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Kaid's predictions.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
I hope this one actually generates some responces...


Fairly basic. We have our Hero, Major Sidekick, Love interest, Villian, and two Spinoff characters. There are many other possible Mario characters, but this is where I made most of my cuts, limiting it to parity with Nintendo's other major series.



Again, Hero, Sidekick, "love interest" by anime, and Villian, with a spinoff character rounding out the list.
Part of the problem with making a Pokemon list, is that there is so many, it's hard to find ones that really stand out. Pikachu, of course, is the series mascot. Mewtwo, on the other hand, is the closest the series has to a villian, being the final pokemon in 6 (the japaneese Red and Green, the later Blue version, Yellow, Fire Red, and Leaf Green) and 2 Movies (Mewtwo strikes back, Return of Mewtwo) as well as a pair of episodes of the anime. While some could argue for Meowth, he's really more comic relief than a villian. Other than that, everything is pretty much in the air, coming down to personal preference. Lucario was the Greatest Rescuer in PMD, and had his own movie, and despite not being truly legendary in D/P, many people still swear by him, with numerous reports of beating the last two gyms "with Lucario alone." Mimilop Is apparently really popular in Japan, and since that's the home team, as it were, I'd expect some kind of favored rep there.

Legend of Zelda:
The Hero of Time
Midna (wolfback)
The Hero of Winds


I expect controversy for this one. Once again, Hero, sidekick, Love interest, Villian, spinoff, and spinoff. Yes, Tingle has his own spinoff game coming to the Nintendo DS, and he is really quite liked in Japan, so I would consider it quite likely that all us westerners have our Practice Mode target picked out for us. Also, Midna being on wolfback gives Midna greater options and weight, and is how she is portrayed whenever she is involved in combat. When she gets off the wolf in combat, it means she's just going to sit on the sidelines and do nothing.
No Skull kid, No Vatti, No Zant. Gannondorf is the Villian, and he will remain the villian.


Same system as the others- Hero, sidekick, villian, and love interest. The only source of controversy here is over, in the words of Nintendo Power, "Not only is (Krystal) a fox, she is also a fox."
Also, a common source of heated debate amoung starfox fans- What if Sakurai decides Starfox only rates 3 characters? Should they drop Falco, the cocky bird who's been there since the beginning? Or Wolf, Fox's archrival? Or even Krystal, the foxy newcomer with a magical staff- quite different from the other choices.


Fairly basic. Sakurai's own game falls in the second tier of Nintendo franchises. Sakurai has himself stated that the three of them are his favorites.

Samus/Zero-suit Samus

Not that popular in Japan, Metroid is popular enough in america to make the addition of Ridley, the series's longstanding villian a distinct possibility. While the Hunters and Dark Samus are also common suggestions, they come from the Prime subseries, which Japan absolutely hates.

Donkey Kong
Diddy kong

A spinoff of the MArio series, this one is so entrenched, with so many games, that it counts as it's own series. Far from a clone, Diddy has a vastly different movepool, from jetbarrels to boomboxes.

Fire Emblem:

While I've never played FE myself, the series is a popular source of discussion both here and on other forums I visit. Marth, from my sources, was the ORIGINAL FE Lord, and I have heard some discussion that the castle stage shown in trailers is actually from his game. Ike, on the other hand, is from a more recent game. From number of games alone, it should probably rate more entrants, but I have an unfortunate tendancy to minimise games I don't play.

Returning singles:
Captian Falcon- I had to wrestle with myself whether to put this one here or above. While he might get Samouri Goh as a rival in brawl, I wouldn't put money on it. On either bet, in fact. I give Goh about 50/50 chance.

Ness- Cult Favorite, he's not going to be dropped. Ever. On the other hand, I don't see the Mother series getting any more rep anytime soon.

Ice Climbers- Alright, this one is in because there just isn't any reason to remove them. Returning non-clones are just as easy to make as new clones would be- Just make a new skin (for the updated graphics) and tweak the Melee moveset slightly.

Game and Watch: Same as Ice Climbers, except skip the bit about a new model. They already put quite a bit of tech into making him look low-tech... all they need to to tweak his stats.

