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Kevin Nanney's Daily routine


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Man, let me tell you. This guy is good for a reason. I can't even understand how someone of this level still stands to walk on this crust of earth.

Man, yo. This guy wakes up at three in the morning. Murmurs "I don't give a ****" while he steps into the shower. Man, this shower is shooting icicles, just about, but he stands there in his gym shorts with the most stern look in his face. It's the kind of stare that says "I'm going to bust your **** and then feed it to the wolves and bust their **** afterward. All eight of them." This guy finishes his shower in, like, three minutes. His shorts already dry as he steps out. He smashes the tooth paste on the sink so hard it shoots at a velocity that when it passes his teeth, they're immediately clean. He spits that **** in the sink and is done.

Man, breakfast consists of two things for him. A dozen eggs and a cup. He throws the dozen eggs in a blender and after a minute, dumps it in a cup and chugs it. All he eats, i swear it. All that egg shell doesn't even phase him.

He walks out the front door. Yeah, yo, it's still dark out. Still cold out. But he don't care. He pulls off them glasses and looks at that moon. Man, he says "Don't do that" and the moon disappears out of the sky. Replaced by the sun like it was nothing. So, magically, it's noon. He does his daily run. He just runs in place. But man, he is so powerful, he's moving the world beneath him.

So lunch comes around and he ain't even hungry. What does he do? Man, he forces himself hungry. How do you even do that? And like that, he goes to Lowes and chows down on some nails and ****. After paying his dues, he chooses a victim. He can see people from miles away. What's this? He knows where Ken is at? Yeah, you bet your **** he does. He hyperbolic Time Chambers that **** seven ways to sunday in VS mode with a handicap of 300% No wonder he's so good.

That's his day. And then at night, around midnight. This boy just wills himself to sleep. And with his eyes open, even. Only to three hours later wake up and do it all again.

I mean, what the hell, Nanney.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
You want me to add something that includes women?

You stressing the extent of my imagination, but I guess I can do it. Give me some time.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I can't honestly throw anything that has girls on it.

Man, Kevin.


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
It's too big of a stretch for the imagination

hardly your fault

also bbq you're never impressed you have like 400 awesome things happening in your avatar who tops that


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
Kevin's sister

yeah I know I'm pretty awesome. Things hardly impress me these days. Get on my level *****es.
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