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Kirby's Quest: The Volwrath Saga (Finally Updated - 3rd April!)

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Hello everyone, you might be wondering why I'm starting a new thead for this fan fiction. Well there are two reasons, firstly I can't seem to post in the new thread, secondly I can make changes to the title now.

I'll put up the sound files a little later, so you can hear the music to this chapter too. :)

Computer Voice: Standing by...For a brand new chapter of Kirby's Quest...Downloading now...Standing by...

Chapter 13: Mobilise for War


We once again return to the Shadowed Heights to find it as black and gloomy as ever, but a change happens when the drawbridge to the keep opens up. The heavy drawbridge falls down with a loud bang to bridge the moat surrounding the keep, and a dark creature steps out from the shadows. It is Nightmare, and he takes a deep breath of foul air as he walks out proudly into the desecrated field, followed closely by his brothers and General Tyranitar. The drawbridge heaves under their collective weight but holds the Harbingers of Darkness up, Nightmare looking out across the dark expanse of land with cold, soulless eyes. The time of their great attack has come, and Nightmare can’t wait to conquer this world for their master – Volwrath.

Nightmare: Today is a proud day my brothers, we may have had one or two mishaps in our bid to take this world, but this time we will be victorious!

Scourge: Yes brother, unlike Vile and Bane I haven’t tasted defeat, but I can tell you I don’t intend to. Let us ravage this world and enslave its inhabitants.

Fiend: You mean Scourge, the ones we let live.

Scourge: Ha, well said Fiend, and with the desire I have to cause some havoc, that won’t be very many.


He grins as he looks down at his clawed hand, but Scourge is unaware of the angry whispers behind his back. Having been reminded of their failure Bane and Vile sneer at him, but they’d rather get their revenge on Mewtwo, his Superclones, Link, Ganondorf and Zelda than take out their aggression on their brother.

Vile: Nightmare, do you suppose Kirby’s allies will come to help him?

Nightmare: I sincerely hope so Vile, but it will be best if we can kill him first, we don’t want them consolidating their powers before we get there.

Bane: Yes...These heroes can be surprisingly resourceful when they fight in groups.

His words harken him back to his defeat at the hands of Wigglytuff, but Bane refuses to let it rattle his resolve, and he looks at his clenched fists with bitter anger and hatred for her and her friends.

General Tyranitar: Then we are agreed; we will find the Star Warrior, kill him and then turn our attention to his friends.

Nightmare: Correct General, without their leader to guide them, the heroes will be disheartened and their morale will drop, making them easy prey for us...

He looks up at the darkening, rumbling sky with confidence in his eyes, and Nightmare allows his hands to drop by his sides. The time has come for their attack, the Harbingers have put it off for too long, now is the time to strike.

Nightmare: Brothers, we fly! To New Cappy Town! And our destiny!

With that the leader of the Harbingers of Darkness throws a fist into the air, and flies high into the sky. Followed closely by Scourge, Bane, Vile and Fiend he flies on to their destination, but General Tyranitar sees the direction they are flying in, and looks to the ground at his feet.

General Tyranitar: Maybe you fly Nightmare...But I will dig to victory!

Wasting no time he performs a small jump, and General Tyranitar smashes his way through the ground, soon tunnelling after his allies like a speeding mole. In his standard Tyranitar form he is incapable of flight, but General Tyranitar can tunnel through the earth’s crust as swiftly as any flier can fly through its firmament. As he tracks the other villains (by following their energy signatures) the General remembers the visitation he was given by Volwrath, and the incredible powers he will unleash on Wigglytuff, Raichu, and all the others who got in his way.

General Tyranitar: *thinking* Very soon Wigglytuff...Raichu...Mewtwo...Pichu…Even you Eevee! You will all feel my anger...My rage...And my new, unmatched, unadulterated...POWER!!!


With that he blasts through the ground like a speeding bullet, General Tyranitar easily catching up to Nightmare and his brothers high above. The tremors and displaced earth caused by his rapid digging is unmistakable, but General Tyranitar pays no heed to the obstacles in his way, be they trees, buildings, people, or Pokemon. The evil alliance speeds on towards New Cappy Town, but meanwhile others are preparing themselves. We return to the Sacred Forest to find Mewtwo, floating above the ground in quiet meditation. All around him the forest is broken and devastated, but Mewtwo’s thoughts are centred on something much more troubling.

Mewtwo: I was afraid of this...Tyranitar is still alive...And he appears to have teamed up with Bane...Along some other, new Darklings. They appear to be heading South at great speed...Towards...No!

Suddenly his eyes open and Mewtwo stands up, surrounded by rocky walls in his waterfall sanctum. It has been a few hours since their clash with Bane and General Tyranitar, but Mewtwo has been restless, and he steps out from his hiding place to look at the forest around him. He imagines it in flames, the cries of trapped and dying Pokemon, the evil doers are heading for New Cappy Town, and Mewtwo fears once they kill Kirby, all could be lost for the defenders of Earth.

Mewtwo: No...I cannot let that happen...We have to do something!

With that he leaves the entrance of the waterfall cave, Mewtwo flying low over the Sacred Forest, heading towards the home of the two Pokemon who may be able to make a difference. Soon he reaches Raichu’s Clearing; Mewtwo can sense the presence of him, Wigglytuff, Eevee and Pichu. They are all inside the den, resting from the ordeal which took place not to long ago. Moving carefully at first Mewtwo approaches the entrance, and then mentally speaks to the sleeping Raichu, his mental voice gentle, but also firm.


Mewtwo: Raichu...Raichu...Wake up Raichu!

Raichu: Uuugghh, huh?

A voice in his head wakes him up, but as Raichu rises to a sitting position he feels his hand brush against something warm and soft. Looking down he sees it is Wigglytuff, sleeping peacefully as she tries to allow her body time to heal itself. A warm, calm smile comes to his face to see her sleeping so peacefully, and Raichu bends down to kiss her on the cheek.

Raichu: ...Wigglytuff...My sweet love.

Wigglytuff: Mmmmm...

The bliss of this moment causes him to forget the voice he heard in his head, but as Raichu goes to lie down beside Wigglytuff he hears it again. It is louder and more urgent this time, Raichu glancing over as he sees Wigglytuff stir in her sleep.

Mewtwo: Raichu, it’s Mewtwo, please come out of your den. It is important.

Raichu: Mewtwo? Okay.

Raichu comes out of his den and into the light; he looks up to see Mewtwo standing over him, a somewhat concerned look on his face. Now he has Raichu’s attention Mewtwo no longer sees the need to speak mentally, and starts to talk audibly.

Mewtwo: There you are Raichu, good.

Raichu: What is wrong Mewtwo? You sounded like something terrible had happened.

Mewtwo: Nothing terrible has happened yet, but if we don’t act fast it will.

Raichu: What? What’s going to happen?

Mewtwo: The end of the world. Tyranitar and Bane have met up with a small force of Darklings, and they are heading towards Kirby’s home.

Raichu: ...They’re going to attack him and Jigglypuff, aren’t they?

Mewtwo: Yes Raichu, but we have to act fast if we want to stop them. I know you are still recovering from your battle with Bane and Tyranitar, but I need you and Wigglytuff to go and help them, perhaps with your help they can defeat these enemies.


Suddenly he begins to glow with a blue light, and Raichu hums contently as he feels his injuries fade away. Mewtwo holds a hand out to him and shows he is using his Psychic powers to accelerate Raichu’s natural healing, and then reaches out towards the den, from which another blue light emanates from. Giving his body a bit of a stretch Raichu feels all his aches and pains are gone, and his energy levels are at their maximum.

Raichu: Thank you Mewtwo, I feel a lot better now, like I just woke up from a wonderful sleep.

Mewtwo: Hmm, well, I believe you did when I woke you.

A faint chuckle is heard as Mewtwo mentions he woke Raichu up, and the electric Superclone looks back to his den, remembering waking up with Wigglytuff by his side.

Raichu: You’re right.

Mewtwo: Don’t worry about Wigglytuff, Pichu and Eevee, I healed them too, I’ll see if I can wake them up.

He closes his eyes and enters a trance-like state, but as Raichu looks up at Mewtwo he wonders why he is just standing there. Moments later the sound of movement comes out from the den, and Mewtwo opens his eyes as Raichu turns round, to see Wigglytuff, Pichu and Eevee emerge from it.

Wigglytuff: Raichu? You’re up.

Raichu: So are you Wigglytuff, do you feel better?

Wigglytuff: Much better, I thought I’d wake up feeling aching and uncomfortable, but I feel great.

Pichu: So do I, it’s like the battle with Bane and Tyranitar never happened.

Eevee: Yeah.

He is happy to see they are feeling better, but Mewtwo knows that they have to fight again to stop Bane, Tyranitar and the others. Looking down at the smaller Pokemon Mewtwo gets their attention, so he can tell them what they have to do.

Mewtwo: Good, I see you are all feeling better. I told Raichu this but now you all have to hear it. Bane and Tyranitar have teamed up with some evil Darklings, and now you, Raichu, and Wigglytuff have to go fight them.

Wigglytuff: You mean Tyranitar meant it when he said this wasn’t over?

Raichu: I’m afraid so Wigglytuff, we beat him and Bane, but now we have to finish them off. If we don’t everyone we care about will suffer, along with the rest of the world.

Mewtwo: They are moving to fight Kirby, so you won’t be fighting them alone. If you can get to Kirby and Jigglypuff first you’ll have a better chance of beating them.

Wigglytuff: I don’t want innocent creatures to come to harm...People or Pokemon...


She thinks this over carefully as she looks at the ground, and Wigglytuff imagines all the evil Bane and Tyranitar will do if they are allowed to roam free. At first her loyalty was only to Pichu, Eevee and her Superclone family, but Wigglytuff realises she has a responsibility to the whole world. In their community they are locked away from the outside world, but when a danger threatens that world it can threaten her home too, and Wigglytuff realises she and Raichu must fight to save everyone, even the humans that once hunted them. She looks back up to Mewtwo, Wigglytuff joining Raichu at his side, and holding his hand supportively.

Wigglytuff: Alright Mewtwo, I’m in!

Raichu: So am I! We’ll go help Kirby, he saved us from Mewthree, we should return the favour!

Pichu: Yeah, I want to go too!

Eevee: So do I!

Raichu smiles when he sees he has Wigglytuff’s support, but seeing Pichu and Eevee wanting to fight worries him. This battle will be the most dangerous one they have ever fought, and the last thing he wants is them to come to harm. Raichu looks down at Pichu and Eevee with stern eyes, Wigglytuff also feeling they should sit this one out.

Raichu: I’m sorry Pichu, but not this time.

Pichu: What? You won’t let me fight!?

Wigglytuff: This battle will be very dangerous, we don’t want to two of you to get hurt. You know this is because we love you; we don’t want to put you in danger.

Eevee: That’s not fair! We want to protect innocent lives just as much as you two do! We have every right to be in that battle! You can’t stop us!

Raichu: ......


Their faces turn somewhat angry when she voices her opinion, but deep down Wigglytuff and Raichu know she’s right. Pichu is growing up, and someday he’ll have to look after himself, the battle may be dangerous, but it is his battle too.

Pichu: Please mom, please dad, let me fight with you! You know I can hold my own in a battle, I was able to beat Larvitar, you might need me!

Eevee: We care too much about you to let you fight that battle alone, I may be new here, but I feel just as Pichu does. Families stick together, and I might not be a part of this family...

Now it is her turn to look deep inside herself, and Eevee remains adamant that she has a right to fight in the battle against the Harbingers of Darkness. She has come to love Pichu, Raichu and Wigglytuff like a family, and she would do anything to protect them, and pay any cost.

Eevee: ...But I feel like I am...I’m helping you, whether you like it or not!

Raichu: Hmm, I guess there’s no way we’re going to be able to talk you out of this.

Eevee: None, either you let me come, or I’ll come on my own.

Wigglytuff: Eevee...

As she looks down at her small friend, Wigglytuff feels that Eevee truly cares about them. She’s only known them for just over a month, but Eevee really feels she is a part of this family. Eevee props herself up on Wigglytuff’s stomach as she looks her in the eyes, Eevee giving the most sincere, determined face you could expect from her.

Pichu: Eevee is right mom and dad, this is everyone’s fight, I know you care about us and that is why you’re trying to exclude us, but we’re all in this.

Raichu: I don’t like it...But if that is your final decision...

She looks inside herself as she tries to come to a tough decision, but Wigglytuff realises that Pichu and Eevee are right. They want to protect the world just as much as she and Raichu do, and she can’t keep them from doing the right thing.

Wigglytuff: Okay Pichu...You and Eevee win, you can come with us.

Raichu: But if things get dangerous we want you to run away, don’t worry about us, just keep yourselves alive.

Eevee: Right, don’t worry about Pichu, I’ll keep him safe.

Pichu: Thanks mom, thanks dad!


With that he jumps up at Wigglytuff, Pichu giving her the most loving hug he can, then he drops down and does the same to Raichu. In their hearts they fear for his safety, but Raichu and Wigglytuff know one day Pichu will have to make his own choices in life, and this is his fight too.