Dropped Characters

Dr. Mario
Young Link

With the exception of Shiek, every one of them is an unexceptional clone. By unexceptional, I mean that they are very similar to the people they clone. Except for Roy, every one of them actually IS the person they clone. (Or can be, in Pichu's case) Roy, on the other hand, I have been told was a promotion for either FE 6 or 8, I forget which, and he kicked Sidguard out of Melee. Shiek is dropped mainly because she's out o vogue these days- She appeared in 1 game, 2 systems ago. Midna, on the other hand, is in one game, that is the most recent. (and Midna had more character development than Shiek, anyway)

New entries: I am suddenly at a loss to think of any, so I'll go with everyone else's choices.

Pit- Confirmd. New retro char, and looking better than ever.

Mii- A feature of the Wii that many game-review sites say need to be incorporated into more games. Besides, Why say no to Chuck Norris vs George W?

Tom Nook- An Animal-crossing rep, he appears in every game, and even in the movie that is coming out. Apparently his backstory says he ran a fighting dojo in the rough part of the city before moving out to become your personal extortionist, so his fighting credentials should not be overlooked.

Captian Olimar- From the latest creation of Miamoto's, Olimar would presumably use Pikmn to fight.

Stafy- The star of a popular Japan-only series, Stafy's appearence in Brawl would herald the arrival of his games appearing on Western shores.

Snake- The only confirmed 3rd party character, Sakurai and Kojima have long had a friendship. The stories say that Kojima asked Sakurai if Snake could be in Melee, but was turned down, not because Snake was 3rd party, but because they were too late in the developement cycle. When Sakurai was asked to make Brawl, he went to Kojima and asked if the offer of Snake still stood... and THAT is why Snake is in brawl.

Sonic- With the 3rd-party wall broken, no other character is as likely as the blue blur. The Mario and Sonic at the Olimpics game is being developed by Sega, while Brawl is being done by Nintendo, giving both companies a chance to cash in on the two icons's ancient rivalry.


That is 47 characters by my count, with only 46 showing up on the screen, as Zero-suit would be part of Samus.

Start the barbeque.
Mar 21, 2007
I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to read all of your predictions but why do you think Mimilop will get into brawl? If it does get in I think it may be a sign that Hikari's Mimiroru will evolve... =/ I seriously doubt that it will because of its crush on Pikachu and the big size difference between it and Pikachu... >__>;; Anywho, I believe Mimiroru will have a better chance of getting in that its evolution...


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to read all of your predictions but why do you think Mimilop will get into brawl? If it does get in I think it may be a sign that Hikari's Mimiroru will evolve... =/ I seriously doubt that it will because of its crush on Pikachu and the big size difference between it and Pikachu... >__>;; Anywho, I believe Mimiroru will have a better chance of getting in that its evolution...
Actually, the reason was I didn't remember the name of the un-evolved form.

*edits Lupunny out, replaces with Mimilop*

Deleted member

Respectable list, I'll read it and tell you what I think on the second page. Mimlop's a bit...


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
*sighs* for all the haters, Pokemon is the hardest major game to come up with a character list for... Not because of lack of characters, like Zelda, but because the line between major and minor is so thin.

Deleted member

Mimlop's popularity is sort of lacking compared to Meowth, Deoxys or even Blaziken... I can't even remember how he looks. I respect it's hard with Pokemans, but that was the one glaring mistake I saw.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
It was pretty much done to keep to the formula of the other big franchises. As Megadio26 pointed out, there is an interest between Pikachu and Buneary, putting the rabbit in the same role as Peach, Zelda, and Krystal.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . . .Soo you decided to drop Deoxys and add Buneary to your guess list? Good choice. . .Im not sure which is more populare in Japan (Lopunny or Buneary) but I don't think that the anime love interest would effect the choice by much. Lopunny/ Buneary is the new Jpuff in Japan. . .which is why I think Jpuff will get the boot and one of them will make it in.
(And all this talk about Movie importance. . .that movie is 2 years old. If theres going to be another movie rep I would put my money on Darkria)

And I also think pokemon will have a 6 character rep in Smash and that Mario will have 6+ (Yoshi and Wario aint Mario's anymore. I see Doc getting the boot and Toad, Browser Jr and maybe some spin off rep like Daisy getting in).


