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Data Kirby Patch History in Smash Ultimate


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
This thread will serve as an easy reference for the changes Kirby receives through patches and will be updated over time:


  • Up Air's FAF was reduced from frame 40 to 38
  • Final Cutter's visuals were updated

Other Characters:
  • After copying Pac-Man's Bonus Fruit, Key will no longer be discarded when it is recycled.

  • F-tilt has a FAF was reduced from 28 to 24. .
  • Ftilt has significantly increased BKB.
    • Puts pretty much every character into tumble 30-40% earlier. This also can kill midweights and lighter at ledge around 140%.
  • Aerial Stone now has true super armor on F19-28 of the aerial variation.
    • This is not the same as Stone's damage-based heavy armor.
    • Grounded Stone does not get this buff.
  • Dash Attack has increased damage.
    • The base damage is now 12%/9%/6% (was previously 10%/7%/4%).
  • Dash Attack Hitbox size was increased.
  • Knockback was adjusted to maintain the same launch distance
Other Characters:
  • Buffs
    • Link's Arrows stay on the ground & the air a bit longer so they can be picked up.
    • Rosalina's Luma Shot has a lower FAF.
      • FAF = 35 (was previously 39)
    • Duck Hunt Dog's Trick Shot has lower FAF.
      • FAF = 42 (was previously 46)
  • Nerfs
    • King K. Rool's Blunderbuss vacuum effect can be held for only 2.5 seconds.
      • Was previously 5 seconds. The range is the same, just worded poorly on the notes.
    • Lucario's Aura Sphere Charge has less hitstun.
  • General changes
    • Pac-Man's Bonus Fruit has more time until it disappears after landing the hit.
    • Piranha Plant is released! When Kirby copies its ability, he utilizes the Spike Ball which can be aimed left or right.

  • D-Throw damage has been increased.
    • Base damage was previously 10.2%, now 12%. (in a 1v1 + fresh, that’s 15.1%!
    • The main part of this that got buffed was the multihit kicks. (0.8% -> 1% base damage.)
  • Copy Ability Loss RNG has been improved. The window you can't lose has been increased and the drop rate has been improved.
  • Usmash’s sweetspot lasts longer and the sourspot starts later.
    • Sweetspot: F12-F14 (was previously only F12)
    • Sourspot 1: F15-16 (was previously F13-14)
    • Sourspot 2: F17 (was previously F15-17)
  • N-Air mid air FAF reduced: 63 -> 55
  • N-Air autocancel window adjusted. Starts to autocancel from frame 51 onward. Still can AC from frames 1-4.
  • Final Cutter snaps the ledge earlier. Went from snapping on frame 36 to frame 33.
  • Kirby's Blast Zone detection when he's Inhaled an opponent has changed. To prevent a Kirby killing the opponent first, Kirby interacts with the blast zone first by several units but this is has been changed. Now Kirby interacts with the blast zone 4 units before the opponent does instead of 10.
    • This essentially buffs Kirbycide as now the opponent won't be freed from Kirby's death as early and Kirby has more time for the opponent to mashout and spare him as well.
Other Characters:
  • Buffs:
    • Corrin’s Dragon Fang Shot
      • Extended the duration of an uncharged shot’s lifetime.
    • Donkey Kong’s Giant Punch
      • Increased range
    • Mewtwo’s Shadow Ball
      • Increased knockback
    • Ness’ PK Flash
      • Increased range
    • Piranha Plant’s Ptooie
      • Increased range for the Spike Ball
    • Sheik’s Needles
      • Reduced charge time
    • Wario’s Chomp
      • Made easier to eat projectiles
  • Nerfs:
    • Peach/Daisy’s Toad: Cannot stall multiple times in the air anymore. Only will stall on the first use.
    • Kirby can no longer slide while using Mii Swordfighter's Gale Strike
    • Robin: Reduced Thunder/Elthunder’s power (damage) on shields.
    • Bayonetta/Cloud/Pit/Dark Pit/Dark Samus/Samus/Dr. Mario/Duck Hunt/Greninja/Lucario/Luigi/Mario/Megaman/Mewtwo/Mii Gunner/Mii Swordfighter/Pac-Man/Palutena/Pichu/Pikachu/ROB/Ridley/Rosalina & Luma/Snake/Wii Fit Trainer/Young Link Neutral B's
      • Reduced power (damage) vs shields.
General Changes:
  • Joker has released! When Kirby copies his ability, he uses Joker’s Gun, capable of moving around while shooting, too!


  • None.