Mewtwo: Very well, I will teleport all of us to Kirby’s home, I believe it is called New Cappy Town. Are you all ready to go?

Wigglytuff: Yes.

Raichu: Yes.

Pichu: Yeah!

Eevee: You bet!

Mewtwo: Alright, everyone gather close, and I’ll teleport us there.

They do as he says, and Raichu, Wigglytuff, Pichu and Eevee gather around Mewtwo, so he can teleport them to their destination. The ground around them begins to glow with a bright light, but then it rises above the Pokemon and in a flash they are gone, teleported away. The Sacred Forest falls silent as its most powerful defenders vanish from sight, but elsewhere other heroes are racing towards New Cappy Town. It is Link, Zelda and Ganondorf, and they are racing towards the town at full speed on their horses. Eventually the small, igloo-shaped houses of New Cappy Town come into sight, and Zelda feels they’ve reached their destination.


Zelda: There’s a town, I think that is New Cappy Town.

Ganondorf: Are you sure? It looks very small, hardly the appropriate dwelling for a hero, which you keep calling Kirby.

Link: I must admit it looks quaint, but Kirby’s a pretty small and humble guy, we’ll go and ask around.

The trio speed up as they approach the small town, Link, Ganondorf and Zelda quickly reaching the outskirts of the settlement. Link dismounts from Epona as Ganondorf summons his steed away, and with Zelda they start looking around for Kirby. The ground is wet and unusually dark, as if a heavy storm rained down not too long ago; the air also feels damp and somewhat cold. Zelda senses some dark energy may be the cause of this, but Link remains unaware, and Ganondorf doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest Soon they see the town slowly come to life, strange creatures walking around casually (Cappies).

Link: What are those?

Zelda: I don’t know, some strange creatures.

Ganondorf: Whatever they are, they don’t look very intelligent.

Link: I’ll ask one if it knows who Kirby is.

Taking up his courage Link approaches one of the Cappies, and waving to get its attention the Hero of Time gets ready to ask it a question. The Cappy turns around to face him, Link somewhat put off by its face and overall appearance, but the alien looks somewhat indifferent to him.

Cappy: Ummm, can I help you?

Link: Hello, I am Link, do you know of someone called Kirby?

Cappy: Oh you mean the Star Warrior!

Link: Star Warrior? You mean Kirby?

His face lights up at the mention of a Star Warrior, and Link is happy to hear this may be the town where Kirby lives. A few other Cappies overhear the conversation and gather round, but Link feels less intimidated by these weird creatures.

Cappy: Sure I do, everyone here knows about Kirby.

Cappy 2: He’s the hero that saved us from evil, many, many times in the past.

Cappy 3: He watches over New Cappy Town and protects us from harm.

Link: New Cappy Town?

Cappy: Now from around here are you?

Link: Umm, no.

Cappy 2: Well stranger, this is New Cappy Town, and we are the Cappies.

Cappy 3: We come from the planet Pop Star, like Kirby, but about 14 years ago he crashed down there and lived among us.

Link: Really? I always thought Kirby wasn’t from Earth.

Cappy: Nope, in fact no one is sure where he came from, we’re pretty sure he isn’t native to Pop Star or Earth.

Link: Well can you tell me where I can find him?

Cappy 3: Yeah, he lives right over there, with Jigglypuff and a couple of their kids.

With that the Cappy points to a small, dome-shaped house in the town, and shows Link to Kirby’s house. It’s very small by Hylian standards, but Link understands that being small himself, Kirby wouldn’t need a life-sized dwelling.

Link: Okay, umm, Cappies. Thank you for your help.

Cappy: No problem stranger.

Cappy 2: Why do you need to see Kirby anyhow?

Link: We on a mission, and we need his help.

Cappy 3: I see, well you came to the right place, Kirby is a hero and a great fighter, no one can beat him.

Link: Yeah, I know.

He finds it a little humorous how highly the Cappies hold Kirby, but Link understands why they are so impressed by his fighting skills. Kirby saved the Earth more than once from evil, and he could very well be the one to defeat Vile and anyone he brings with him. Zelda and Ganondorf follow Link as he approaches Kirby’s door, the Hero of Time ready to knock on it and ask Kirby for help.

Zelda: So did the creatures say this is where Kirby lives?

Link: Yes, they call themselves Cappies, pretty friendly creatures.

Ganondorf: It’s a little small don’t you think? Maybe heroes are content to live in small, shabby dwellings like this, but I myself prefer the high life, castles and all that.

Link: Well let’s see. Hello?


With that he knocks on the door three times, and soon enough the door opens to Link, Ganondorf and Zelda. A small face peeks out from low down behind the door, but when they see the two, large eyes they think it is Jigglypuff who has opened the door to them.

Zelda: Oh hello Jigglypuff, is Kirby here?

???: Jigglypuff? Oh no you’re thinking about mommy, I’m Kiby.

Ganondorf: Kiby?

Before they can inquire further the creature opens the door fully, and Link, Ganondorf and Zelda see it is one of Kirby’s children – his daughter Kiby. Having not seen her since the second battle with Noir a year or two ago they are surprised by her appearance, but Link, Zelda and Ganondorf soon remember Kirby and Jigglypuff’s twin children.

Zelda: Oh that’s right, Kirby and Jigglypuff had children not long ago. Hello there.

She kneels down and gently strokes Kiby on the head, Zelda smiling as she looks at this little mix of Kirby and Jigglypuff. Kiby smiles back and rocks a little as she feels herself being stroked, but then Link and Ganondorf feel a little impatient to see Kirby and ask his help.

Link: Could you ask your father Kirby to come out here, Kiby?

Ganondorf: We need to talk to him, it’s important.

Zelda: Could you do that for us Kiby?

Kiby: Oh, okay, I’ll go get daddy.

Quickly she runs back into the house, and Kiby returns with Kirby by her side. Almost pushing him Kiby gets her dad to the door, and Kirby looks up at his visitors, somewhat surprised to see them.

Kirby: Hello Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Kiby told me some giants had come to visit. Welcome, how can I help you?

Link: Kirby, we need your help against an evil enemy, a Darkling named Vile attacked Hyrule.

Kirby: Darkling!? You mean like Noir!?


Suddenly his eyes open wide, and Kirby looks terrified by the mention of Darklings. It seems only yesterday that he fought with Noir, and the thought of more like him sends a shiver down Kirby’s small, round back.

Zelda: I am afraid so Kirby, Vile looked very much like Noir, but younger and with green eyes, but he was just as evil and ruthless.

Ganondorf: We defeated him, but more like him could be on Earth, Zelda and I have felt a powerful influx of negative energies in the past few hours.

Link: Will you help us Kirby? Vile is sure to return, and perhaps with reinforcements.

He turns away for a moment as he contemplates the situation, but Kirby knows he should help his friends. The memories of Noir and Neera burn brightly in his mind, and Kirby never wants anyone else to fall victim to their evil kin. The Darklings are the most evil and cruel race he has ever come across, and Kirby knows it is his mission to protect the Earth, especially against the likes of Darklings.

Kirby: ...Okay, I’ll help you, Jigglypuff too.

Link: Great, I know with all of us working together we can beat Vile and his allies.

It seems they will be joining forces once again, but before Link, Zelda and Ganondorf can get to work with Kirby and Jigglypuff a bright flash appears only meters away from them. The light glows powerfully, and everyone fears this could be an attack by Vile or his evil allies. Everyone prepares for a battle, but is this really an evil invasion of New Cappy Town?


The wheels of war have begun to turn, Nightmare and his brothers are flying to New Cappy Town, while Tyranitar tunnels after them. Mewtwo has taken Raichu, Wigglytuff, Pichu and Eevee with him to help Kirby defeat the evil Harbingers and Tyranitar, but they are not alone in this struggle. Link, Zelda and Ganondorf have arrived at New Cappy Town and have found Kirby, but they may have to fight sooner than they fought. Will more heroes come to help fight the good fight? Or will New Cappy Town be reduced to a smoking memory?

Find out on the next exciting episode of Kirby’s Quest: The Volwrath Saga!


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. I hope Mewtwo is joining them and not just teleporting the Superclones, Pichu and Eevee. I also want more characters to arrive.
Mewtwo: I was afraid of this...Bane is still alive...And he appears to have teamed up with Bane...Along some other, new Darklings. They appear to be heading South at great speed...Towards...No!
How does Bane team up with himself? YAY I'm first to post in the new topic.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Great update. I hope Mewtwo is joining them and not just teleporting the Superclones, Pichu and Eevee. I also want more characters to arrive.
Thanks MM2002, I'm glad you liked it. :) I hope to get back into the swing of regular updates. ;)

How does Bane team up with himself? YAY I'm first to post in the new topic.
Lol, I must have made a mistake there, I meant to say General Tyranitar had teamed up with Bane. :D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2002
A house.
Hey GSK, it's been a while since I posted here.. :laugh: :)

And it's great to see that you finally updated again (I did check a few times, but I didn't see your fic anywhere..), and it was a nice one too. Wonder who else is going to come to stop the Darklings. :dizzy: but yes..keep it up!

Oh and..by the way, has the font changed for you? It just may be my computer, but ever since the new layout came (you know, the one with the yellow and gray/black backround), the font's been smaller for me..

And yah, EC will come back soon, but I want to make sure I get all of the important parts planned out (that way, I can plan out the less important parts as I go on), I plan on making a summary tonight so that it can help me more. Today I thought of a hilarious idea for it that nearly left me rolling on the floor. :chuckle:

Edit: Nevermind about the font. It went back to normal for me.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
KingMewtwo1112 said:
Hey GSK, it's been a while since I posted here.. :laugh: :)

And it's great to see that you finally updated again (I did check a few times, but I didn't see your fic anywhere..), and it was a nice one too. Wonder who else is going to come to stop the Darklings. :dizzy: but yes..keep it up!

And yah, EC will come back soon, but I want to make sure I get all of the important parts planned out (that way, I can plan out the less important parts as I go on), I plan on making a summary tonight so that it can help me more. Today I thought of a hilarious idea for it that nearly left me rolling on the floor. :chuckle:
Hi KM1112, I'm sorry I let myself lag like this, but I intend to bring the next update here soon (I know I promised that before at least once, but I plan to make sure I keep it this time). :) I'm glad you liked this latest update, even better ones should follow. ;)

Hehe, your new ideas for EC sound like some rib-tickling ones. I look forward to reading it when you can update. :)

I would be updating tomorrow, but that is the day I celebrate my 21st birthday, so I am afraid I will be busy celebrating with my family. I hope I can pick up the day after, thankyou to you, and everyone for bearing with me like this. :)


Dec 19, 2002
Well since it's your birthday tomorrow...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it'd be a good day...while I wait for an extra day for an update. Tell me what your b-day is like because I never really celebrated my b-day much.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Well since it's your birthday tomorrow...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it'd be a good day...while I wait for an extra day for an update. Tell me what your b-day is like because I never really celebrated my b-day much.
Thanks MM2002, my birthday was quite nice, I got some presents and a party and a cake. :) I didn't get many of the presents I wanted, but I like the ones I got. :D The next update should come later today. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2002
Laval, Quebec, Canada
I'll read the update soon because I didn't have time yet. I got a girlfriend last month so.. I didn't have much time to read, but we broke up last week, so I have even less time but now, I have another girlfriend who happens to be... her sister. I know, stupid of me. Anyway. I like her and there's nothing that can be done about that. So, sorry about my whining.

And, happy birthday! Though I'm 10 days late...:( Sorry.


Jun 25, 2002
these fields are optional but will enhance your on
Kirby-Chao189 said:
I'll read the update soon because I didn't have time yet. I got a girlfriend last month so.. I didn't have much time to read, but we broke up last week, so I have even less time but now, I have another girlfriend who happens to be... her sister. I know, stupid of me. Anyway. I like her and there's nothing that can be done about that. So, sorry about my whining.

Come on, dude, I've been waiting for the new chapter for like forever

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Kirby-Chao189 said:
I'll read the update soon because I didn't have time yet. I got a girlfriend last month so.. I didn't have much time to read, but we broke up last week, so I have even less time but now, I have another girlfriend who happens to be... her sister. I know, stupid of me. Anyway. I like her and there's nothing that can be done about that. So, sorry about my whining.

And, happy birthday! Though I'm 10 days late...:( Sorry.
Thanks Kirby-Chao, I hope things work out with your new girlfriend. :)

To FireKP1: Thanks. :)

To Revolutions: I'm sorry about this, I'm working on the new chapter, and will try to get it up soon. :) I don't mean to drag it on like this, so I apologise if you (or anyone else) feels I'm taking too long.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2002

I've been looking for this story for a while.. I finally found the old thread in the archive and read it, and it led me to this new one... Vile, eh? I wonder... since he looks so much like Noir, could he have any connection to him?

It's been a while. School and basketball, plus a lot of other things have kept me busy for a while, but I'm still reading, even if I don't post :D

Take as much time as you need, because making a good chapter takes time.