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
And I also think pokemon will have a 6 character rep in Smash and that Mario will have 6+ (Yoshi and Wario aint Mario's anymore.).
Yoshi and Wario are just as much Mario as Tingle and the Hero of Winds are Zelda.

And really, Deoxys didn't fit my pattern. Hero/sidekick/love-interest/villian/spinoff is a hard pattern to stretch over Pokemon, and he just fell between the cracks.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
...so, anyone want to talk about part of my list that ISN'T Pokemon?

Personaly, I'm kinda iffy about Olimar, but I couldn't think of any decent 1st-party replacements. Cutting him and throwing in Megaman, though, would make the list lopsided, I'd think.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Well. . . .I think there will be more than 2 FE characters. Im thinking Lyn is a good choice seeing her over all popularity (and we need something to brake up the blue her theme between Marth and Ike).


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Personaly, I'm kinda iffy about Olimar, but I couldn't think of any decent 1st-party replacements.
What exactly is "iffy" about him? Great franchise, sold well, destined to have a 3rd installment on Wii and his uniqueness would bring a lot of originality and a completely different playstyle to Brawl thanks to the Pikmin. Perfect addition if you ask me.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Well, I've never played Pikmn, but from the sound of it, he would seem to have a small army of what are essentially Mr. Saturn with attacks. I'm just wondering how feasible this is.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
Well, I've never played Pikmn, but from the sound of it, he would seem to have a small army of what are essentially Mr. Saturn with attacks. I'm just wondering how feasible this is.
You ever been attacked by an army of Mr. Saturns? You will now. D:

And pretty good list. ^^ I'd think FE might get at least 3 representatives, seeing as how it's pretty big in Japan. If we were thinking another hero, it'd be Lyn most likely, villain wise, i'd have to say Black Knight.

Too many chars in FE. o.<


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Yoshi and Wario are just as much Mario as Tingle and the Hero of Winds are Zelda.
One COULD say that Tingle would rep his own series. . . .(We wouldn't know until we see what Icon he has)

And both Yoshi and Wario have their own series of games. . . with that logic DK is still apart of Mario's series:ohwell: .


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
And I also think pokemon will have a 6 character rep in Smash and that Mario will have 6+ (Yoshi and Wario aint Mario's anymore. I see Doc getting the boot and Toad, Browser Jr and maybe some spin off rep like Daisy getting in).
probably unlikely, in seeing the last smash had 4 pokemon in it, I believe the most would be 5 pokemon, having pichu and maybe jiggs replaced by some never pokemon like deoxys or blazakin


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Well, If I was to expand the FE Universe representation, my rep system says it would be Hero, Sidekick, Love interest, and Villian.

Who would you people suggest to fill these slots? (Black Knight for Villian, of course...)


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Well at the moment you have 2 heroes, so I'd either stick with Heroes only, or you'll have to replace one.

If you go with Marth, then his love interest is Sheeda (Pegasus Knight), Side kick would probably be Jeigen (Paladin) and the villain would probably be Medeus who's a dragon, so probably not)

For Ike, his sidekick would be Soren (Mage), his love interest, while I'm tempted to say Soren again, would probably be Elincia (another Pegasus knight, except she uses swords instead of Lances) and the villain would be BlacK Knight.

It'd probably be easier to stick with Heroes really, just so you aren't repping just one game out of 10. Stick with Marth and Ike (a lord from either end of the game range), and go with another Lord like Lyn, Hector or Ephraim (or Micaiah but I don't think she's technically a lord), or go with BK for a villain rep.

Deleted member

Well, Kaid, I said I'd rate it on the second page and look where we are. It's a solid list, so I don't have many negative things to say. :)

I hope this one actually generates some responces...


Fairly basic. We have our Hero, Major Sidekick, Love interest, Villian, and two Spinoff characters. There are many other possible Mario characters, but this is where I made most of my cuts, limiting it to parity with Nintendo's other major series.
The whole "hero, sidekick, sex buddy, college friend" set-up slots in alright. No complaints here, Bowser Jr. would be a good addition to the list here though. Having more Mario characters removed (Dr.Mario) than added is a bad omen, evening it out with Bowser Jr. would help keep the Mario representation fair. He also stars in recent games.



