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Social King K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: This...Is Our Finest Hour!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2014
It was clear Sakurai has no intention of adding any Donkey Kong characters to Smash ever again back when K Rool was relegated to being a DLC costume for Mii Fighters. At this point it's hard to be disappointed when you know exactly what not to expect.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
It was clear Sakurai has no intention of adding any Donkey Kong characters to Smash ever again back when K Rool was relegated to being a DLC costume for Mii Fighters. At this point it's hard to be disappointed when you know exactly what not to expect.
Um, that mii costume was the FIRST acknowledgment of K. Rool in nearly a decade. That is a reason to be hopeful for this game since it basically he confirms he heard us -- that there is enormous demand for this character. It is NOT a bad sign. It is a good sign!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2014
Um, that mii costume was the FIRST acknowledgment of K. Rool in nearly a decade. That is a reason to be hopeful for this game since it basically he confirms he heard us -- that there is enormous demand for this character. It is NOT a bad sign. It is a good sign!
I had this tired discussion enough two years ago. It wasn't the first confirmation and it was a clear signal that despite his popularity he was not going to be made into a fighter. This is provable by the fact that he is still not a fighter. They heard his popularity, and the popularity was rejected in favour of Fire Emblem an other promotional inclusions, mostly because there's a clear bias against the DK franchise as a whole.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2014
New Jersey
It also would appear that Sakurai is giving representation to popular character requests one way or another.. sort of like he did with Ridley in the past.

Krystal as an assist trophy is clear proof of this, she hasn't been in Smash before as anything other than a regular trophy and all of the sudden shows up as an assist trophy post ballot. Clearly he's showing love to characters that he felt didn't wouldn't make the cut..

Bomberman as well.

Notice how many characters we had deconfirmed in one day by way of assist trophy spotting. They were clearly thrown in intentionally to let the fans of those characters down gently.

That being said, whether K. Rool shows up as playable or not, he's absolutely going to show up physically in Smash Ultimate one way or another. I'm confident enough to say that due to his sheer popularity I think it will be as a playable character but who knows.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2014
I had this tired discussion enough two years ago. It wasn't the first confirmation and it was a clear signal that despite his popularity he was not going to be made into a fighter. This is provable by the fact that he is still not a fighter. They heard his popularity, and the popularity was rejected in favour of Fire Emblem an other promotional inclusions, mostly because there's a clear bias against the DK franchise as a whole.
they got plenty of time for a k.rool release . we dont expect many newcomers but im sure that we will get at least 3 or 4 mores


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
I had this tired discussion enough two years ago. It wasn't the first confirmation and it was a clear signal that despite his popularity he was not going to be made into a fighter. This is provable by the fact that he is still not a fighter. They heard his popularity, and the popularity was rejected in favour of Fire Emblem an other promotional inclusions, mostly because there's a clear bias against the DK franchise as a whole.
But he also has a bias in favor of his fans and that may just overcome any bias he may have against DK.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2014
But he also has a bias in favor of his fans
I'm not sure what ever gave you this impression. He does whatever he likes and sees fit for "his vision" of Smash/what Nintendo commands of him for promotional purposes. If he had a bias in favour of Smash fans then he would make a new Smash game that moves forward from Melee instead of backwards from 64, and wouldn't spend time deliberately shafting fans. Unless by "his fans" you mean literally just people who believe everything he does is flawless rather than fans of Smash Brothers, which would just be a circular proposition.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2014
New Jersey
I had this tired discussion enough two years ago. It wasn't the first confirmation and it was a clear signal that despite his popularity he was not going to be made into a fighter. This is provable by the fact that he is still not a fighter. They heard his popularity, and the popularity was rejected in favour of Fire Emblem an other promotional inclusions, mostly because there's a clear bias against the DK franchise as a whole.

The Mii Costume was giving fans "something" because K. Rool was not realizable through DLC...

It's no secret that characters like Beyonetta use animations and attacks from other fighters already in the game. Go check YouTube and you can find plenty of analysis videos on this.. it's far easier to make a Beyonetta or a Corrin a character that is human and be made by taking assets from those types of characters. K. Rool wouldn't be so easy, he's unique and would require a lot more work which is more than likely why he was destined to be looked over as DLC but was given a nod through a Mii Costume to agknowledge fans...