Till next time,


Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Hello guys, I'm trying to put up a new chapter of Kirby's Quest, but everytime I try my internet explorer freezes and I have to close it. This is really getting on my nerves because I want to update, but it won't let me (it's why I started a new topic, but it's happening again), does anyone else have trouble uploading posts or comments on Smashboards? :(


Dec 19, 2002
I'm not having trouble with that. I hope that the problem will be fixed soon.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
I'm not having trouble with that. I hope that the problem will be fixed soon.
So do I, because I really want to put up Chapter 14 - I think you'd like it. ;)

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Kirby's Quest is saved!

Hello everyone, I have finally been able to update my fan fiction, through the power of FireFox. :) I was advised to download it and now I can put up chapters once again, and I would like to thank Revolutions, MEWTWOMASTER2002 and Bluekatt (a friend from deviantart.com) for suggesting I useit. Thankyou very much guys, you saved Kirby's Quest! :)

Ocarina said:

I've been looking for this story for a while.. I finally found the old thread in the archive and read it, and it led me to this new one... Vile, eh? I wonder... since he looks so much like Noir, could he have any connection to him?

It's been a while. School and basketball, plus a lot of other things have kept me busy for a while, but I'm still reading, even if I don't post :D

Take as much time as you need, because making a good chapter takes time.

Till next time,

Hi Ocarina, I'm glad to see you again, and that you found my new thread for this story. :) Since you're asking, Vile has a connection to Noir, he and the other Harbingers of Darkness were born from his DNA, and each embody a piece of his personality. ;)

Thanks Ocarina, I'm glad I have your support, but I feel guilty for letting my story slip like this. I should update more often.

Well I would like to thank all of you for bearing with me, the next chapter is coming up! :D

Computer Voice: Standing by...For a brand new chapter of Kirby's Quest...Downloading now...Standing by...

Chapter 14: The Dreaded Meeting

Our return to New Cappy Town has brought us to a stunning scene, as Kirby, Jigglypuff, Link, Ganondorf, and Zelda see a bright light appear in front of them. A look of shock and fear has gripped the faces of everyone outside Kirby’s house; the Star Warrior is no exception as he too stares at the blinding light, as he fully expects to be confronted by a vicious monster. In case it is an attack Link reaches for his Master Sword, his hand firmly gripping the handle as Ganondorf brings out his Axe. Zelda prepares to wield some magic while Jigglypuff gets into a fighting stance, and Kirby pulls out his Star Sword. They all prepare to attack at once, but as the light begins to fade they are met by non-Darkling faces, familiar faces...

Kirby: M-Mewtwo!?

Jigglypuff: Mewtwo?

It would seem that this is not an attack by the Harbingers of Darkness, but a visit by some old friends; Kirby’s fears are washed away as he sees the familiar face of Mewtwo. They see that Mewtwo has brought friends with him, and Kirby, Jigglypuff, Link, Ganondorf and Zelda look over to see Raichu, Wigglytuff, and two new faces, Pichu and Eevee, with him. Relief replaces their fear, but the heroes are confused as to why Mewtwo has come here with some of his friends.

Mewtwo: Ah, hello Kirby. I’m glad to hear you haven’t forgotten my face in the time since we last saw each other.

Kirby: Hi Mewtwo, it’s good to see you, but I’m a little surprised, I didn’t expect you to pop in.

Jigglypuff: Yeah, and you brought friends with you, hello Raichu, hello Wigglytuff.

She smiles and waves over to Raichu and Wigglytuff, but as they smile and wave back Jigglypuff’s eye is caught by the presence of Pichu. This is one Pokemon she is not familiar with, and Pichu is equally captivated by her, as she looks much like a squashed version of his adoptive mother.

Jigglypuff: Lookie here, I don’t believe I’ve seen you before, hello little- -

Pichu: Pichu, I am Pichu, but I have to say I haven’t seen you before either.

Wigglytuff: She is Jigglypuff Pichu; she’s an old friend of ours.

Jigglypuff: Well, hello Pichu.

Pichu: Hello Jigglypuff.

The inquisitive youngster approaches Jigglypuff happily, and Pichu shakes hands with her for the very first time. Kirby then approaches Pichu and shakes hands with him; the young hero is instantly taken into their circle of friends and allies. This meeting is quite heart warming, but Eevee feels left out and walks in to join her friend Pichu.

Eevee: Hey, don’t forget about me.

Kirby: Hello?

Pichu: Oh, right. This is my friend Eevee, you should meet her too.

Jigglypuff: Okay then, hello Eevee.

Eevee: Hi, you do look a lot like Wigglytuff, only smaller.

Jigglypuff: Hehe, thankyou.

Now Eevee has also been introduced to Kirby and Jigglypuff, and after shaking hands/paws with them she returns to Pichu’s side. With Pichu she then returns to Raichu and Wigglytuff, but then Mewtwo steps forward with a face of urgency, and continues his conversation with Kirby.

Kirby: So Mewtwo, I know you never do anything like this without a good reason, why did you come here with your friends?

Mewtwo: The Sacred Forest was attacked by General Tyranitar, and a new ally of his, Bane the Darkling.

Kirby: D-Darkling!?

The mention of another Darkling brings a shocked expression to Kirby’s face, first Hyrule is attacked by a Darkling named Vile, and now the Sacred Forest has been attacked by a Darkling named Bane. He is frozen for a few seconds, but then Kirby looks up at Mewtwo with disbelief, the memories of Noir still burn brightly in his mind, and the Star Warrior dreads having to face another like him.

Kirby: You mean? Like Noir?

He doesn’t want to believe that more Darklings exist, but then Raichu and Wigglytuff step forward. They have felt Bane’s power and fury first hand, and know what he’s capable of.

Raichu: I’m afraid so Kirby, Bane is a Darkling like Noir, and is like him in many ways.

Wigglytuff: We know why you don’t like to hear Noir’s name, but it’s true Kirby. There are more Darklings out there...

Mewtwo: And they are coming here to get you.

Kirby: .........

It seems his worst fears have been realised, but instead of panicking Kirby looks down at the floor, sad that he has to accept the truth of the danger on its way. He too could feel a dark presence in the air, and now he knows there are Darklings Kirby has no doubt it is them that he senses. The Star Warrior turns away from his allies and friends for a moment, but then turns back to show them a determined face.

Kirby: Let them come.

Jigglypuff: Kirby?

Kirby: You heard me Jigglypuff; if Bane, Vile and their friends are coming here to fight me, then let them come. We’ll give them a fight and we’ll defeat them, just like we beat Noir, Schwartz and Neera!

Jigglypuff: A-Are you sure Kirby?

He seems to have convinced himself the Darklings can be beaten, but when Kirby sees he may not have Jigglypuff’s confidence he puts his hands on her. Holding her gently Kirby looks deeply into Jigglypuff’s eyes, giving her the look of a confident hero, not a scared one. Seeing for herself he believes they can win over these new enemies Jigglypuff lets go of her fear and doubt, and hugs Kirby lovingly.

Jigglypuff: Kirby...

Kirby: Trust me Jigglypuff, we can defeat these Darklings, and we will.

Link, Zelda, and the other visitors see this heart-warming spectacle and feel smiles come to their faces; even Ganondorf feels something at this sight, though he wouldn’t admit it. Raichu and Wigglytuff see the trust and love between Kirby and Jigglypuff, and then looking at eachother see it is just like the bond they share.

Wigglytuff: Those two remind me of us Raichu, they really do love eachother.

Raichu: I got the same feeling Wigglytuff, Kirby may be a more experienced fighter than us, but we also have a strong, unbreakable bond.

Wigglytuff: Yes, I feel better about having to fight Tyranitar now, knowing we have fighters...no...friends, like these.

With that Raichu and Wigglytuff embrace eachother, the Superclones following Kirby and Jigglypuff’s example and hugging. Pichu sees this and smiles at them, but then he remembers the coming danger and alerts them by jumping up and making noise.

Pichu: That’s nice, but maybe we should get ready to fight Tyranitar and those other monsters.

Eevee: Yeah, they could attack at any moment, we had better prepare ourselves.

???: How right you are, little one!

Suddenly a bold, dark voice comes from above, and all eyes turn to the heavens to see a large group of figures fly done from the clouds. Kirby could recognise their dark features anywhere, and he fixes a stern face on them as he sees the Harbingers of Darkness coming towards them. Meanwhile the Cappies flee to their houses in the wake of the impending attack, but the heroes stand strong and united.

Kirby: It’s them, everyone get ready.

Jigglypuff: Okay Kirby.

Zelda: They’re here already? How didn’t we detect them?

Mewtwo: I don’t know, I guess we let our guards down and didn’t sense their energy. Bane and his allies got here sooner than I thought.

Link: They must be in a hurry to fight.

Ganondorf: Or to die?

The former villain heaves his axe onto his shoulder in preparation to fight, but he seems less serious about the approaching threat than the others. Raichu and Wigglytuff form up alongside Kirby and Jigglypuff while Pichu and Eevee find a place to keep out of sight. Link reaches for his Master Sword while Zelda and Mewtwo move to the back of the group, waiting for a chance to attack without being targeted.

Link: Is everyone ready?

Zelda: I am Link.

Ganondorf: I’m always ready for a fight!

Mewtwo: I have focussed my psychic energies, I am prepared.

Raichu: I’m charged for battle, I can feel strength running through me.

Wigglytuff: I’m ready too, those monsters won’t get past us.

Jigglypuff: Good, because I’m ready as well.

Kirby: Yes, same here.

Our heroes are ready for battle, but it seems the villains are also ready, as Nightmare lands on the grassy ground not too far from Kirby. With his fierce, red eyes he stares over at the Star Warrior and his allies, Nightmare grinning confidently as his brothers’ land in formation behind him. He has waited his whole life for this moment, and Nightmare plans to leave an impression on Kirby before he kills him.

Nightmare: Kirby...I see you’re ready to fight, good...You haven’t changed.

Kirby: Haven’t changed? I don’t think we’ve met...

Nightmare: We have, but not like you may expect. As you can see my brothers and I are Darklings, but we are also descended from the mighty Noir, it was his DNA that spawned us. That is why I know you and everything there is to know, each of us share Noir’s memories, and the ones we have of you...We don’t like.

Kirby’s eyes widen with surprise as this turn of events, not only are these invaders Darklings, but they are also the living reincarnation of Noir. They share his thoughts, powers and ambitions, but before Kirby can say something Jigglypuff takes a step forward and raises her voice.

Jigglypuff: So you guys are like reincarnated Noirs? What are your names then?

The leader of the Harbingers of Darkness raises his hand to speak, but Scourge pushes past Nightmare and looks towards Jigglypuff. He sneers at her with contempt, as through Noir’s memories he remembers her too, and does not like what the memories tell him.

Scourge: Ah Jigglypuff, how nice of you to stick your nose into Kirby’s business, you always were good at that. My name is Scourge, and these are my brothers – Bane, Vile and Fiend. Him? He’s Nightmare, our leader.

She puts her hands on her ‘hips’ and pouts a little at Scourge’s comment, but Jigglypuff’s annoyance is matched by Nightmare, who doesn’t take kindly to Scourge’s interruption (or the unsavoury way he said his name). Having pointed to each of the brothers in turn as he said their name, Scourge turns back to Kirby, but then allows Nightmare to have the initiative and take centre stage back.

Kirby: I’m guessing you guys came to kill me, for revenge?

Nightmare: Not exactly Kirby, we hate you and would like nothing more than to kill you, but not for revenge on Noir’s life. He was our fore bearer but he was a heretic, he forsook the name of Volwrath and became a demon. We respect his strength but not his beliefs, we fight in the name of our god and master and conquer for him, not ourselves. You and your friends are the only thing that has stopped Earth becoming his, and Volwrath has instructed us to exterminate you all!

Bane: It will be good to kill every last one of you...Especially you three...Repugnant Pokemon!

The yellow-eyed Darkling takes a step forward and glares furiously at Raichu, Wigglytuff and Mewtwo, the memory of his defeat at their hands too fresh in his mind. As he sees his brother do this Vile notices the presence of the Hyrulian heroes, and Vile steps out to threaten Link, Zelda and Ganondorf.

Vile: It seems Bane has a vendetta, but he isn’t the only one. I haven’t forgotten how you humiliated me...Link, Ganondorf, and you as well, Zelda!

Nightmare: Calm yourselves my brothers, there’s no need to lose our heads like this, you both will get your chance for revenge...We all will drink deeply from the goblet of victory today!

The heroes of Hyrule and the Sacred Forest brace themselves for combat when it seems Vile and Bane will attack them, but Nightmare comes out to settle his angered brothers. A stare down ensues between the opposing sides, but the silence is broken when a creature bursts through the ground and lands besides the Harbingers. The sudden emergence surprises and startles everyone, but when the dust and dirt settles we see it is General Tyranitar, the most evil Pokemon to ever live.

Nightmare: General, you are late.

General Tyranitar: I’m sorry Nightmare, but I wanted to make my own entrance, separate from you Darklings. Hello Raichu, Wigglytuff...Remember me?

He growls threateningly at them as he glares over, but Raichu, Wigglytuff and Mewtwo stand their ground against the wicked Pokemon. Pichu and Eevee gasp quietly when they see the monster appear from the ground and join the Darklings, they had feared he may come back for a second revenge.

