-%Purple

Also I'm gonna try this three times. first without ever using the up smash, so not effected by the spam knockbacker, thingy, gizmo or whatever cuts knockback down after multiple uses.

Two, use Up smash twice, miss once, and then hit.

Three, use up smash three times and miss twice, then hit.

That should be good enough and again Called Final Destination and Smashville, if fair.


Apr 10, 2008
i can't stop u from doing them and i don't mind if u do, but if everyone decides to do all the levels, then there's no reason for me to say I will attempt this. If that happens I could just be in charge of putting it all together i guess. no worries :)

-be sure to post new info.

Edit: In beginning testing on mario, I came up w/ a few questions:

1)-for upsmash, am i measuring %KO for the hitbox above Olimar or beside him?

(example: w/purple on battlefield on the first lvl i recorded w/ upsmash that 77% will KO Mario when he is above olimar. when beside it's 79.) I think I'm just going to keep the control test as beside olimar and just say that u can add 2% if he's above? The problem is that a heavier char might make it so that i would have to add 3-4% more onto the control number instead of just 2%.

2)-can y'all check the hitbox and knockback of upsmash? sometimes it doesn't kill when you're diagonal to mario when it would if he was just standing there. maybe it's just a messup.

3)- in training mode, is there DR? I've tried testing it out and from what i can tell, after pressing start it erases the DR. please tell me if this is incorrect.

I decided that i'm going to include smash DI. (to make sure... that's when u use an aerial the direction you're trying to recover, directly after getting hit, multiple times in order to stay on the level?) I was confused on the terminology. tell me if i'm mistaken.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Training mode does not have any move degradation, every hit is as strong as it can be. This is also easiest because you can quickly and easily set the opponents %, reset just by pressing start.

As for hit box, I'd agree with you just do standing next to them first, can go back later and figure out how big a difference there is if you catch them in the air. I highly doubt its a consistent 2% difference, probably fluctuates with opponent weight and current %, but figuring out that stuff can be another project later once you've got the basics down.

Smash DI is a stronger type of DI that involves DIing as strongly as possible at the exact moment your hit. It can be done with the joystick but the timing is very precise, however its been found that if you push the CStick in a direction and its held there through the duration of the Hit Lag. Hit Lag is the frames player 1's move is actually physically hitting player 2, think zelda's lightning kick or Samus's full blaster, how the game seems to pause, thats a long hit lag, every move has some, and thats the time you need the cstick in a direction. Once player 2 is flying off from knock back you don't have to hold it or do anything, smash DI is just for those few frames of contact, and regular DI is the rest of the time after it. Because were testing lowest possible certain KOs, both DI and Smash DI should be straight down.

I suggest overall simplifying this project as much as you can to get a start, and then going in and working on details later. For example:

Character Red % Yellow % Blue % White % Purple %

And thats all you have to start. Do it in training mode so you can get the exact % without mind numbing troubles of getting the character to a precise % yet. (use fox's laser if you go back and do this LATER, just make it a 3 player game if you have three controllers) Because its training mode it will only apply to full strength USmashes, but thats fine to start. Also use the CStick to do the up smash just to be sure you don't accidentally charge it or anything else.

Simplicity is the key at first, this is mostly for a general rough idea, no one should memorize exactly what % every character can be USmash KO'ed for having used it 0 1 2 or 3 times already... thats just not practical. I look forward to the results.



Apr 10, 2008
In order to simplify my research, I'm not going to include smash DI for now. :( (It's too hard to do by myself)

I've changed my mind that it wouldn't make this project messy if too many ppl contributed.(what was I thinking???) please post any info u may come across.

-thanks everyone

I suggest overall simplifying this project as much as you can to get a start, and then going in and working on details later.
This is now my philosophy during this project. :)
Some things i have found out if not already mentioned include the following. upsmash has a sweet spot, normal spot, and low damage/knockback spot when standing on the ground next to an opponent. when testing on MK, i noticed this.

I did the following damage:

sweet spot- 29
normal- 16
low- 12

it bothers me knowing that i could have screwed up some of my calculations w/out knowing this. I'm going to go back after this is confirmed.

Did any of y'all know if someone charges up a smash, then your knockback is amplified?
In training, I used wolf's dsmash charge up, and quickly used my upsmash. I was able to kill him at a much lower percentage than had wolf just been standing there w/out any sort of DI.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
Lol ok, guess I wont be helping then =\ but if you ever do need any help just ask and I'd be glad to go test %'s.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
This is a repost from the other forum - but I would say that go for sweetspot % - otherwise, this is gonna take forever for you to finish :(
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