Again, Hero, Sidekick, "love interest" by anime, and Villian, with a spinoff character rounding out the list.
Part of the problem with making a Pokemon list, is that there is so many, it's hard to find ones that really stand out. Pikachu, of course, is the series mascot. Mewtwo, on the other hand, is the closest the series has to a villian, being the final pokemon in 6 (the japaneese Red and Green, the later Blue version, Yellow, Fire Red, and Leaf Green) and 2 Movies (Mewtwo strikes back, Return of Mewtwo) as well as a pair of episodes of the anime. While some could argue for Meowth, he's really more comic relief than a villian. Other than that, everything is pretty much in the air, coming down to personal preference. Lucario was the Greatest Rescuer in PMD, and had his own movie, and despite not being truly legendary in D/P, many people still swear by him, with numerous reports of beating the last two gyms "with Lucario alone." Mimilop Is apparently really popular in Japan, and since that's the home team, as it were, I'd expect some kind of favored rep there.
I disagree on Buneary a bit. I don't see Pokemon being added that aren't either world famous, or have their own movie dedicated to them like Lucario. Aside from Buneary, which I disagree solely on popularity, good choices.

Legend of Zelda:
The Hero of Time
Midna (wolfback)
The Hero of Winds


I expect controversy for this one. Once again, Hero, sidekick, Love interest, Villian, spinoff, and spinoff. Yes, Tingle has his own spinoff game coming to the Nintendo DS, and he is really quite liked in Japan, so I would consider it quite likely that all us westerners have our Practice Mode target picked out for us. Also, Midna being on wolfback gives Midna greater options and weight, and is how she is portrayed whenever she is involved in combat. When she gets off the wolf in combat, it means she's just going to sit on the sidelines and do nothing.
No Skull kid, No Vatti, No Zant. Gannondorf is the Villian, and he will remain the villian.
Maybe not Tingle, but everything else seems fine. Wolf-back Midna brings a few annoyances, the trinity of Links, the carrying of Midna by Link( as in people will see her as a companion rather than a character if with Link in some way). Imp form, I feel, is more likely for her. Tingle... Eh, I don't see him getting in before villains like Skull kid or Vaati. He has his own Japanese games, granted, but it's not enough. He also wasn't in Twilight Princess whatsoever.


Same system as the others- Hero, sidekick, villian, and love interest. The only source of controversy here is over, in the words of Nintendo Power, "Not only is (Krystal) a fox, she is also a fox."
Also, a common source of heated debate amoung starfox fans- What if Sakurai decides Starfox only rates 3 characters? Should they drop Falco, the cocky bird who's been there since the beginning? Or Wolf, Fox's archrival? Or even Krystal, the foxy newcomer with a magical staff- quite different from the other choices.


Fairly basic. Sakurai's own game falls in the second tier of Nintendo franchises. Sakurai has himself stated that the three of them are his favorites.

Samus/Zero-suit Samus

Not that popular in Japan, Metroid is popular enough in america to make the addition of Ridley, the series's longstanding villian a distinct possibility. While the Hunters and Dark Samus are also common suggestions, they come from the Prime subseries, which Japan absolutely hates.

Donkey Kong
Diddy kong

A spinoff of the MArio series, this one is so entrenched, with so many games, that it counts as it's own series. Far from a clone, Diddy has a vastly different movepool, from jetbarrels to boomboxes.
Agree on all of these, A+ choices. Add K. Rool for a Donkey Kong villain and you're perfect here.

Fire Emblem:

While I've never played FE myself, the series is a popular source of discussion both here and on other forums I visit. Marth, from my sources, was the ORIGINAL FE Lord, and I have heard some discussion that the castle stage shown in trailers is actually from his game. Ike, on the other hand, is from a more recent game. From number of games alone, it should probably rate more entrants, but I have an unfortunate tendancy to minimise games I don't play.
I'd like to see Black Knight, in-keeping with your whole set-up thing from earlier. A few heroes, a villain or two. Not too much of a problem otherwise.