Pichu: Oh no......

Eevee: Tyranitar......

Wigglytuff: Tyranitar!

Raichu: We knew you couldn’t live your defeat down!

Mewtwo: Did you come back to restore your broken pride?

General Tyranitar: Bah, I see you Superclones are as repulsive as ever. You can mock me because you defeated me twice, but this time will not end the same way. I have more power than you could imagine, and I will use it to crush you all!

A stare down returns as the Harbingers and General Tyranitar glare at the heroes, neither of them making a move. This could very well be the toughest battle they have ever fought, but Kirby, Jigglypuff, and the others refuse to give up or surrender. Nightmare becomes the centre of attention as he takes a step forward, and staring straight at Kirby he makes his target known. Kirby stares back at his enemy, knowing that he is the one he will have to fight, and defeat.

Nightmare: So Kirby, are you ready to lose it all?

Kirby: That’s a question you should ask yourself Nightmare, I can sense your power and I know we can defeat you, and your brothers.

Nightmare: We’ll see Kirby...We’ll see...

As he makes his prediction Nightmare starts walking backwards, returning to the ranks of his four brothers and Tyranitar. They look towards him as they wait for the signal for the battle to begin, but Scourge, Bane, Vile, Fiend and Tyranitar don’t have to wait long, as Nightmare gives the words they’ve waited for.

Nightmare: Crush them, but leave Kirby...He’s mine!

With that the Harbingers (except Nightmare) and Tyranitar charge at the heroes, each of them breaking off to go after a specific target. Scourge flies towards Jigglypuff, Bane goes after Wigglytuff, Vile after Link, Fiend after Ganondorf, and Tyranitar after Raichu. The targeted heroes move away from the group to avoid and then fight with their enemies, Zelda moving to assist Link and Ganondorf while Mewtwo teleports to support his Superclones. This leaves Kirby all by himself, but he remains unafraid as he and Nightmare stare each other down.

Nightmare: Now Kirby...I believe that leaves you and me.

Kirby: I suppose it does. You know Nightmare, I feel you still hold onto some of Noir’s hatred for me...You do look more like him than your brothers.

Hinting at Nightmare’s red eyes Kirby suggests that he is most like Noir out of the Harbingers, but the leader of the dark group only smiles at this idea. He more than any of his brothers embodied the original Noir, both in appearance and malice.

Nightmare: Heh, perhaps you’re right Kirby, maybe I am the reborn Noir, maybe not. It doesn’t matter though, what does matter is you and me, one on one.

Kirby: You really do remind me of Noir, but like him, you’ll still lose Nightmare.

Nightmare: Never. You’ll lose Kirby, this battle, your life, and everything you care about. Fight me!

Suddenly Nightmare leans forward and charges towards Kirby, flying low to the ground with his clawed hands reaching out at the sides. Just before he would be hit Kirby transforms into a Super Starian and flies out to dodge the Darkling, but then Nightmare stops and flies at him again. The two clash in midair and separate to land on the ground, both Nightmare and Kirby looking prepared for a fight.

Super Kirby: Nice move Nightmare, but I once beat Noir in a one on one spar, think you can do what he couldn’t?

Nightmare: I don’t think Kirby, I know!

With that the two warriors charge at each other again, Kirby and Nightmare clashing forcefully before the fists and feet begin to fly. Kirby avoids all of Nightmare attacks and assaults the Darkling with some punches and kicks, but as he knocks him back with a kick to the face Nightmare charges forward and retaliates with a punch to the cheek. Kirby sweeps Nightmare up and kicks him into the air, but Nightmare comes down and stomps the Super Starian into the ground. The two fighters come away from the exchange with a few bruises, but not too bad for wear.

Nightmare: Still confident Kirby?

Super Kirby: Yes Nightmare, I can take much more than that!

He pulls himself out of the dirt and flies at Nightmare, the Super Starian slamming headfirst into the Darkling and pushing him back. Kirby flies in, uppercuts, and then kicks Nightmare, but he comes back with a palm strike and a tail whip. Nightmare jumps forward and knees Kirby in the stomach, but Kirby kicks him in the stomach and then in the head. The two continue to exchange blows like this, but then we see Jigglypuff being pursued by Scourge, the Darkling looking to tear some flesh out of her balloon body with his claws.

Scourge: Come back Jigglypuff, you know you can’t run forever!

Jigglypuff: I don’t need to Scourge, take that!

Suddenly she stops floating away and Jigglypuff kicks Scourge in the chest, stunning him long enough for her to get some room to transform. By the time he recovers Scourge finds himself facing Jigglypuff in her White Wigglytuff form, but he doesn’t look intimidated.

Scourge: Ah yes I know this form, it won’t save you.

White Wigglytuff: Think so?

With that she jumps forward and assaults him with Pound attacks, White Wigglytuff pounding away on Scourge’s stomach before knocking him back with a Mega Kick. When he comes back Scourge growls and grabs onto White Wigglytuff with his hands, giving her a cruel headbutt before slamming her on the ground like a basketball. The orange-eyed Darkling falls down and drops an elbow on her bouncy belly, but as White Wigglytuff groans she slaps him across the face, and tackles Scourge in the groin area to make him double back.

White Wigglytuff: Well I’m stronger than I was when I last fought Noir, so your memory of my strength is out of date.

Scourge: Good, otherwise this would be too easy!

He reaches up and grabs onto White Wigglytuff’s foot, Scourge holding her upside down while he punches her stomach with his other hand. As the third punch comes in White Wigglytuff pulls herself up and kicks Scourge on the neck, getting free from his hold and slapping him across the face. The two fighters punch and kick each other in a continuing fight, but elsewhere the battle also rages.

Bane: You won’t escape death this time Raichu, Wigglytuff is too preoccupied with Tyranitar to save you!

Raichu: I don’t need her to thrash you Bane!

The Superclone lashes out with his tail to strike his stalker, but Bane lashes back and their tails collide. Bane stomps down but Raichu jumps up and stamps down on his foot, blasting the agonised Darkling with a Thunderbolt before moving back.

Bane: Gggwwaa!

Raichu: Now to even things out!

With that Raichu gets into position and is surrounded by a bright light, signalling the transformation into his Greater form. Once the transformation is complete he charges forward and smashes Bane in the face with a Thunderpunch, but Bane punches back with a punch of his own. The two exchange punches before Raichu kicks Bane back, but then the Darkling stuns him with an elbow to the gut, and with a powerful kick to the chest he knocks Raichu back and lands him on the ground.

Bane: You’re mine now.

The yellow-eyed Darkling leaps at Raichu with his claws bared, but Raichu rears up on his shoulders and kicks upwards with his legs, nailing Scourge in the chest with his feet. The blow sends him reeling into the air, but then Raichu nips up and leaps up after him, Thunderpunching Bane in the stomach, chest and finally face. Bane fights back with a similar chain of attacks, both fighters kicking eachother before finally landing on the ground.

Raichu: You...got..a little better.

Bane: Yeah, you’re not quite as sloppy as you were last time.

Raichu: As much as I despise you Bane...You’re the most powerful enemy I have ever fought. I don’t respect you, but I respect that.

Bane: Heh, likewise rodent, everything about you disgusts me, but your fighting prowess demands respect.

It seems the two fighters have come to develop a level of respect for eachother, but before the battle between Bane and Raichu can continue we see another battle heating up. Vile and Fiend are kept at bay by Link and Ganondorf, who have drawn their weapons and are slashing away to prevent them getting closer.

Link: Just try to get closer Vile!

Ganondorf: It will be the last step you and Fiend ever take!

Vile: You’ll need more than those weedy weapons to hold us back Link and Ganondorf!

Fiend: Not to mention we can sense your power level don’t come close to ours.

Link: Then we’ll need to change that.

He reaches out and kicks Vile in the stomach, Link getting some room for him and Ganondorf to don their Triforce Armour. When it is done Link’s Golden Triforce Armour of Courage, and Ganondorf’s Black Triforce Armour of Power shine brightly in the afternoon sun, but the Darklings don’t seem impressed by this.

Vile: Those armours don’t scare us heroes, this just makes it an even fight.

Ganondorf: Even this!

Suddenly he lunges at Fiend and smashes him in the face with his Gauntlet, Ganondorf going for the purple-eyed Darkling while Link attacks Vile. All the Darklings are now occupied with an opponent to fight, but Tyranitar is still stalking his, Wigglytuff. Backing away from him she tries to get some distance from the monster, but Tyranitar keeps pace with her, intent on getting revenge.

General Tyranitar: Did you think I would forget how you humiliated me Wigglytuff? Did you!?

Wigglytuff: You should let the past go Tyranitar, you’ll only get yourself upset again. I could have killed you back in the forest, but I wanted to believe you knew you could never beat us.

General Tyranitar: Never beat you? Hahahahahaha! That’s a good one Wigglytuff, I know your new powers outweigh mine, but that’s why I recently acquired a new power to counter them!

Wigglytuff: You’re bluffing!

General Tyranitar: Think so? Then why not call my bluff Wigglytuff? Attack me.

Wigglytuff: Okay Tyranitar, you want this, here it comes!

A bright light surrounds her as she transforms into her Greater form, and then Wigglytuff charges Tyranitar with an arm pulled back for a punch. She throws it forward and nails him in the chest, but the General grabs her and tries to squeeze Wigglytuff. Luckily the Superclone fights her way out and kicks Tyranitar in the gut, but he knocks her back with a tail whip.

The battle for Earth has truly begun, Nightmare gathering all his forces to attack Kirby and his allies. Kirby has gathered his strongest allies and closest friends for this fight, but will it be enough to stem the dark tide that is sweeping over the landscape? Nightmare seems determined for glory, Scourge for power, Bane and Vile for revenge, and Fiend for himself. Tyranitar wants to restore his former splendour and rid the world of the Superclones, but can his new powers truly overcome Wigglytuff’s?

Find out on the next pulse pounding, rip-roaring episode of Kirby’s Quest: The Volwrath Saga!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2002
A house.
Hooray! You finally updated! :D

I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to reply, since my computer recently autologged me off here (and on Devianart too), and I just came back here to check on things and I'm magically back on. Weird.. :dizzy:

Whatever, cool update. I can't remember what Tyranitar's new power was though..(Didn't it have to do with some dark power up thingy?)


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. I did read it before you posted it but I noticed some changes with some parts fixed XD.

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
Aurora Grid said:
Hello everyone, I have finally been able to update my fan fiction, through the power of FireFox.
Ah, the power of Firefox. I was going to suggest it, but it looks like that problem has already been solved.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2004
If i knew id tell ya.
Hey I just read a lot of the stuff I've missed in the past 8 months. No posts here in awhile either. Guess your having computer trouble. But hey can't wait when you can update again.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2002
Some villains just never quit, do they? Tyrannitar is back, and by technicality, so is Noir... or at least, descendants with his memories. Is it just me, or do the heroes seem weaker..? Or maybe the villains are stronger...

Anyway, great update, can't wait for the next one!


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
In the fiery pits of hell.

Cool update Aurora Grid. This is really a great battle so far.


Smash Cadet
Jul 29, 2005
All the heroes are stronger, its just that each one of them if fighting more or less an opponent that has normal Noir's powerlevel before he became a demon, and don't forget the Super Darkling ability either, the only one we aren't sure about is the Gen, But I'm getting an inkling suspision that Kirby has a trump card just in case things go heywire.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
KingMewtwo1112 said:
Hooray! You finally updated! :D

I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to reply, since my computer recently autologged me off here (and on Devianart too), and I just came back here to check on things and I'm magically back on. Weird.. :dizzy:

Whatever, cool update. I can't remember what Tyranitar's new power was though..(Didn't it have to do with some dark power up thingy?)
Yeah, I'm really sorry that I left it so long KM1112, I have a habit of doing that. :( I'm glad that you were able to get back on though. :)

I'm happy to hear you liked the update, Tyranitar's power hasn't been revealed yet, but it was a dark gift given to him by Volwrath just before they set out from the stronghold. ;)

MEWTWOMASTER2002 Great update. I did read it before you posted it but I noticed some changes with some parts fixed XD. [/QUOTE said:
Thanks MM2002, and yes, I made some changes. :)

Venom Dream said:
Ah, the power of Firefox. I was going to suggest it, but it looks like that problem has already been solved.
That's right, all thanks to Firefox. :nod: Small paragraphs aren't a problem for my Internet Explorer, but big ones are. It might have been my slow computer, but my family has a few others that are faster, so I can use them if need be. ;)

Afrotaki said:
Holy ****ing ****, you're still alive?
Yes, and very much so. :D

DarkKirby26 said:
Hey I just read a lot of the stuff I've missed in the past 8 months. No posts here in awhile either. Guess your having computer trouble. But hey can't wait when you can update again.
That's great DK26, I'm glad you liked it. :) I'm afraid that much of my lateness in updating has been my own procrastination. I wanted to keep updates frequent, but I have a habit of leaving it and telling myself I'll do it later. I don't normally do this with things I like doing, and I am very sorry for every promise to update soon that I've broken. :(

Ocarina said:
Some villains just never quit, do they? Tyrannitar is back, and by technicality, so is Noir... or at least, descendants with his memories. Is it just me, or do the heroes seem weaker..? Or maybe the villains are stronger...