This is a *new* game and clearly Ridley shows that Sakurai has put effort into the newcomers for this game. This is his time... K. Rool wasnt looked over because Sakurai hates him he was looked over because there was easier options to make after he had been working on a game for years none stop and was now producing DLC...


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I have scattered thoughts I might post later...I've been awake nearly 24 hours straight going to the Nintendo NYC store and standing in line for about five hours, first to get in and see the presentation and then to play the demo.

After that Ridley trailer, I never again want to hear people in the fanbase griping that "ohhh, announcing popular characters is so boring, they should do mostly surprises instead."

You don't get this kind of freakout with just any character. As a matter of fact, having even your highest expectations for a desired character blown out of the water might just be the best surprise you can get with this series.

And I think Sakurai's comments about the outcry for Ridley bode super well for his scaly comrade-in-speculation-arms being the next to elicit such hype.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2014
K. Rool was not realizable through DLC
Here's what it takes to make K Rool realizable through DLC:
-develop the character
-release the character as DLC


"Realizable" was a load of vaguery, absolute empty nonsense, put out there with no explanatory or excusatory property. It was simply a blanket statement way to say, "Ah yes, this character didn't make it because they simply weren't """""""""""""""""""realizable""""""""""""""""." which is an entirely hollow assertion meant to be satiation to anyone naive enough to be fooled into accepting such a blatantly silly comment and not understand how game development works. Every character is realizable, the only thing standing in the way is priority. King K Rool was not unrealizable, he was simply low priority because the project lead/team does not care for the character or the franchise, and has other promotional characters to add to the game like Corrin and Bayonetta.

The modelling skeletons already exist for big characters, and the team even had to create all new textures and assets for a full K Rool body to create the MiiCostume. There is no developmental excuse. There is only character selection by developer interests.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
I honestly don't understand all the pessimism here. Why are we putting the proverbial nail in the coffin? Just because King K. Rool wasn't announced at E3? So what!? I whole heartedly believe he is going to be in this game, but I did not expect him to be revealed at E3 whatsoever. If any of you honestly believe that this is the complete roster, then you're sadly mistaken. There's no way they revealed the entire roster at the same time as unveiling the game for the very first time. Sakurai even said himself to "not expect too many newcomers", not "these are the only newcomers". He is simply setting expectations. I really believe that King K. Rool's chances are even better now. For one, he's showing that he's listening to fan-demand, and while I feel like he turns a cold cheek to the Donkey Kong franchise, he can't ignore the sheer popularity of the character. Plus, I'm sure he even realizes at this point that Donkey Kong is lacking in content, and what better way to make better on that than by adding a character that everyone wants anyway? Also, there were so many other potential character options who were deconfirmed today that it only makes more sense to make King K. Rool playable. I mean seriously, who is left that honestly has a legitimate shot? Dixie Kong? Bandana Dee? Springman (really just because he's a new Nintendo IP they could market)? I feel even better about King K. Rool's chances now than I ever have before. I wish more of you (not everyone here) had some more optimism.
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Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2014
The void
Switch FC
We got ridley, King k.rool's chances just shot up in my oppinion.(and honestly I never gave up on ridley and it paid off so why should i give up on my second most wanted at this point?). E3 has renewed my hope in smash as a whole after being pessimistisc of the series frokm both a gameplay and roster standpoint after smash 4 ended up boring me so it's good to be back, kutthroats. It may have been all for not back then but i remember we had good times back in smash 4's DLC campaigning and speculation period and i still remember all your fervent passion to this day.

Sakurai and the smash team have shown so far with various decisions that they are finally listening to fan demand and are considering character's status as a lasting iconic rather than in a timely but breif place in relevance so i supsect now that k.rool's chances are higher than they have ever been in the series history.

Even if he doesn't get into the base roster there's always a chance for possible post release dlc.
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
I'm really interested to see where this is going. With 65 characters (plus 3 echoes), I can't see too many more newcomers, maybe 5 tops. Also, I don't know if they're going to be too quick to reveal the last couple since they'll want to leave some surprises.

But this seems to be all about fanservice, and K.Rool's been on top of fan polls in almost every region...