Copy Ability Changes:

  • Donkey Kong's Giant Punch
    • Increased Super Armor duration on full charge
      • This was actually a fix to the aerial variation due to a bug with DK landing during the animation and not getting the proper armor. This also applies to Kirby!
  • Pichu's Thunder Jolt
    • Increased Self Damage (0.4% -> 0.8%)
  • Ivysaur's Bullet Seed
    • Multihits link better.
  • Diddy Kong's Peanut Gun
    • Increased damage, but shield damage is the same.
    • Charge time reduced.
  • Lucario's Aura Sphere
    • Reduced knockback on Aura Sphere Charge’s hitbox to allow for easier combos.
    • Increased hitbox size when charged to max
    • Reduced endlag
      • Full Charge Aura Sphere FAF: 57 -> 52
  • Wolf's Blaster
    • Increased endlag
      • FAF: 50 -> 53
  • Little Mac's Straight Lunge
    • Reduced endlag on the ground when not fully charged.
      • Mid-charge FAF: 50 -> 45
  • Bowser Jr's Cannonball
    • The landing hitbox lasts much longer. (This was worded poorly on the patch notes according to Bowser Jr mains. Startup for the move wasn’t decreased.)
  • Ryu's Hadouken
    • Decreased projectile speed for light Hadouken and Light Shakunetsu Hadouken
    • Increased projectile speed for heavy Hadouken and Heavy Shakunetsu Hadouken
    • Decreased startup and increased damage of Hadouken and Shakunetsu Hadouken
      • Hitbox Active: 13 -> 12
    • Increased Hadouken range vs grounded opponents


  • None.
  • None

Copy Ability Changes:

  • Peach/Daisy’s Toad
    • Hits from behind a bit easier.
  • Pac-Man’s Bonus Fruit
    • Will no longer drop fruit while charging even when flipped by something like Mario’s Cape.
  • Hero
    • He is now out! Kirby can use Frizz, Frizzle, and Kafrizz when he copies his ability.
    • He also gets a MP meter. He can regen MP slowly over time or through dealing damage with his normals.
    • Frizz = 6 MP
    • Frizzle = 16 MP
    • Kafrizz = 36 MP

Universal Changes:
  • Buffer system changed to not buffer a roll if you landed while holding shield
    • Dodges will now only occur if you input the direction after landing instead.
  • Grab parrying FAF adjusted.
    • Specific numbers unknown.


  • None.
  • None.
Copy Ability Changes:
  • Banjo & Kazooie
    • Now released! When Kirby copies Banjo’s ability, he can use a Kazooie plush from his own backpack to shoot eggs in a standing position (Egg Firing) or while moving around (Breegull Blaster)!
  • Hero
    • Kafrizz can now be shielded, reflected, and absorbed if the explosion is active.



  • U-Air’s hitbox starts 2 frames earlier and has increased damage & knockback.
    • Hitbox Active: 10-15 -> 8-13
    • FAF: 38 -> 36
    • Base Damage: 9.0% -> 10.0%
    • Knockback Growth: 108 -> 115
  • N-Air’s Hitbox starts 2 frames earlier and has increased knockback on the earliest hit.
    • Acrtive Hitbox Changes: 10-11 -> 8-9, 12-15 -> 10-13, 16-20 -> 14-18, 21-34 ->19-32 (Earliest, Early, Late, Latest)
      • The 8-9 hitbox has increased Knockback Growth. (100 -> 117)
      • It kills Mario at the center of FD with DI in roughly 35% earlier than 5.0.0 (He dies at 151% in 6.0.0, when in 5.0.0 he died at 185.9%.)
    • FAF: 55 -> 53
  • The buffs to N-Air and U-Air's startup now allow Kirby to utilize F-Throw into Uair or Nair under any platform he can full-hop onto for combos when before he would be interuptted regardless of aerial
  • Up-smash's Early Tipper hitbox deals more KB.
    • BKB: 30 -> 36
    • KBG: 99 -> 104
  • Inhale is now 4 frames faster all around.
    • Hitbox Active (Single Press): 14-48 -> 10-44
    • FAF: 68 -> 64
  • Made it harder to disrupt Kirby’s Copy Ability
  • None.
Copy Ability Changes:
  • Terry Bogard has released!
    • His Copy Ability is “Power Wave.” Use this on the ground to fire a shockwave projectile at varying speeds!
  • Donkey Kong’s Giant Punch takes less time to charge.
  • Donkey Kong’s Giant Punch has more KB when fully charged.
    • BKB: 20 -> 35
    • KBG: 78 -> 73 (Yes, it got nerfed in KBG, but it still does more KB overall.)
  • Jigglypuff’s Rollout takes less time to charge.
  • Robin’s Thunder Tome takes less time to charge.
  • King K. Rool’s Blunderbuss got a lot of changes.
    • King K. Rool's Blunderbuss is much faster to shooting the Kannonball
      • Hitbox Active: 30-150 -> 24-144
    • King K. Rool's Blunderbuss has an easier time vacuuming the Kannonball
    • King K. Rool's Blunderbuss is faster to shoot out a vacuumed Kannonball
    • King K. Rool's Blunderbuss Kannonball deals more KB.
      • BKB: 30 -> 18
      • KBG: 70 -> 92
  • Incineroar’s Darkest Lariat deals more damage on the earliest hit.
    • Kirby’s Base Damage: 19.2 -> 20.4%
  • Incineroar’s Darkest Lariat has a bit more range on the earliest hit and the move lasts a bit longer.
    • Size: 4.6 -> 5.8 (Hitbox ID 1)
    • Size: 4.2 -> 5.4 (Hitbox ID 2)
  • Hero’s Kafrizz cannot be pulled by Rosalina’s Gravitational Pull or Villager/Isabelle’s Pocket if it’s in the middle of exploding on a surface or player.