Returning singles:
Captian Falcon- I had to wrestle with myself whether to put this one here or above. While he might get Samouri Goh as a rival in brawl, I wouldn't put money on it. On either bet, in fact. I give Goh about 50/50 chance.

Ness- Cult Favorite, he's not going to be dropped. Ever. On the other hand, I don't see the Mother series getting any more rep anytime soon.
Fine. Ness has a possibility of being dropped for Lucas or whatever, but Mother sucks hard enough for no-one to care.

Ice Climbers- Alright, this one is in because there just isn't any reason to remove them. Returning non-clones are just as easy to make as new clones would be- Just make a new skin (for the updated graphics) and tweak the Melee moveset slightly.

Game and Watch: Same as Ice Climbers, except skip the bit about a new model. They already put quite a bit of tech into making him look low-tech... all they need to to tweak his stats.
Time to say goodbye to at least one of these *******s. Retro third-party characters, Balloon Fighter, numerous deserving characters. Both will likely be gone.

Dropped Characters

Dr. Mario
Young Link

With the exception of Shiek, every one of them is an unexceptional clone. By unexceptional, I mean that they are very similar to the people they clone. Except for Roy, every one of them actually IS the person they clone. (Or can be, in Pichu's case) Roy, on the other hand, I have been told was a promotion for either FE 6 or 8, I forget which, and he kicked Sidguard out of Melee. Shiek is dropped mainly because she's out o vogue these days- She appeared in 1 game, 2 systems ago. Midna, on the other hand, is in one game, that is the most recent. (and Midna had more character development than Shiek, anyway)

New entries: I am suddenly at a loss to think of any, so I'll go with everyone else's choices.

Pit- Confirmd. New retro char, and looking better than ever.
Things get messy from here...

Mii- A feature of the Wii that many game-review sites say need to be incorporated into more games. Besides, Why say no to Chuck Norris vs George W?

Tom Nook- An Animal-crossing rep, he appears in every game, and even in the movie that is coming out. Apparently his backstory says he ran a fighting dojo in the rough part of the city before moving out to become your personal extortionist, so his fighting credentials should not be overlooked.

No! Tom Nook! No! Animal Crossing can be represented by items, stages, whatever the hell you want, but no Tom ****ing Nook! He would not work in a fighting game and he blows!

Mii... Meh. "HITLERZ VERSUS CHUCK NORRIS LOLZ" would get old fast, and there would be a lot of it. I see the possibilities with the Wii Sports equipment for a moveset, using different Miis. They're not really characters - which is the main problem. If they take up a spot that is wasted for someone important it wouldn't be worth it.

[quote="kaid, post: 2424301"]Captian Olimar- From the latest creation of Miamoto's, Olimar would presumably use Pikmn to fight.[/quote]

See Vali for an amazing moveset and convincing discussion on Olimar, certainly convinced me. :chuckle:

[quote="kaid, post: 2424301"]Stafy- The star of a popular Japan-only series, Stafy's appearence in Brawl would herald the arrival of his games appearing on Western shores.
Japan-only... Massive hurdle. :urg:

Snake- The only confirmed 3rd party character, Sakurai and Kojima have long had a friendship. The stories say that Kojima asked Sakurai if Snake could be in Melee, but was turned down, not because Snake was 3rd party, but because they were too late in the developement cycle. When Sakurai was asked to make Brawl, he went to Kojima and asked if the offer of Snake still stood... and THAT is why Snake is in brawl.

Sonic- With the 3rd-party wall broken, no other character is as likely as the blue blur. The Mario and Sonic at the Olimpics game is being developed by Sega, while Brawl is being done by Nintendo, giving both companies a chance to cash in on the two icons's ancient rivalry.
Of course! But you need another one, say Megaman or Bomberman or Pacman. One of the 'mans. It depends on whether you'd like a Capcom or Namco representative (Pacman has no chance), and I'll say a Capcom guy would be a great way to open up for other Capcom characters. Which is a way to go for SSB4. :psycho:


That is 47 characters by my count, with only 46 showing up on the screen, as Zero-suit would be part of Samus.

Start the barbeque.
Great list. If I had to rate it, given the few mistakes with Tom Nook and Mii, it'd be something like: 9.1/10


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Hmm... So if I changed it to Marth, Ike, Soren, and Black Knight, I'd be stretching the system, but would be representing multiple games?


