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Kalas(Baten Kaitos) for Brawl!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2007
Being the lead of Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, a game made by Monolith Soft(who is now part of Nintendo anyway...) for the GCN, and being an overall kickass character, I believe he deserves a part in SSBB.

-He's all in all pretty cool
-He's owned by Monolith, who is owned by Nintendo(or is it Bamco that still owns BK?)
-He's only ever appeared on a Nintendo console
-He kicks ***. And the way he uses his sword is pretty freaking cool. Awsome style.

Anyway, here's a possible moveset:

Properties:(out of 5 *'s, also, / represents a half)
General attack strength: ***/
Knockback: ***
Attack Speed: ****
Move Speed: ****
Weight: **(also a floaty character)
Jump Hight: ***
Traction: */
-Kalas cannot crouch-cancel
-When dashing, Kalas counts as airborn(although he can only use his dashing attack while dashing, like every other character)(He's about the hight of a shorthop off the ground, and yes, if he were to instantly stop, he could use an airial move....).
-Despite the fact that Kalas has wings, he can still only double jump, because I said so.

+Decently strong attacks with good speed.
+Decent knockback
+Good Vertical Recovery
+Strong air game
+/-Low traction(longer WDs)
+/-Many of his actions leave him in the air(which means he can use airial moves....)(more on that later)
-Cannot CC
-Relativly poor horizontal recovery

Special Moves:
^B- Lord of the Winds: A spinning flurry of slashes that sends Kalas flying upwards. Direction can be changed with the angle of the control stick, however, he can only move straight. Counts as a recovery. (4% per hit, can hit up to 4 times)

<B- Blade Storm: Kalas dashes forward, stabbing the enemy with his sword. Powerful blades of wind then tear apart the foe(similar to Ganny's up B). Counts as a recovery.(3% for the stab, and then 2% for each blade of wind. 4 blades of wind, as long as the attack isn't interrupted)

VB- Energy wave: Kalas horizontally slashes his sword, creating a shockwave(about 2.5* as long as his normal range). Not very powerful, but it has long range. Being hit by the sword results in extra damage. When in the air, the slash is downwards, unless tilted diagonally, in which the wave and slash are diagonal.(6% for the wave, 11% for the sword)(The hitting with the sword in the downward slash counts as a spike).

B- Dream Blade: Kalas swings his dagger(covered in a green aura). Slow, weak attack, but it briefly stuns any hit enemies.(3%)

Brawl attack: Chaotic Illusion- Enemy is frozen in time, Kalas teleports up to them and starts slashing, leaving a green aura with each slash. As he slashes, illusionary copies of him appear and start slashing as well.

Smash Attacks:

Smash>A: Kalas does a small hop into the air, and does a vertical slash that hits in front of him and down. Kalas is in the air after using this move (18%-22%)

Smash^A: Kalas does a small hop into the air, vertically swinging his sword in front of him and above him. Kalas is in the air after using this move (15%-20%)

SmashVA: Kalas crouches down and does a spinning slash as he stands up. Hits both sides (15%-18%)

Tilts+ misc A moves:
Neutral A: Kalas quickly does a quick horizontal slash with his dagger. Kalas' fastest attack. (3%)

Neutral A->A: Kalas follows up his NA with a quick punch with his dagger.(3%)

Tilt>A: Kalas steps forward and performs a fast horizontal slash with his sword.(9%)

Tilt^A: Kalas does a quick upward slash in a 70 degree arc above him. Kalas is in the air after using this move.(10%)

TiltVA: Kalas does a quick spinkick.(7%)

DashA: Kalas stops himself in midair while slashing at the enemy. Arcs forward.(8%)

Air moves:
Nair: Kalas slashes in front of him with his dagger, and behind him with his sword(15% with sword, 8% with dagger).

Fair: Kalas swings his sword from high above his head to in front of him(making a 100 degree arc). If the enemy is hit by the sword at the 90-100 degree mark, they will be spiked. Hitting anywhere else causes the hit enemy(ies) to be sent upward. (17%)

Dair: Kalas flaps his wings for a moment, and then thrusts downwards with his sword. If the opponent is hit with the tip of his sword, they will be spiked. (18%)

Uair: Kalas pushes himself through the air with his wings while swing his sword in an arc upwards/behind him. (14%)(this move moves Kalas slightly upwards).

Bair: Kalas turns in midair and performs a horizontal slashing attack. (15%)


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
Since nintendo bought them, his chances went up,but, Its pretty late in development And I dont think there going to make a whole new character or whatnot. Anyway, if he does make I hope his voice actor dosnt do his taunts!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2007
They should get the guy who originally did his voice in the promotional trailer. Or just his JP voice. Both of those are very good. Anyway, finishing my move-set.
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