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Kirby's 2nd meteor smash?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
I'm pretty sure it was.

It was also in 64, I believe. Generally, it isn't new.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2008
Yup, this is one of Kirbys spikes.

I was a bit surprised too when I pulled it off for the first time in ssbb. I was vsing my friend, Kirby vs metaknight (respectively) and he managed to hit me vertically far enough that I would cut it close on my approach back to the stage. So he decided to edgehog me and I decided to up B. Luckily (and unknown to me), on the way down from the up b, i was able to spike him and kirby automatically edgehogged. So this seems feasible either way, on stage or trying to recover, but the latter will usually be determined by your opponents knowledge of Kirbys moves rather than your ability to pull it off.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe in the original ssb on the n64, Kirby was able to spike as long as he connected with the up-b on the way up as oppose to melee/brawl in which if u wished to spike, u would have to connect on the way down only.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 31, 2007
New Jersey
Yup, this is one of Kirbys spikes.

I was a bit surprised too when I pulled it off for the first time in ssbb. I was vsing my friend, Kirby vs metaknight (respectively) and he managed to hit me vertically far enough that I would cut it close on my approach back to the stage. So he decided to edgehog me and I decided to up B. Luckily (and unknown to me), on the way down from the up b, i was able to spike him and kirby automatically edgehogged. So this seems feasible either way, on stage or trying to recover, but the latter will usually be determined by your opponents knowledge of Kirbys moves rather than your ability to pull it off.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe in the original ssb on the n64, Kirby was able to spike as long as he connected with the up-b on the way up as oppose to melee/brawl in which if u wished to spike, u would have to connect on the way down only.
That happened to me in melee, I edgehogged a kirby with both 1 stock left. Final cutter ended up bringing me down as well and we died at exactly the same time....Ended in a sudden death on a stock match!!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
Final Cutter is also how you perform one of the Cruel Brawl strats to get 10 or more KOs. You drop down low enough, Final Cutter back to the ledge, and any alloys that jumped for you get spiked when you drop into the ledge from the attack. There's a video on YouTube where someone gets a decent amount of KOs with it.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
cant believe i never found this myself, was this in melee?
Yes, it was also in the 64 Smash Bros. But the Melee one didn't have a great spiking effect like 64 and Brawl do, Kirby has to do the slam verson of the final cutter to have that metor Smash in Melee. But thanks to metor recovery, it's easiley advodied and his up B could put Kirby in danger thank's to lose all your jumps when you jump while you do it, (if your opponites can hit you by the way). But Brawl, Kirby can spam it all day long with out the fear of losing all your jumps, one of many reasons why I like the new puff ball. ^_^

Just don't forget that you can't grab the edge backwords with the Final Cutter. D:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
Meteor Cancel usually won't stop the Kirby player from a dair on the recovery, or if you're feeling adventurous, Kirbyciding.

It's also very difficult to spike with Final Cutter outside of those two situations:

~ Recovering and grabbing the ledge to cancel the ending shockwave, batting someone downwards who is also going for the ledge.
~ As seen in the video, hitting someone who is grabbing the ledge.

The shockwave stops the spike from occuring, so it's a tradeoff for being so effective.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
Hm, I didn't know this worked like that.
I actually enjoy using vB for some meteors, as it falls the fastest out of his moves, most opponents don't expect it, and if you do miss it's easy enough to bcancel it and recover.
Not new information, just my take on it.


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2008
Seattle, WA
Hm, I didn't know this worked like that.
I actually enjoy using vB for some meteors, as it falls the fastest out of his moves, most opponents don't expect it, and if you do miss it's easy enough to bcancel it and recover.
Not new information, just my take on it.
Down B isn't a meteor smash, is it? =o


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
cant believe i never found this myself, was this in melee?
Yeah, this was in all 3 games actually.

I am never in the proper position to use this while playing as Kirby online (pretty much all the time..so really, it never works for me) but honestly, it's not as good of a meteor as his d-air, so I just stick with that, and use the up-b for recovery and keeping my opponent under control (it works)

Off topic - his stone is **** now. And I just found out, that if you use it on the ground with people around you, they get pushed back, which is kind of neat.

Edit: Im also very surprised at the amount of people who dont seem able to avoid me when I use the stone. I won 3 sudden deaths today falling on people with the stone as they charged an attack... they must not know how to roll...


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
After playing a few 1v1 online, i found that the spike on the up-b works extremely well when someone is trying to come up through the main platform in stages like halbred and delfino plaza during the flying sections. I got a few kills from that at really low percents today it was great.
Of course my opponents would usually only get killed by it once before they realized they had to avoid it or die... but I still like it lol.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 29, 2008
This also works if your opponent is trying to edgeguard and you use final cutter(when their invincible frames are gone of course). You will grab the edge and your opponent will fall straight down. I guess this won't work on everyone, but it works on my one friend who stays on edge forever.
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