  • None.
Copy Ability Changes:

  • Sheik’s Needles have less landing lag upon landing when using the aerial variant.
    • Landing Lag FAF: 13 (was previously 17)
  • Joker’s Rainstorm has had its hitbox altered, nerfing the horizontal reach it once had.
  • Ryu’s Hadoken has more shieldstun.
  • Ryu’s Shakunetsu Hadoken multihits connect better.
  • Byleth and their ability is released!

Kirby-Specific Buffs:
  • Down Smash’s first active frame is now Frame 7. (Was frame 10)
    • Hitbox duration: 7-11 (Early hit), 12-19 (Late hit)
    • Foot intangibility is now F3-11 (Was F5-14)
    • Charge hold is likely F3. (Was F5)
  • Down Smash now has stronger killpower.
    • DSmash - KBG: 89 → 94
  • Forward Air 2 and Forward Air 3 got more damage.
    • Fair 2 Base Damage: 3% -> 4%
    • Fair 3 Base Damage: 5% -> 6%
      • FAir 3 - BKB: 30 → 24 (Likely to compensate for low % combos)
  • Back Air’s early hit has increased knockback.
    • KBG: 100 → 104
  • Dash Attack has increased knockback on the early hit and lower FAF.
    • KBG: 66 → 71
    • Dash Attack FAF: 60 -> 52
  • Aerial Stone has increased killpower.
    • BKB: 65 → 69
    • KBG: 70 → 76
  • Grounded Stone has increased killpower.
    • KBG: 24 → 30

Kirby-Specific Nerfs:

Copy Ability Changes:
  • Mewtwo’s Shadow Ball
    • Faster startup, lower FAF, increased power when uncharged.
      • Startup out of a charge: F9 -> F4
      • FAF from firing the shot: F31 -> F29
  • Meta Knight’s Mach Tornado
    • Early hit lasts a bit longer.
  • King Dedede’s Inhale
    • Decreased Startup (Frame 17 -> Frame 14)
    • Has longer range vs fighters when Dedede/Kirby is grounded.
  • Wii Fit Trainer’s Sun Salutation
    • Increased knockback.
  • Min Min
    • Released! Use her Copy Ability to gain an extendable arm, accompanied by a dragon who can shoot a laser!

Misc. Changes:


Universal Changes:
  • Parrying projectiles now behaves properly in VS Mode when previously it only worked as intended in Training Mode.
    • Basically, parrying projectiles is worth it now. Practice your reactions!

Kirby-Specific Buffs:
  • None.

Kirby-Specific Nerfs:
  • None.

Copy Ability Changes:
  • Lucario’s Aura Sphere
    • Kirby’s Aura Sphere is actually unchanged, still dealing the same knockback as before and 20.7% damage (before 1v1 & freshness), but Lucario’s Aura formula changes have resulted in Kirby’s Aura Sphere to match the damage dealt as if Lucario was at 103%. It was previously matching a Lucario at 107%.
      • This isn’t a buff or a nerf, the move behaves the exact same as it did prepatch, but something cool to note.
  • Ness PK Flash
    • Increased attack speed.
      • Hitbox Active: F44 -> F40 (Single Press), F122 -> F118 (Full Charge)
      • FAF: F66 -> F62 (Single Press), F143 -> F139 (Full Charge)
  • Shulk’s Monado Arts
    • Shield Art’s knockback resistance has been decreased.
      • Knockback taken multiplier: x0.5 -> x0.6
  • Steve’s Mining/Create Block
    • Released! Copy Steve’s Ability in order to give Kirby creative mode from Minecraft, building blocks out of thin air and mining materials from the ground.


Kirby-Specific Buffs:
  • None.

Kirby-Specific Nerfs:
  • None.

Copy Ability Changes:
  • Ryu’s Shakunetsu Hadoken
    • The move will connect better against grounded opponents.
  • Mythra’s Lightning Buster
    • No longer uses set weight on the final hit.
  • Kazuya’s Devil Blaster
    • Added to the game! Use demonic powers to fire a laser at Shoto #4.


Copy Ability Changes:
  • Kirby's version of Lightning Buster has less ending lag (FAF 71 → 69), now matching Mythra's.
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Okay. FINALLY got this thread updated. Should archive everything that the devs done to Kirby in some capacity via patches.
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