I don't want to believe anything yet, but thinks are looking good, and we may be able to celebrate another heavyweight villain on the roster come December.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
Here's what it takes to make K Rool realizable through DLC:
-develop the character
-release the character as DLC


"Realizable" was a load of vaguery, absolute empty nonsense, put out there with no explanatory or excusatory property. It was simply a blanket statement way to say, "Ah yes, this character didn't make it because they simply weren't """""""""""""""""""realizable""""""""""""""""." which is an entirely hollow assertion meant to be satiation to anyone naive enough to be fooled into accepting such a blatantly silly comment and not understand how game development works. Every character is realizable, the only thing standing in the way is priority. King K Rool was not unrealizable, he was simply low priority because the project lead/team does not care for the character or the franchise, and has other promotional characters to add to the game like Corrin and Bayonetta.

The modelling skeletons already exist for big characters, and the team even had to create all new textures and assets for a full K Rool body to create the MiiCostume. There is no developmental excuse. There is only character selection by developer interests.
I don't necessarily believe that he wasn't realizable, either. However, I personally believe that there were probably popular characters in the ballot that they didn't necessarily want to be included through added-on DLC. I think some characters were probably looked at as being valuable new additions in the future to the Smash game that succeeded Smash 4. I'm sure Ridley was a very popular ballot choice, but I think they would've wanted to save him for this game even if they decided back then that he was realizable. I feel the same way about King K. Rool. If it were me in the developers shoes, I would've wanted to save some of the extremely popular characters for a new game to drum up hype and excitement, and I think that's going to be the case with King K. Rool.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2014
Loving the optimism carried out by a lot of you guys! The fact that our King hasn’t shown up, yet doesn‘t mean anything!

First, we ca be glad he wasn‘t softly deconfirmed via an AT-reveal and

Second, it‘d be foolish to release ANYONE of the highly requested fan favorites besides friggin Ridley, who just would have taken the spotlight all for himselfdue to his status among smash fans.

Cheer up, people! I‘d be down for a reveal that actually lets K Rool have all the spotlight for himself!


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
To K. Rool fans in this topic, I feel like Ridley, K. Rool's time for inclusion in Smash Bros. will be with Ultimate.

His hope lies with two Metroid newcomers. One already confirmed, and one highly suspected to be among the echo fighters.

With Ridley, he was a massively popular character for over 17 years, and it was only with this installment that he was finally upgraded to playable status. Only three years earlier, Sakurai had stated his opinion that resizing Ridley would not fit the character. Less than two years later he ended up changing his mind. Why? Well, if he only had the time and resources to add in a few newcomers, Sakurai might have surmised to add in the characters that would give the most bang for the fans' buck in terms of hype. Just look at the true newcomers that were added so far: Inklings and Ridley.

Sakurai specifically mentioned massive fan requests as the reason as to why he brought in Ridley. There is only one other character that had the massive support base that Ridley has had that is not yet in, and that is the big fat croc king/captain/mad-scientist/boxer himself. K. Rool was likely among the Top 5 newcomers on the ballot.

The main argument as to why K. Rool may not get in is due to the fact that his last appearance in a DK game was all the way back in 2007, and his last role in any game was in 2008. Well, it seems as though relevancy might not mean as much this time around because it might be that Dark Samus could end up as an echo fighter. There are two reasons that might support this happening:
1. The Dark Samus Assist Trophy has not been spotted yet.
2. Samus's Dark Samus pallette swap is no longer in Ultimate.

This is critical to K. Rool, because like K. Rool, her last role in her own series was all the way back in 2007.

I personally like Dixie Kong more, but I want to see your dreams realized just as mine during the E3 direct, so if there was only one DK newcomer slot, it should go to K. Rool. Hopefully, Sakurai decides to add the both of them in, because if there is one Nintendo series that deserves two newcomers even in a limited newcomer scenario, its Donkey Kong.

Hopefully, your time will happen soon. There is six more months to go. K. Rool has not been confirmed as an Assist Trophy, so keep dreaming and hoping. Best of luck to you guys. I hope my analysis has inspired a little hope.
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Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2014
Houston, TX
No Chrom color scheme for Ike either. He's not in any of Robin's screenshots or even intro video.

But regardless: Ridley was explicitly mentioned by Sakurai himself to be included because of his massive popularity overseas (i.e. the West). Considering how K. Rool absolutely annilihates Ridley in 90% of fan polls, it's be insane to think we're not getting him this time around.

