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Killing Machine


Mar 16, 2007
I am a specially evolved, finely-tuned killing machine.

I have the highest stamina and physical endurance for my size of any motile organism on my homeworld. At the slightest provocation, my endocrine system pumps me full of so many muscle stimulants I can hardly think straight...and I like the feeling. I have an innate attraction to violence; I'm addicted to stories about violence, games that emulate violence, just hearing about blood shed piques my curiosity. I can't help it, its what I am. Its everything I am. And I like it, not ashamed at all.

Should we meet as friends, I will likely strike you as competitive. That competitiveness is in many ways my defining characteristic. Outperform. Defeat. Destroy. Its a personality trait crafted by evolution to make me a better warrior. Not surprisingly, this endless aggression and obsessive need to prove myself has become tied to my reproductive urge; it makes sense, linking it to one of the strongest of nature's urges. The presence of a desirable mate will cause my aggression levels to skyrocket, making me more eager than ever to fight. There may be various other outlets to express this, but the purest, most natural method is to kill. Rivals, enemies, prey animals. I want to kill as many creatures as I can, in the presence of a mate. This will show that I can produce another generation of killing machines, making me worthy of genetic preservation.

When I am hurt, my first and strongest instinct is to attack whatever inflicted the injury, even if it wasn't inflicted by an enemy at all. When I actually HAVE been hurt (or even insulted or slighted) by another being, I am many times more willing to fight than to flee, and will nurse a grudge for years if I am unable to do so. There is nothing more satisfying for me than destroying such a being. It almost makes it worth being slighted in the first place.

I am naturally nocturnal, though in recent times this trait has become something of an artifact. I am more comfortable sleeping in the day and awakening at night, when there are abundant prey animals to hunt, predators to defend against, and sleeping enemies to butcher.

I am an eighteen to twenty-five year old human male.
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