Anyway, great update, can't wait for the next one!
Hehehe, yeah, some of them refuse to die. :D Well, you're mostly right Ocarina, since the Harbingers are made from Noir's essence, so I guess it depends how you look at it (them either being his offspring, or clones of him). I'm not sure, but it may seem the heroes are weaker because they're more fragmented. Normally they unite to fight powerful foes, but here they are mostly in 1 on 1 confrontations, and the Harbingers are quite strong on their own. ;)

Thanks Ocarina, hopefully you won't have to wait long - I apologise for my failing to keep you all posted. :(

FireKP1 said:

Cool update Aurora Grid. This is really a great battle so far.
Thanks FirePK1, it's only going to get better from here on. ;)

keeeen said:
All the heroes are stronger, its just that each one of them if fighting more or less an opponent that has normal Noir's powerlevel before he became a demon, and don't forget the Super Darkling ability either, the only one we aren't sure about is the Gen, But I'm getting an inkling suspision that Kirby has a trump card just in case things go heywire.
Yeah, you're mostly right keeeen, though individually the Harbingers aren't quite on par with Noir for power (before he became Devil Noir). They each have as much power as his evil side did before he took Vamorf's powers, so that means they all have a standard power of 20 million (and if you remember in Super Darkling form that amount is tripled). Sorry for that little spoiler (I usually reveal power levels at the end of the saga), but I felt it wouldn't take too much from the magic of the battle (and it would put their powers into perspective). ;) Tyranitar is stronger than any of the Harbingers normally, though in Super Darkling form they're more powerful (even when he's in Supreme form, though he may have more physical strength). I won't say what his new, dark powers will do for him, but I can say that they should impress. :D You may be onto something with Kirby, but I'll keep that secret for now, if he has anything to hide. ;)

I would like to thank all of you for sticking with the story, I really appreciate each and every one of you. I would also like to apologise for my failiure to keep you all posted with frequent updates. I have rarely been given an obstacle that would stop me, it's mostly been my laziness that has defeated me. I love this story and I want it to go to the very end, I guess taking it on over these years (and making long chapters like these) has taken some of the spark from me. I don't want any of you to worry though, I intend to finish Kirby's Quest, I have written most of Chapter 15 and aim to have it uploaded before the new year. I can only hope that you'll all forgive me, it was wrong to keep you all in the dark and not say anything...I'm sorry. :(

Tomorrow is Christmas Day, and I hope you all will have a great time over the holidays. I may have failed several times, but I want you all to have a Very Merry Christmas. :)


Dec 19, 2002
No problem. I can wait until the next update since I'm already pretty busy even during the holidays.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Thankyou MM2002, I'm thankful that you and the others have been so patient with me. :)

Well here is Chapter 15, I'm sorry I took so long to put this up, hopefully 2006 will not be a slothful year for me. I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and a nice start to 2006. :D

Computer Voice: Standing by...For a brand new chapter of Kirby's Quest...Downloading Complete...Running now...

Chapter 15: Burning Fists! Flying Kicks! Soaring Dragons!


A battle has broken out in New Cappy Town that could wipe it from the face of the Earth, but elsewhere the carnage has largely remained unnoticed. High on Death Mountain the dragon Epyon sits and waits, but with his keen senses he can feel something very wrong is going on. Able to dense the dark energies of the Harbingers of Darkness and the turmoil of the battle he begins to worry, as this force of evil is unlike any that has besieged the planet before. Epyon’s large, draconic eyes open as he looks over the horizon towards New Cappy Town, and he spreads his wings in preparation for flight.

Epyon: I didn’t know it would come to this, not in my mind anyway, but in my heart I knew it would. Those dark beings that I sensed before have attacked New Cappy Town, and they’ve gone after Kirby and his friends. They have to be stopped before they can harm anyone else, Kirby might need help, my help. Hold on Star Warrior, I’m coming!

With that the mighty Digi-Dragon spreads his wings out and leaps from his cliff, and as he dives down he catches an updraft to soar back upwards. Epyon rides the strong currents and flies on towards New Cappy Town, occasionally he looks down at the ground below to see the landscape. He imagines it torn and ruined by the evil Darklings, Epyon is an ancient creature and very sensitive to the balance in nature, so he knows when the planet has been poisoned by wicked powers. So far the darkness hasn’t come this far, but Epyon looks to the East and sees dark clouds, and shadowed hills in the distance.

Epyon: If they are left unchecked that darkness could envelope the whole world, and all living creatures would suffer. That can’t come to pass, not while I can do something to stop it!

As he speaks these words Epyon climbs higher and higher into the sky, currently in his Champion form he can fly fast and gracefully on wing power alone. His eyes turn back in the direction of New Cappy Town, and eventually it comes into view. As Epyon flies closer to his destination the battle continues to rage, fortunes going back and forth for both heroes and villains.


Nightmare: Die Kirby!

We return to New Cappy Town to see Nightmare savagely punch Kirby in the cheek, but as the Super Starian reels back he kicks off from a Cappy’s house and flying kicks Nightmare in the stomach. Punishing him with rapid punches before smacking the Darkling away, Kirby pauses before shooting off in pursuit, but Nightmare recovers and gets locked in a fearsome fistfight with him. Nightmare’s tail comes in to who Kirby, but then the Super Starian rises up to kick the Darkling in the throat.

Super Kirby: I don’t intend to die today Nightmare.

Nightmare: Well, too bad it’s not your choice then, is it Kirby!?

With that he recovers and Nightmare prepares his next attack, clenching his fists to generate a pair of powerful energy balls. The ferocious leader of the Harbingers throws several black energy blasts at Kirby, but he deflects them away with his hands, sending the last one back at Nightmare himself. Nightmare kicks his own attack away and attacks with twin eye beams, but Kirby smashes down with his hands to send it into the ground below.

Super Kirby: Try my Blaze Rush Nightmare!

Suddenly Kirby surrounds himself in scorching, flaming energy and rushes at Nightmare, colliding with the Darkling before pummelling him with wicked punches. The fiery energy licks at Nightmare’s skin and burns him, but before he can howl in pain Kirby kicks him in the teeth and sends him crashing to the ground with a punch. A cloud of dust is kicked up as he hits the ground, but when Kirby’s blazing shield dissipates Nightmare surges up and elbows the Star Warrior in the stomach.

Nightmare: It’s nothing compared to my Shadow Step!

Kirby groans as he reels from the attack, but when he opens his eyes he sees Nightmare is gone, and then Darkling appears from nowhere to kick him in the back. The Super Starian spins round and tried a kick, but Nightmare fades away into a shadow and reappears behind Kirby, using Kirby’s shadow to his advantage. He takes a few more hits before he feels overwhelmed, but Kirby senses Nightmare appearing behind him and kicks backwards, nailing the emerging Darkling in the chest.

Super Kirby: So you can hide in shadows Nightmare? Well you can’t use mine against me, when I know it’s behind me! Solar Flare Fireball!

All of a sudden Kirby turns to face Nightmare and throws his hands forward, blasting the Darkling with a blazing ball of fiery energy. Nightmare roars furiously as he careens over New Cappy Town and is smashed into the opposite cliff face, but he soon emerges and fights back with his own energy attack. Holding his hands behind his back he generates a ball of blue energy, and Nightmare attacks with a weapon he inherited from Noir.

Nightmare: Try to predict this move Kirby, Kamehameha!!

The stunning beam of blue energy erupts from his hands as he throws them in Kirby’s direction, but as the Super Starian sees the attack coming he makes no attempt to dodge it. Instead Kirby opens his mouth and takes a deep breath, swallowing the beam attack whole. Nightmare looks on in disbelief before flying forwards to attack, but Kirby spits the Kamehameha Wave back at him in the form of a glowing star.

Nightmare: Dammit!

He is able to stop himself before the spinning star would strike him, but Nightmare takes some minor damage as he wheels around the blast. The star-shaped blast screeches off into the sky, and Nightmare turns back to scowl at Kirby, who returns it with an equally unfriendly stare.

Nightmare: Ggrrrr...

Super Kirby: Hmmm...


The two combatants fly towards eachother and collide with great force, but as Kirby and Nightmare battle another pair of opponents face off against one another. Raichu and Bane lock hands and attempt to overpower eachother, but then they push off and separate, having been evenly matched. Raichu puts his hands together and then through a ball of electricity at Bane, but the Darkling vaults over it and throws a ball of black energy at Raichu. The blast slams into his chest and pushes him back, but as it explodes Raichu recovers and shoots forward at Bane, smashing a Thunderpunch into his face.

Raichu: Gggrrr!!

Bane: Wwwrraauuu...

It doesn’t take him long to recover from this attack though, and Bane retaliates with a stinging punch to Raichu’s stomach. Fighting back with a shocking Spark attack Raichu gets some room, but as Bane is knocked back he reveals his Naginata and takes a swipe at Raichu. Fortunately for Raichu he manages to avoid the deadly blade by pulling his head back at the last second, but he catches a scowl from Bane as they come face to face.

Bane: ...Lucky miss...

Raichu: It’s called Skill Bane, I thought you’d know that!

With that he gives Bane a sharp kick to the throat, but the Darklings returns attack by clonking Raichu with the blunt end of his Naginata. Raichu manages to recover and lash out with his long tail, wrapping around the handle of Bane’s Naginata to pull it away from him. Still holding onto his Naginata Bane is pulled with it, and takes a hard punch from Raichu, followed by an elbow. Unfortunately this attack leaves him vulnerable, and Bane wrenches his Naginata free to slash at Raichu, cutting close enough to give him a stinging scratch across his chest.

Raichu: *clenches teeth* Uuuggghhh!

Bane: There’s more where that came from Raichu!

Suddenly Bane takes his Naginata and cracks Raichu across the temple with the blunt end, knocking him to the ground, the Darkling then raising his weapon and bringing it down towards Raichu. However the agile Superclone rolls out of the way to avoid the deadly blade, and kicks Bane in the ribs before jumping up to Thunderpunch him in the chest. The Darkling lord soon recovers however, and Bane temporarily drops his Naginata to enter a fierce exchange of punches with Raichu. Meanwhile another pair of foes exchange blows and battle it out, Wigglytuff and General Tyranitar giving one another a fierce fight. She attacks him with a flurry of punches, but General Tyranitar knocks Wigglytuff down and stomps on her a few times, before she is able to roll away.


Wigglytuff: Grr! I won’t let you win Tyranitar, I know what you’d do if I did!

General Tyranitar: Pah! Then it’s a shame that you’re powerless to stop my victory, isn’t it?

Wigglytuff: I’m not powerless Tyranitar, you of all people should know that much!

After their exchange of words General Tyranitar lunges forward at Wigglytuff, but she moves back to avoid him and kicks the tyrant in the face. As he stumbles back she jumps up to take to the air, General Tyranitar leaping up to meet her. The two start punching away at eachother as they reach the climax of their jump, but as they begin to fall Wigglytuff kicks out at the General. She scores a few good kicks but he catches her leg against his ribs and grabs it, General Tyranitar giving Wigglytuff a sneer before lifting her by her leg and throwing her to the ground

Wigglytuff: Whoa!

General Tyranitar: Ha ha!

She manages to land on her feet and avoid crashing, but as Wigglytuff tries to recover from the drop General Tyranitar comes down, smashing his thick tail on her back. The impact knocks her flat on her front, and before Wigglytuff can get up the monstrous general stomps on her. Wigglytuff is able to roll away before he can stomp her again and kicks General Tyranitar in the head to send him back, but she is feeling overpowered by this behemoth.

General Tyranitar: What’s the matter Wigglytuff? Can’t take me without your boyfriend to help you? Or perhaps you want to transform into that white form of yours? Hehehe, too bad. I noticed how angry you were when you took on that form, I felt your rage, and I have a feeling that’s how you did it...You’re more like me than you care to admit, it’s almost a shame I have to kill you.

Wigglytuff: ...I’m nothing like you Tyranitar, nothing!

Hearing him liken her to him has Wigglytuff clenching her fists in anger, and she lunges forward to smash General Tyranitar in the stomach with a Mega Punch. The blow has him doubling over in pain for a moment, but then he locks onto her sides with his hands and holds Wigglytuff firmly, General Tyranitar then painfully head butting Wigglytuff to the ground. His tail sweeps from the side to club her, but Wigglytuff leaps off the ground to dodge it, and nails General Tyranitar square in the jaw with her knee.

General Tyranitar: Gggyyaa!! You...

The blow is enough to knock him down, but then General Tyranitar opens his mouth and hits Wigglytuff with a Hyper Beam as she falls down from her attack. Scoring a powerful hit the Hyper Beam causes Wigglytuff to cry out as it sends her back to the ground with a thud, and as General Tyranitar gets up a pair of concerned Pokemon look on from their hiding place. It is Pichu and Eevee, and as they watch this from a small cave nearby they see the dreadful battle raging on. Wigglytuff falls to the ground after General Tyranitar’s Hyper Beam, and as the tyrannical reptile pulls himself up Pichu feels he can’t hide anymore.