It seems like Sakurai is listening to the fans. He brought back every character, including third party character Snake (y'know, Konami), no cuts, friggin RIDLEY. We also got a remix of a song from DKC3, a first for the series. All in all, I would bet a lot of money that the King will make his long-awaited return by December.

Plus, could you imagine how'd he look in this artstyle? He'd look amazing!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
I'm not sure what ever gave you this impression. He does whatever he likes and sees fit for "his vision" of Smash/what Nintendo commands of him for promotional purposes. If he had a bias in favour of Smash fans then he would make a new Smash game that moves forward from Melee instead of backwards from 64, and wouldn't spend time deliberately shafting fans. Unless by "his fans" you mean literally just people who believe everything he does is flawless rather than fans of Smash Brothers, which would just be a circular proposition.
Well, his vision of Smash didn't involve Ridley and now it apparently does, so at least something has changed. For whatever it's worth, we have faith in this game because it really does seem like the ultimate iteration of Smash and we can't imagine that without the king. Try to find comfort in that or on release day, someone's going to have to say "I told you so."


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
Loving the optimism carried out by a lot of you guys! The fact that our King hasn’t shown up, yet doesn‘t mean anything!

First, we ca be glad he wasn‘t softly deconfirmed via an AT-reveal and

Second, it‘d be foolish to release ANYONE of the highly requested fan favorites besides friggin Ridley, who just would have taken the spotlight all for himselfdue to his status among smash fans.

Cheer up, people! I‘d be down for a reveal that actually lets K Rool have all the spotlight for himself!
Exactly! I've been saying the same thing! Why would they have announced King K. Rool alongside Ridley? He would've gotten lost in all the Ridley shock/hype. That's why if I had the choice myself of who to reveal at E3, I would've picked Ridley as well, even though I do like King K. Rool better. But I recognize that Ridley would've been a bigger deal (no pun intended). I really, truly feel like King K. Rool is getting in. I could be completely wrong, but I really think it's going to happen.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2014
[QUOTE="TheTreasonousSnowmad, post: 22116742, member: 325232"on release day, someone's going to have to say "I told you so."[/QUOTE]I look forward to it.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Now that I got what I've always wanted I'm going to be vouching for you guys from now on, the Ridley and K. Rool fanbases have been very tightly knit since Smash 4 speculation, and so I think it's only natural that the King should receive our support now. I really don't feel like you can have the Ultimate Smash Bros game without K. Rool, it just needs to happen.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2012
Something that popped into my mind that I don't think people have mentioned or thought about. Do we know how many directs or possible directs there will be from now till Dec 7th? That was how they released fighters for Smash 4 wasn't it? So could be a chance there.

Also I think going with the idea of not revealing the whole roster is probably pretty solid. I think Sakurai might be playing around with his words again to begin with. Also his whole dislike for things being spoiled previous and if he is listening intently to what people have said, there were lots of complains about having the whole roster being available at the start of the game and having no secret characters any more. Maybe there going that way with K. Rool fits him quite well.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
I said to a friend yesterday that if we get literally nothing else, I'd be content with this roster. The two reveals it's had are better than the vast majority of Sm4sh, my old mains ICs are back (even if changed to the point I'm not sure I want to play them, rip) and several characters have had updates to their moveset that are very exciting (ROB, Bowser, Wario, Ganondorf...).

With all of this said, I see no reason to be more pessimistic now relative to this time yesterday. Spare a thought for the swathes of characters who showed up in non-playable roles instead.


Smash Rookie
Jun 24, 2013
Something that popped into my mind that I don't think people have mentioned or thought about. Do we know how many directs or possible directs there will be from now till Dec 7th? That was how they released fighters for Smash 4 wasn't it? So could be a chance there.

Also I think going with the idea of not revealing the whole roster is probably pretty solid. I think Sakurai might be playing around with his words again to begin with. Also his whole dislike for things being spoiled previous and if he is listening intently to what people have said, there were lots of complains about having the whole roster being available at the start of the game and having no secret characters any more. Maybe there going that way with K. Rool fits him quite well.

There were 10 Directs in 2017 that were shown in at least Japan and North America. In 2018 so far, there have been three shown in Japan AND North America and a 4th shown in America and Europe.