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Really have to agree with Smash Daddy on most of those points.

See Vali for an amazing moveset and convincing discussion on Olimar, certainly convinced me. :chuckle:
Especially that one.

Mii... Meh. "HITLERZ VERSUS CHUCK NORRIS LOLZ" would get old fast, and there would be a lot of it. I see the possibilities with the Wii Sports equipment for a moveset, using different Miis. They're not really characters - which is the main problem. If they take up a spot that is wasted for someone important it wouldn't be worth it.
"Oh wow now Jesus can fight Hitler! Hahhahaaha this is fun...wait...why does Hitler play like Jesus? But...Chuck Norris fights like Paris Hilton...this is no fun :("

In related news, the whole three Links thing seems to work into Zelda's triforce system, but yeah it is kinda too many. Then again there are some crazy people that don't think WW Link will be included in a "2 Links is a Link too many!" sorta mindframe. Stafy would be quite good to see, but I don't know how popular a choice he'd be since no-ones really heard of him outside of Japan. Tom Nook, aka. Nookie, used to be a fighter (self-proclaimed) so I don't really know how out of place it'd be, but I think there are better Brawl candidates.

On slightly less related news, I'm still waiting for someone to say "Tingle is my bishie!" so I can quote it and have an awesome sig. I was betting on Creo, but he seems like he's gone off Tingle recently :cry:.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
I never claimed to have 3 links. I have the Hero of the Gods, the Hero of Winds, and Midna, who "just happens" to be riding a wolf.

Stafy, Lip, or Takimaru... (or another of that crowd) I see one getting in, but I would not place any bets as to who.

Deleted member

Just happens to be riding a wolf? Riding Link you mean! :lol:

Nah, not Soren, the other three would suffice. Get rid of the hang-ons like G&W, ICs, Mii and 'Nookie.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
We all know that "a wolf" was included just to give Midna a more comfortable way of travelling. No correlation to the storyline or anything, that's for sure.

Deleted member

Yeah. She just found that wolf in the jungle when she was swinging using the magic vines/Zant's felanges. No relation to the story, not a special wolf at all. :lol:


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
probably unlikely, in seeing the last smash had 4 pokemon in it, I believe the most would be 5 pokemon, having pichu and maybe jiggs replaced by some never pokemon like deoxys or blazakin
. . . .Im sorry but I don't understand that logic. SSB had 2 pokemon, Melee had 4 pokemon. . . and now the most would be 5 pokemon? I think Pokemon will get 2 more slots.

. . . And Kaid, your "system" doesn't go well with pokemon. We have the mascott (Pika) and the Villian (Mewtwo, who was still shown as a villian in the games). . . but thats about it. In the games there is no blunt love interest for random Pikas and there are no side-kicks in the game. I think the system seems more like this. . .

Main character/ Mascott (Mario/ Pika/ Link)

Villian (Ganon/ Browser/ M2)

Character that is ALOT like the Main/ mascott (Y. Link/ Lugiu-Doc/ Pichu all fit the bill. Y. Link =/= a side kick or friend of Link and Pichu is just alot like Pika well doc was just Mario in a coat)

Famous female of the series (Peach/ Zelda/ Jpuff. Peach may be a love interest but Zelda and Jpuff arnt)

next spots [Insert HUGE popularity characters such as Toad - Browser Jr/ Midna-Tingla/ Gard - Blaziken].

Now throw in some replacements and I see it as. . .

Browser Jr
(Maybe a spin off rep cause Mario is. . .well, Mario, the ground to which Nintendo was built upon)

Y. Link (but with a Fox make over. Putting realistic Y. Link mixed with things from other Y. Links)
Zelda (No sheik)
Midna (Solo. . .I hope for Transformation)

Mewtwo ( IDK if Darkrai is a villian or good guy in the new movie so he stays for the time being)
Pachirisu or P&M
Buneary or Lopunny (either one. I think Lopunny is the more popular one)

(To the peson below me, as you can see I REPLACED Pichu with another Pika like, silly. . . )

Deleted member

It's not six Pokemon because they'll remove Pichu, silly.
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