Eevee: This looks bad, Tyranitar has her down now.

Pichu: Yes, but not for long!

Eevee: Pichu! No don’t!

The heroic Pichu bursts from his hiding place and runs over towards the fighting, Eevee tries to stop him but he slips out just before she could grab him. Wanting to keep him out of harms way Eevee runs after him, but by the time she has caught up Pichu has already begun to charge electricity for his attack.

Pichu: This will teach you not to pick on my mother!

Eevee: Wait Pichu! This won’t help anyone!

She is able to tackle him to the ground safely, but just as Eevee tackles Pichu from behind to press him on the ground he fires off his attack – a crackling Spark attack. Eevee looks down at the Pichu now under her, but then they both look ahead at the ball of electricity that surges at General Tyranitar, and slams forcefully into his back. Staggeringly slightly as the electricity pulses over his body General Tyranitar feels a numbness as the paralysis kicks in, but with a strong shake he throws it off, and looks back to his would-be attackers.

General Tyranitar: So...The little ones thought they would sneak attack me? It didn’t work.

Pichu: Oh no.

Eevee: I told you it was a bad idea.

Pichu and Eevee gasp with fear as she lets him up, but before either of them can do anything the tyrant turns to face them. General Tyranitar opens a hand to Eevee and Pichu as he prepares to attack with a ball of energy, but just before he would fire it Wigglytuff jumps him from behind, elbowing him in the back before jumping forwards to grab his arm, and slam General Tyranitar on the ground. It all happens so fast that Pichu and Eevee are motionless as Wigglytuff then turns at them and scoops them into her arms, and then running them back to their hiding place.

Wigglytuff: I thought we told you two to stay out of the fight.

Pichu: But mom, I couldn’t let him hurt you.

Eevee: Sorry Wigglytuff, I tried to stop him.

Pichu: Mom...I did it because I love you.

Wigglytuff: I know...Thank you Pichu, but you have to let me handle this one. I can beat Tyranitar on my own...If you love me, you’ll stay here with Eevee...I wouldn’t want you two to get hurt...Because Pichu...I love you too.

She puts them back in their small cave and bends down to smile at Eevee and Pichu, Wigglytuff tapping her beloved son on the nose to show her love. Pichu feels the desire to embrace his adoptive mother and kiss her cheek, but she is gone and running back to the battle before he can act. Wigglytuff attacks General Tyranitar as he comes at her to attack, but elsewhere another Wigglytuff is fighting her enemy. It is White Wigglytuff, and she floats over to punch Scourge across the face, before he knees her in the stomach and sends her back with a tail whip.


White Wigglytuff: Uuggh! This won’t be easy.

Scourge: Hahahaha, you don’t know the half of it!

White Wigglytuff tries to attack Scourge as he taunts her, but the cruel Darkling intercepts Kirby’s love with a punch to her stomach. Groaning from the blow White Wigglytuff is helpless as Scourge grabs the back of her head with his hand, and punishes her with another painful punch. He hits her again and then dives at the ground with White Wigglytuff in hand, Scourge growling with angry delight to smash her against the grassy floor.

Scourge: This turned out easier than I expected, one more should be enough.

White Wigglytuff: ......

The transformed Jigglypuff is motionless as Scourge throws her into the air, but then she springs to life and faces him as he flies up for the finishing blow. Scourge notices she was playing opossum and drives his knee forward, but White Wigglytuff dodges is and kicks the Harbinger in the face.

White Wigglytuff: Wwrrraaaggghhhh!!!

Suddenly she has become a wild fighting machine, and White Wigglytuff sends Scourge downwards with a rapid barrage of punches and slaps. Unable to fight back Scourge finds himself helpless against her attack, and gives a painful groan as she kicks him in the stomach. With one powerful Mega Punch she sends him crashing to the ground, White Wigglytuff dropping like a stone to Body Slam him.

Scourge: Wrraaugh! You annoying white rabbit!

Shouting out his frustrations Scourge pushes White Wigglytuff off of him and onto the ground, as she gets to her feet she sees the Darkling is not one to give up easily. Before he was enjoying himself, but now the fun is gone and Scourge is angry, this is made apparent when he draws his weapon.

White Wigglytuff: Still up for a fight Scourge?

Scourge: The fun is over Wigglytuff, now I am serious! Rraagghh!!

With that he withdraws and reveals his dreaded Battle Axe, Scourge roaring furiously as he swings it at White Wigglytuff. She is fortunate to dodge the first slash, but a cry of pain is heard as White Wigglytuff is caught by the edge of Scourge’s Battle Axe, which leaves a red cut on her side. Scourge eyes his handiwork and grins at her, but White Wigglytuff attacks her enemy again, unafraid of his fearsome axe.

White Wigglytuff: Serious huh? Well so am I!

Holding her grazed side for a moment, White Wigglytuff then lunges at Scourge, punching him square in the face as he raises his axe for another attack. The sudden punch causes him to groan in pain as he falls backwards, but White Wigglytuff isn’t finished with Scourge and slams him into the ground as he tries to recover. Now sitting on his chest White Wigglytuff punishes Scourge with a dozen or so slaps to his face, Scourge lying vulnerable for a few moments as his face is slapped left and right. She is about to give him another punch in his vile face, but then White Wigglytuff takes a whip on the back from Scourge’s tail, and she arches her back and cries out before being tossed aside by the grumpy Darkling.

Scourge: Uugghh...You’re going to regret that Wigglytuff...I was passionate before, but you just made me angry!

She is in the process of picking herself up as he makes his threat, but White Wigglytuff is just able to lift her head as Scourge gets to his feet, and raises his hand to generate a ball of black energy. Scourge roars furiously and then throws the energy blast at White Wigglytuff, but she manages to jump up to avoid it, and then swoops down to stagger him backwards with a Body Slam.

White Wigglytuff: I can take anything you can dish out Scourge!

Scourge: Then try to take these things!

With that Scourge conceals his Battle Axe and reaches out with both hands, the Harbinger generating a ball of black energy in each before throwing them in succession at White Wigglytuff. Fortunately she is able to dodge them with her aerial agility, White Wigglytuff avoiding the explosions made by each blast. She is within striking distance of Scourge after his sixth attack, but then he withdraws his Battle Axe again, and strikes down at White Wigglytuff with it.

White Wigglytuff: Aaahh!

Scourge: Off with your head!

He brings his Battle Axe down with such force that Scourge actually creates a miniature explosion and earthquake with his attack, but this draws the attention of Super Kirby as well. Repelling Nightmare with a kick he then turns in the direction of the loud bang, Kirby fearing the worst as he feels White Wigglytuff’s energy coming from the cloud of dust kicked up by it.

Super Kirby: Jigglypuff!

Before he can fly to her aid Super Kirby is struck down to the ground by Nightmare, but the Super Starian manages to fight back with some punches and kicks. Our view turns in the direction of this potential disaster, but then we turn to see another battle in progress. Link and Ganondorf face off against Vile and Fiend. The Darkling pair charge forward together with a volley of crossbow bolts and daggers, but Link and Ganondorf move to the sides to avoid them, and then circle round to strike from behind with a double punch.


Link: Okay Ganondorf, let’s use a Hyrule Falcon attack!

Ganondorf: Not a bad idea Link.

With that Ganondorf digs his Black Battle Axe into the ground and Link jumping on top of the blade (taking care not to cut his boots). As Vile and Fiend recover to see this odd manoeuvre Ganondorf throws Link high into the air, the Hero of Time performing an acrobatic twist and then diving down at the enemies with his Golden Master Sword raised.

Link: Teeeeyaaahhh!

Vile and Fiend try to double team Link as he lands, but he uses his sword and shield to repulse them, Link then spinning around with a Spin Slash to cut them up and push them back. Ganondorf uses this time to charge in with a Wizard Foot, planting it in Vile’s back before sending him soaring with a Warlock Punch. Meanwhile Link engages Fiend and stuns him with a shield bash, before sending the Darkling crashing to the ground with a slash from his sword. Things look bad for the Harbinger duo as the regroup together, but then Vile and Fiend have the idea of using a team attack.

Vile: Hey Fiend, how about we turn things around with our team technique?

Fiend: Hehehehe...Sure Vile, though I can’t guarantee our enemies will survive it...

With that Vile raises his crossbow to the sky and somehow fires out dozens, perhaps hundreds of bolts upwards, all of them raining down like a lethal hail on Link and Ganondorf. Fortunately Link is able to protect them with his golden shield, but then Field slashes outwards with his daggers, which somehow sends hundreds of deadly daggers towards them.

Ganondorf: That’s not going to work!

Not wanting to be impaled by the wall of blades Ganondorf slashes down with his powerful axe, creating a vortex of dark magic which repels the daggers, causing them to fade away as they fall to the ground. Seeing their attack had failed the two Darklings charge forwards and attack up close, Link and Ganondorf punching and kicking away with their foes, as well as hacking and slashing with their weapons.

Vile: Enough of this, you will die this time Link!

These hateful words leave his mouth as he is beaten back by a couple of sword strikes from Link, but Vile recovers and fires on the Hero of Time with his crossbow. Link gives a painful cry as the crossbow bolt finds a space between his armour plates and penetrates into his right shoulder, dropping his shield as he falls to his knee. Ganondorf sees his ally drop down and tries to assist him, but Fiend lunges with his daggers drawn, the great king of evil forced to defend against him whilst Link is left in peril.

Fiend: I will keep him busy Vile, finish off Link quickly, then we can kill Ganondorf together!

Vile: Very well Fiend, this one will end it.

A sense of victory and pride enters Vile’s black heart as he approaches the injured Link, the cruel Darkling pushing his foot down painfully on the hero’s shoulder to drop him on his back. Notching a bolt into his crossbow Vile prepares to shoot Link in the face, but Zelda sees her hero’s plight, and throws a Din’s Fire spell to Vile to stop him.

Zelda: Leave Link alone you monster!

Mewtwo: No Princess Zelda, do not be foolish! You are no match for him.

Vile growls with pain and staggers as the blast of fire explodes over his back, but he is only minorly injured as he turns to his attacker. Mewtwo steps up to defend his ally, since his words came too late to stop her attack, but Vile barely cares as he points the bolt towards them. Mewtwo throws a Shadowball at the evil Darkling, but Vile puts up an energy barrier to cancel it out.

Vile: This is for interfering in my affairs! You won’t survive this time, Princess Zelda!

Link: Zelda! No!

He gives a shout of fear and alarm as he see Vile fire his deadly bolt at Zelda, but before Link would sink into despair a ball of fire screeches out of nowhere to incinerate the bolt. All eyes turn to the sky at this bright fireball catches their attention, Vile both shocked and frustrated his attack was foiled.


Vile: What!? Who did that!? Who dares interrupt my revenge!? Who!?

In an instant he forgets about his nearby enemies, and Vile turns around to look for his newest attacker. He doesn’t have to wait long though, as a green, reptilian figure descends down in front of Mewtwo and Zelda, scowling angrily at Vile and Fiend.

Epyon: It seems I was late to join the battle, but I won’t be late to save a friend’s life. You must be the dark beings I sensed before, well you won’t despoil this land, not like the damage you did to those mountains near Hyrule!

He has appeared in his Ultimate level form, and Epyon growls with contempt for the Harbingers as he refers to the ravaged mountains that are now the Shadowed Heights. General Tyranitar also looks up to see this peculiar reptile, which he identifies as a dragon.

Wigglytuff: W-Who is that?

General Tyranitar: Heh, I wouldn’t expect an inferior Pokemon like you to know Wigglytuff, but he looks like a dragon to me, but he’s not like most dragons...This could get very interesting...


The battle in New Cappy Town has escalated to new heights of danger, destruction and violence, but with the appearance of Epyon the scales may tip in the favour or our heroes. Having saved the lives of Zelda and Mewtwo he seeks to stop the evil ones where they stand, but General Tyranitar and the Harbingers of Darkness aren’t about to let this newcomer stop their plans of glory and conquest. Will Epyon make a difference and assist in the defeat of the monstrous invaders, or will he be crushed under their heel, like a lowly snake? White Wigglytuff's life could also be in question after Scourge's attack, did she survive his onslaught, or did his axe claim strike the final blow?

Find out on the next blazing, soaring chapter of Kirby’s Quest: The Volwrath Saga!


Dec 19, 2002
Yay another update. My favorite part is where Pichu used a Spark attack though I thought he was going to use Volt Tackle. Epyon showing up is also a good thing and will hopefully give them a bigger chance of winning. I still think Pichu could do more.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Yay another update. My favorite part is where Pichu used a Spark attack though I thought he was going to use Volt Tackle. Epyon showing up is also a good thing and will hopefully give them a bigger chance of winning. I still think Pichu could do more.
Hehe, I can see why, you're quite the Pichu fan. :) Hmm, well it is possible that he knows that attack, we'll see if he uses it. ;) You're right, Epyon is a powerful ally, he will most likely make a big difference in this battle. :D Well, Pichu is largely outpowered by the enemies his friends are facing, but he does have a big heart...He might just disobey Wigglytuff and attack again.

I would like to make the announcement that in 10 days this fan fiction will celebrate its 4th birthday! :D I would also like to apologise for the lack of updates in this recent year as well, since I said I would, but couldn't keep my promise. I will try though, I like this story, and all of you, too much to let it languish. :)

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
This is it guys, one more day until the 4th anniversary of Kirby's Quest! It's been a wild 4 years and I'd like to thank everyone who read my tale, especially those who have stuck with it. :) Thankyou so much everyone, you all are awesome. :D


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2002
Um.. ouch. We past the anniversary and no one posted. Um, sorry, been really busy with being grounded and all. But yeah, I'm still here and reading, if you're willing to post any updates. :D

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Ocarina said:
Um.. ouch. We past the anniversary and no one posted. Um, sorry, been really busy with being grounded and all. But yeah, I'm still here and reading, if you're willing to post any updates. :D
Yeah, I was a little disappointed that no one posted anything on the 4th anniversary of my story. :( Oh well, it's very nice to hear from you Ocarina, I really appreciate that you're still reading my story, and I'll put up a new chapter in the next hour or so. ;)

Again, I'm truly sorry for being so slow with my updates. :(

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
An Update at long last!

Hello everyone, after ages of procrastinating I've finally finished Chapter 16 of the Volwrath Saga. I'd like to thank you all for reading my story and those especially who have stuck with it, I feel I've let you all down with my severe lateness in updating...Well I can't keep apologising for my faults, the best way I can make it up to you is with this newest update. Please enjoy! :D

Computer Voice: Standing by...For a brand new chapter of Kirby's Quest...Downloading Complete...Running now...

Chapter 16: Out of the Woodwork!


Recent events have begun to intensify on planet Earth, events which are rapidly exacerbating an already dangerous situation. The Harbingers have struck quickly and with ferocity, aided by General Tyranitar in their quest to exterminate Kirby and his allies. The dust begins to settle on the battlefield as Epyon appeared to fight alongside his friends, but as most eyes are turned to him we are taken to another part of the battlefield. Scourge attacked White Wigglytuff with his deadly axe and landed a blow, but we can’t see if it was a fatal one. We hear a wicked snickering as Scourge is certain his last attack killed her, but as the dust begins to fall away we see White Wigglytuff’s fate...

Scourge: Hehehehehehe...She’s dead.

He grips the handle of the hefty axe in his hands as he feels it embedded in the ground, Scourge breathing heavily following the fierce battle with White Wigglytuff. Suddenly though he sees a flash of white, and Scourge lets out a pained groan as he feels something strike him in the face, staggering the mighty Harbinger back some steps. Before he can recover Scourge feels a second blow strike his stomach, and then one across his face again, the third one knocking him down.

???: ...Are you sure about that Scourge?


The dust has mostly fallen away by now, and a shimmering white aura, followed by a light wave of energy pushes the rest of it away. We see that White Wigglytuff has survived, and that she floored Scourge in three attacks, a groove inches from her left foot left by his axe. A few moments later Scourge shifts himself off the ground and reaches for his axe, grasping it before rising to his feet, an angry sneer covering his face. A look of disappointment and anger passes over his face, White Wigglytuff smirking back up at him.

Scourge: Hah...How did you evade my attack?

White Wigglytuff: Guess I was lucky, but it doesn’t matter, either way I won’t let you win Scourge!

Scourge: ...I don’t think you’re in any position to tell me what you won’t let me do Jigglypuff, I’m still stronger than you.

White Wigglytuff: I’m a Wigglytuff now Scourge, and this isn’t even half my full power!

Scourge: I see...Well you’re not the only one who’s been hiding their real mettle...

With that Scourge clenches his fists and begins to channel more energy, taking a fighting pose and growling angrily as an aura of black energy rises up around him. White Wigglytuff sees this and stands up straight, a veil of white energy rising up around her as she starts to do the same, though she remains silent and calm as she channels her energy. They stare eachother down for a few moments, but then Scourge lunges at White Wigglytuff, taking a slash with his axe. Fortunately she ducks the attack and fights back with a stinging uppercut, Scourge being staggered before slashing again, but misses when White Wigglytuff moves to the side. He begins to get frustrated at his failure to hit her, and when White Wigglytuff jumps back Scourge gives an angry roar, and then slams his axe against the ground.

Scourge: I won’t miss this time!

White Wigglytuff: Huh?

Her eyes widen open when she sees a fissure break open in the earth in front of Scourge, White Wigglytuff jumping up to avoid it when it comes racing towards her. This gives Scourge an opportunity to attack however, and he leaps through the air and hits White Wigglytuff in the stomach with his knee. She groans from the attack, but before she can move Scourge wraps his arm around her and drops to the ground, hurting White Wigglytuff again by landing on top of her. Face down on the ground with his knee digging into her back and his forearm pinning her head down White Wigglytuff tries to struggle, but Scourge gives her no freedom to move as he kneels over her, lifting his axe up with sadistic glee.

Scourge: I have you now, let’s see you try to dodge when I have you pinned.

She continues to thrash and struggle against him as he holds her down, but before we can see what happens to White Wigglytuff we are taken across the battlefield, and back to where the main action is taking place. With all the other combatants around him looking in his direction Epyon slowly drops to the ground, finding the stunned faces of villains, and the relieved faces of friends.


Super Kirby: Epyon!

Nightmare: Epyon?

Link: It’s Epyon!

Ganondorf: Heh, I was wondering if he’d show up.

Mewtwo: I recognise him, he is the one who was there with us at the first battle with Mewthree, and then again when Noir threatened the world. Hmmm, Epyon is a welcome sight indeed.

Raichu: Who is Epyon? I don't believe I’ve never seen this guy before. The others seem to be happy to see him though, so he’s probably on our side.

Bane: Perhaps, but don’t get your hopes up Raichu, he’s just another prey item to me.

Vile: Sounds like this Epyon guy wants to join the battle on their side, but I’m not worried.

Fiend: Yeah, he doesn’t look that powerful, we can take him as well.

Present in his Ultimate form, Epyon looks around to all the heroes and villains, but Fiend catches his eye especially. Growling crossly at his denial of his power for a moment, but then Epyon looks back to Kirby, and starts to walk in his direction.

Epyon: It looks like you’ve got a host of enemies this time round Kirby, but don’t despair, I will help you defeat them.

Super Kirby: Epyon...

Nightmare keeps his guard up as Epyon approaches him and Kirby, but before Epyon can come any closer a large rock flies in his direction, narrowly missing the digi-dragon. His eyes widen in surprise as he looks to his left, Epyon seeing his attacker – General Tyranitar, with his arm outstretched.


General Tyranitar: Missed...One more step and that rock would have broken your bones!

Epyon: You, you tried to attack me when I was unprepared...A cowardly tactic.

General Tyranitar: Call it what you will, but my next attack won’t miss Epyon. I am fighting one of your friends right now, but I can deal with you too. The others are busy in their battles, so come fight me, I can see you’re a warrior, the kind who wouldn’t refuse a challenge like that!

Wigglytuff: Don’t turn your back on me Tyranitar!

Suddenly Wigglytuff jumps up and kicks General Tyranitar in the back, staggering him forwards. After that she looks to Epyon with a look that begs him to attack now, but Epyon simply walks in their direction, feeling it dishonourable to attack an enemy who is at a disadvantage.

Wigglytuff: Epyon! Attack now! Come on!

Epyon: I am afraid I cannot do that...Unlike him I will not attack someone who is at a disadvantage or unready, that is not honourable. Two against one might not be fair, but I can sense he is stronger than you, and that you are good. You are a Wigglytuff, are you not?

Wigglytuff: Uhh..Yes..I am.

She looks at him in surprise and a bit of disbelief as he approaches her, Wigglytuff disappointed that Epyon didn’t take a prime chance to attack General Tyranitar, but relieved that he’s on her side. She had seen him once before when Mewthree attacked her at the Silver Cave, but having never seen his ultimate form Wigglytuff fails to recognise Epyon, though after seeing how her other friends

Wigglytuff: Oh, well you better keep your guard up, Tyranitar’s a dangerous fighter.

General Tyranitar: So true!


Pichu: Hey!

Suddenly General Tyranitar whips around and punches Wigglytuff, knocking her back and making her cry out in pain. Epyon sees this and lunges forward to attack, but General Tyranitar turns back and reaches out to lock hands with him. Looking on from a safe distance Pichu is very close to leaping into battle, but Eevee grabs him and holds him back, telling Pichu it’s a bad idea to get involved again.

Eevee: No Pichu, you heard Wigglytuff, we have to stay out of this one.

Pichu: But Eevee..He hit my mom!

Eevee: And she wants you to stay here where it’s safe, you’re nowhere near strong enough to fight Tyranitar.

Pichu clenches his fist as he watches Wigglytuff reel back from General Tyranitar’s blow, but in the end he knows Eevee is right. Though he is a little bigger and taller than Epyon, General Tyranitar finds him able to match his strength, and the two come to a standstill in a test of strength. His eyes widen with surprise as Epyon slowly manages to overpower him, but then General Tyranitar pulls his arms out to the sides to headbutt Epyon hard. This stuns him for a moment, but then Epyon frees his hands and starts to punch away fiercely at General Tyranitar, the two fighting reptiles battling it out at Wigglytuff recovers from the General’s sucker punch.


Wigglytuff: Careful Epyon! General Tyranitar is merciless!

General Tyranitar: Hah! You have no idea!

Wigglytuff jumps in to attack General Tyranitar from behind, kneeing him in the back before punching him hard. General Tyranitar groans and leans forward, allowing Epyon to lift him onto his shoulders and then slam him down on the ground to douse him with some firebreath. This only does minor damage though, and General Tyranitar gets back on to bite Epyon painfully on the neck. Wigglytuff moves in and attacks with some close up punches, forcing General Tyranitar back and protecting Epyon.

Epyon: Haahh...Thankyou Wigglytuff, Tyranitar has a very strong bite.

Wigglytuff: No problem Epyon, a friend of Kirby’s is a friend of mine.

He rubs his bitten neck and looks down at her with a smile, but then Epyon and Wigglytuff look back to General Tyranitar, seeing him standing angrily.

General Tyranitar: So be it, if you’re going to fight together, I’ll see it that you die together! I’ve been waiting for this Wigglytuff, but if I get to bury you with your new friend...All the better!

With that he takes a fighting stance before them and begins to growl, General raising his power in preparation for his transformation. The ground begins to tremble and the surrounding grass is blown out in all directions away from the General. Wigglytuff stands her guard as she has seen this before, and Epyon keeps his guard up as he can sense the rising power. General Tyranitar throws his head back and clenches his fists, before his scales begin to crack and break, a sign his transformation is imminent. Before we can see his transformation be completed though we are taken across the battlefield, to see Kirby fighting Nightmare.


Super Kirby: Now that Epyon is here, your chances of winning just took a drop Nightmare.

Nightmare: Don’t bet on it Kirby, you can bring one-hundred of your friends, we will kill them all!

With that the two warriors charge at eachother and clash, Kirby assaulting Nightmare with a flurry of punches, but they are all blocked. Nightmare fights back with a kick, but Kirby jumps up and lands on his extended leg, jumping again when Nightmare punches at him. Kirby performs a backflip in midair as Nightmare lunges at him, but before the Harbinger can land a punch Kirby begins to inhale, and sucks him into his mouth. Nightmare then emerges as a star of light before materialising, but when he turns he is shocked to see Kirby has his ability – as well as a head of wild, black hair.

Nightmare: You copied by power! How dare you!?

Super Kirby: It’s my basic technique, it’s what I do. Now have a taste of your own medicine Nightmare!

He closes his eyes and begins to concentrate, Kirby landing on his feet in front of Nightmare. The Darkling lifts his leg and brings it down for an axe kick, but then Kirby disappears into his shadow, reappearing from underneath Nightmare to send him skyward with a kick. Kirby disappears into the shadow of a nearby tree and reappears underneath Nightmare again, flying up to knock him down.

Nightmare: Uuugghh!! Using my Shadow Step technique against me? How droll!

Not wanting to be outdone Nightmare then uses his own Shadow Step to disappear into a nearby shadow, just before Kirby could drop down to attack. A second later Nightmare reappears from another shadow and squashes Kirby against the ground with a stomp, but Kirby then disappears into another shadow and punches Nightmare. The two begin to use Shadow Step simultaneously as they fight, clashing violently as they disappear into and reappear out of shadows randomly, but not far away from eachother. The sound of their clashes carries quite far, the two warriors battling it out with their Shadow Step technique. Nightmare reappears a moment before Kirby does and fires a Kamehameha blast at him, but the Super Starian narrowly dodges it, his side warm from the close call with the beam attack. On instinct he retaliates with a Solar Flare Fireball which he hurls at Nightmare, but the Darkling dodges this as well. With both their attacks dodged the two warriors draw their swords and slash at eachother, but they clash in midair, and begin to press on eachother.

Nightmare: Grrrr...You’re proving to be a worthy opponent Kirby, I give you that much.

Super Kirby: Well you should give me more Nightmare, I defeated Noir in a 1 on 1 sparring match, and I feel you’re not as strong as he was.

Nightmare: What I may lack in strength, I make up for in cunning, but you won’t know until it’s too late!

The two well-matched warriors continue to battle it out, throwing energy blasts, punches, kicks, and sword swings at eachother, but they remain unable to outdo the other for long. Meanwhile Raichu surges over the landscape like a charging rhino, and clashes headlong with Bane, the two warriors entering a fierce exchange of punches and kicks. When he shows a split second of inaction Bane deflects Raichu with a vertical kick, chasing after him as Raichu turns around to regain his balance. He doesn’t get the chance though as Bane kicks him again, and reaches over with his arms to grab Raichu by the head.


Bane: Got you now, Nnngghh!!

He tries to struggle against him, but Raichu feels himself flung to the ground, Bane kneeling down on him with his knee firmly pressed on Raichu’s chest. Before long the energy begins to leave his body, Raichu tries to fight him off, but Bane doesn’t shift, and little by little saps his strength.

Raichu: Uuuhh...Noooo...

Bane: Yes...It will be over soon enough Raichu...Wigglytuff broke my hold, but you won’t.

Just when it seems he would be able to keep Raichu down for good, Bane is assaulted from two sides, a speeding bullet piercing his right shoulder and leaving out through his left ribs, his head and left shoulder taking a collection of yellow energy blasts. This sudden and staggering attack causes him to reel his head back and roar in agony, Raichu seizing his moment and getting Bane off him with a kick to the back of the head, before getting up to look for his assistants.

Raichu: Where did those attacks come from!?


He doesn’t have long to look though, and Raichu’s eyes widen with delight to see two familiar faces standing on some nearby hills: Conker the Squirrel, and Shadow the Hedgehog. Holding a high-velocity Sniper Rifle in his hands Conker grins as he clicks it to expel a spent cartridge, and Shadow pulls back an outstretched hand, showing he had used a Chaos Spear attack on Bane.

Conker: Heh, one moment more and he may have been strong enough to keep you down for good.

Shadow: I could sense a growing darkness on this planet, and I came to help again. I happened to run into that Squirrel along the way, and he offered to help.

Conker: That squirrel? Alright mate, just remember my name when the enemy has you down for a beating.

Shadow: ...I will, Conker.

Raichu: Thankyou, both of you. I could have handled him, but I appreciate the hel-look out!

Suddenly Bane attacks from behind, only to get repelled by a back kick from Raichu. Shadow jumps in and knocks him back with a homing attack, and Conker switches to twin Uzi’s and riddles him with bullets. These are less effective than his sniper rifle, but they do aggravate Bane, and upon recovering he attacks Conker with an energy blast.

Conker: Oh cack!

Shadow: Chaaaooss...

Just when it seems the energy blast is going to kill him, Shadow dives in to grab Conker by the wrist, raising a green Chaos Emerald in his other hand to initiate Chaos Control, and whisk him out of harm’s way.

Shadow: ...Control!

Time stops as Shadow takes Conker out of the line of fire, and stays paused for a few seconds. When time does resume the energy blast blows up the hill Conker was standing on, and Raichu turns to see in horror to witness the apparent death of his bushy-tailed ally.

Raichu: Conker!

Bane: Guuuhh!!

The sound of his groaning enemy has Raichu turning around again, just in time to see Bane stagger forwards from a point black shotgun blast to the back. He sees Conker survived the attack, and then sees Shadow attack the villain with several homing attacks, and stagger him further with a Chaos Spear attack. Raichu helps by firing a Zap Cannon, which with Bane staggering, hits him easily and sends him buzzing over the heads of his allies.

Conker: Nice trick Shadow.

Shadow: Thankyou, Chaos Control is very useful in tight spots.

Bane: I’ve had enough!


Without warning Bane assaults all of them with a hail of small energy blasts from both hands, coloured orange as they contain Raichu’s stolen energy. Most of them miss their mark, but it gives Bane a distraction to withdraw backwards, and get all his enemies on one front, instead of two. When the attack has ended the 3 allies see Bane standing before them, clutching his Naginata in his hands and growling furiously.

Bane: That’s it...No more games...No more playing around...Just business!

Raichu: Fine by me Bane, I wasn’t enjoying myself anyway.

Shadow: Pah, I never play games.

Conker: Alright, chill out ya psycho.

Bane: You want psycho? This is Psycho!!

With that he throws his head back and roars in rage, Bane’s arms out at his sides and showing off his muscular body. His eyes shift from being yellow to red, and his black body and hair take on a yellow colour as he shifts into Super Darkling form. Raichu looks on with fear as he has seen him in this form before, while Shadow and Conker are reminded of Noir’s Super Darkling form. As Bane becomes Super Bane, two other Darklings battle it out with their enemies, Fiend’s daggers clashing with Ganondorf’s axe, whilst Link blocks Vile’s crossbow bolts with his shield.


Vile: Hehehehe, just try to get close enough to attack, I dare you!

Link: ...You should be careful what you wish for...

As he blocks the crossbow bolts Link brings himself closer and closer to Vile, though in his arrogant feeling of superiority this goes over Vile’s head. When he is in range Link thrusts his Master Sword out, narrowly missing Vile, but manages to hit with a spinning slash.

Link: You might just get it!

He then draws his bow and fires a Light arrow at Vile, the Darkling screeching in pain as it grazes his shoulder and burns him with its light. Link prepares to fire another, but Vile comes in and cracks him over the head with his crossbow, firing a bolt at Link at point blank range. Luckily he brings his shield up to protect himself, but the impact still sends Link back, out of melee range.

Vile: Rrrrrrr! Clever trick Link, you surprised me with that one, but I won’t get tricked again!

With that the Darkling resumes his barrage of crossbow bolts, but Link jumps over them and slashes Vile with his sword. He tries to reach for a bomb but Vile kicks Link back, and charges forward to clash punches with the Hero of Time. Link sees Vile aim his crossbow at his face, but Zelda uses a spell to cause Vile’s crossbow to jam, Link looking over with a smile when she raises her hand to do it. Vile tries to take a swing at her, but Link stops him, grabbing Vile’s wrist whilst Zelda moves to a safe distance.

Vile: I thought I told you to stop interfering!

Link: Nevermind her Vile, I’m your opponent!

The two put away their weapons and enter a test of might, Mewtwo glaring at Zelda as that’s another time that she foolishly intervened to help Link.

Mewtwo: You should not keep doing that Zelda, you will only get yourself hurt, or killed, and distract Link at a crucial moment.

Zelda: I had to do it Mewtwo, otherwise Link would have been killed.

Mewtwo: I can see why I found it so hard to comprehend the human, or in your case, hylian heart. It just seems to reckless and irrational...But then I know that feelings can make all the difference.

A rare smile comes to his face to see Zelda did the right thing, Mewtwo admitting to her that there’s more to life than simply thinking logically. Whilst Link and Vile duke it out on the battlefield, Zelda and Mewtwo watching carefully, Ganondorf swings away at Fiend, whilst avoiding or blocking his dagger thrusts.


Ganondorf: Gah! You’re a fast one! Too weak and frail to fight like a man?

Fiend: Heh, I’m stronger than you Ganondorf, I just like to have you on edge, make you squirm!

The two continue to exchange blows, though most of them are blocked, deflected or dodged. Ganondorf gets a good hit in with a Warlock Punch, but Fiend soon fights back with some swift slashes from his daggers. Performing a handstand to hit Ganondorf with a kick, Fiend narrowly misses an axe chop from the King of Evil, but he doesn’t avoid a Wizard Foot to the stomach which sends him back. Fiend gets battered by some stiff punches and kicks, but he slices Ganondorf across the stomach with his dagger and head butts him back.

Fiend: Now! Let’s see how you like a hail of daggers!

With that Fiend slices at the air with his daggers, slicing left and right to form an X, Ganondorf surprised to see a plethora of daggers come racing his way. Determined to riddle him with holes Fiend grins wickedly, but it disappointed to see Ganondorf strike the ground with his axe, using a mixture of power and black magic to create a shield of air, deflecting all the daggers that hit it. Fiend sends two more masses of daggers towards his foe, but Ganondorf does the same and deflect them, before charging in with his axe raised.

Ganondorf: This one will finish you off!

Bringing his axe down with all his might Ganondorf sees to chop Fiend in two, but the Darkling crosses his daggers and uses them to catch Ganondorf’s axe above his head, then slashing them sideways to repel his attack. Fiend forces Ganondorf back with two slashes from his knives and a kick to the chest, but Ganondorf stuns him with a quick jab, followed by a kick, and then a staggering roundhouse kick. The two villains lock hands but Ganondorf gains the upper hand with a knee to the stomach, before Fiend breaks off with an uppercut to the jaw.

Ganondorf: Rrrr...You’re not so weak as you first appeared Fiend, I didn’t think it would be this difficult to beat you.

Fiend: Hmm, likewise Ganondorf, it’s a shame you won’t fight for us, killing you would be a waste, though a satisfying one.

Suddenly Fiend is struck from behind by a mass of invisible attacks, forcing him to stagger forwards in pain. Ganondorf takes this chance to nail him with a Warlock Punch, but with it sends Fiend skywards he is surprised to see him pummelled from all sides, before falling to the ground in a heap. Fiend manages to pick himself up, but then his attackers appear before him: it is none other than the three ninjas, black ninja Azrummi, red ninja Azraamo, and yellow ninja Azroomu.


Azrummi: Hello Ganondorf, you probably didn’t expect to see us again.

Azroomu: When we saw the terrible things happening across Hyrule we came to help.

Azraamo: It wasn’t that hard, these monstrous creatures leave their mark.

Ganondorf: I didn’t ask for your help ninjas...But it’s appreciated.

Fiend: Ninjas? What are you three doing here helping Ganondorf?

Azrummi: Ganondorf, along with Link, Zelda and some of their allies used to be our enemies, but that changed when our master Orgoth turned on us.

Azraamo: We weren’t strong enough for him so he betrayed us, but Ganondorf and his allies took our side and defeated the tryant.

Azroomu: We have been training since then in the case that they could need our help. We were too late to help earlier today, but we’re here now.

The battles continue to rage on all fronts, Kirby hitting Nightmare with a flying kick, White Wigglytuff freeing herself from Scourge’s pinning predicament with a combo of punches, then a headbutt. Epyon reaches a hand to open one half of his Dragonheart Obliterator, but is forced to close it when he sees that he would inadvertently kill Pichu and Eevee, it he used it to attack Tyranitar. Meanwhile Wigglytuff feels eager to attack the General before he can finish his Supreme transformation, but stops when she sees Epyon might use his strongest weapon, and risk putting herself in its wake. Pichu and Eevee look on in concern for Wigglytuff, wanting to help her, but knowing that would go against her wishes. Raichu, Conker and Shadow attack Bane with a combination of Thunderbolt, Chaos Spear and shotgun blasts, but they have little effect on the transforming Super Darkling. Vile comes in with a punch aimed at Link, but he finds his attack foiled by a 2-fold barrier, put up by Mewtwo’s psychic powers and Zelda’s magic. Ganondorf duels with Fiend, though for now his attention is divided between him, and the new appearance of the ninjas. Perhaps the most climatic battle so far is waging on Earth, but who will be left standing at the end?

Find out in the next thrilling episode of Kirby’s Quest: The Volwrath Saga!


Dec 19, 2002
YAY an update. This was good. I liked how the ninjas came back because I remember them. Mewtwo should actually fight instead of watch and block; he has a lot more potential than some characters that are actually fighting. Noticed some grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh and I usually only reply to updates so I did not when it was the anniversary.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
YAY an update. This was good. I liked how the ninjas came back because I remember them. Mewtwo should actually fight instead of watch and block; he has a lot more potential than some characters that are actually fighting. Noticed some grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh and I usually only reply to updates so I did not when it was the anniversary.
Hi MM2002. :) I'm glad you remember the ninjas, they're sort of a treat for the fans who read through the side stories like A Hyrule Story. ;) Mewtwo is a strong fighter, but sadly he's outmatched by the Harbingers (who being Dark, are immune to direct Psychic attacks), and Tyranitar (who is also part dark, and very powerful.). He may be able to help, but not with his strong suit - Psychic attacks. I have to admit I didn't do a total spellcheck for this chapter, I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer - but now it's up I'll go through it again. ;) I see, well that's alright, I'll try to have an update MUCH sooner this time.


Dec 19, 2002
Well...Mewtwo could still use some other none psychic attack. Plus future sight affects dark types.

Aurora Grid

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2003
Do you believe?

Today is a rather ominous date for some, the infamous 6/6/06. ;)

Sorry for not having anything good to put up at the moment, but I'd like everyone to know I am actively in the process of writing the next chapter of Kirby's Quest. :D I'd like to apologise for my tendancy for leaving you all hanging like this, it's been a year or so since I really put out a string of chapters. I'd really like to apologise, but I've done too much of that, the way I can try to make up best is to get back to writing. :) Again, thankyou to all of those who have put up with me, I don't have any excuses for my lack of updating, I got caught up with things, namely my family, MSN, and World of Warcraft. :(

I'll update later today, hope to see some feedback. :)
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