I can't see their being fewer then two directs between now and Christmas. It's possible they could just do a "Smash Bros. Direct" and announce every character in November or October if they have nothing else they could use to tack on a character reveal.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2018
With Ridley confirmed, I'm pretty sure that K. Roll is now the single most requested character now. Even if it doesn't happen in this game, his appearance in Smash Bros is simply a matter of when, not if.

To say he'll not appear in this game is a possibility that can't be ignored.

To say he'll never make it in any Smash Bros game is simply crazy talk.

Do I expect him to make it in Ultimate? Not sure. One can never predict the mind of Sakurai.
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Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Something that popped into my mind that I don't think people have mentioned or thought about. Do we know how many directs or possible directs there will be from now till Dec 7th? That was how they released fighters for Smash 4 wasn't it? So could be a chance there.
Well there's nothing to say they can't include more than one newcomer in a direct. Directs seem to be less common these days, so I'd be surprised if we got more than two between now and December. On the other hand I could totally see us getting a dedicated Smash direct at some point. (which would probably include more than one newcomer revealed)

Also wasn't there times during the last Smash game when newcomer trailers were revealed on their own (I think Robin/Lucina was like that) so arguably they don't even need directs to appear. We could just get an announcement that a newcomer trailer is going to launch on the Smash Bros website.
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fka president wario
Aug 26, 2014
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t K Rool also insanely popular in Japan? Sakurai said that the only reason he even put Ridley in the game is because of the outcry mostly from the West, so I’d imagine it’d be harder to ignore the screams from both the West and the East. Really, with this game being centered around fan service, I fully expect K Rool in.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2018
My appologize for my first reactions.
I know K.Rool would not be announced at E3, even though I always have that secret hope inside of me.
It's just that I don't want to suffer that unending torture of waiting AGAIN.
K.Rool is basically the most wanted newcomer by a large margin now.
If Sakurai and the devs do not know that, they are completely disconnected with the fans.

I'm only worried about the few newcomers statement and this :


I don't know how we should take it.
Does that mean only 2 newcomers left ?
Plus we don't see Daisy in here, which means only 1, and it will be Belmont, so no K.Rool...

Aside from that, I really hope the fake ending joke is a hint, no one seems to care about.

So my optimistic prediction:

6 newcomers left, 1 per month:

- K.Rool
- Dixie
- Geno
- Isaac
- Ashley / Bandana Dee / Elma
- Simon Belmont


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2014
New Jersey
My appologize for my first reactions.
I know K.Rool would not be announced at E3, even though I always have that secret hope inside of me.
It's just that I don't want to suffer that unending torture of waiting AGAIN.
K.Rool is basically the most wanted newcomer by a large margin now.
If Sakurai and the devs do not know that, they are completely disconnected with the fans.

I'm only worried about the few newcomers statement and this :


I don't know how we should take it.
Does that mean only 2 newcomers left ?
Plus we don't see Daisy in here, which means only 1, and it will be Belmont, so no K.Rool...

Aside from that, I really hope the fake ending joke is a hint, no one seems to care about.

So my optimistic prediction:

6 newcomers left, 1 per month:

- K.Rool
- Dixie
- Geno
- Isaac
- Ashley / Bandana Dee / Elma
- Simon Belmont
I don't believe that Amiibo case is a good representation of how many characters are left to be added. I don't think Sakurai would spoil that. I believe that case may indicate how many characters are announced at E3... I expect one more character announcement before the end..

Everyone's expecting Simon Belmont including myself however since that Verbegen leak or whatever is seemingly true, I think I remember him saying his source who told him about Simon and IC''s was different than the Ridley source..so it's possible that Simon could be false. There also was supposed to be some Castlevania game collection on Switch which we didn't see.. it's possible that could be announced over the next couple days with Simon but it's not 100%

Either way Sakurai said "don't expect a ton of newcomers". I see people keep saying that this is all were getting.... he said don't expect a *ton*. Considering how many newcomers we've gotten in past games I don't think 7 including Ridley and Inkling's is too farfetched.. and as we've seen the list of candidates to run against K. Rool and Dixie are shrinking. Also there was a lack of DK stages shown off in that direct, considering this game is "ultimate" I expect more than the re-done river stage from Melee. There's more DK stuff to come


fka president wario
Aug 26, 2014
I don't believe that Amiibo case is a good representation of how many characters are left to be added. I don't think Sakurai would spoil that. I believe that case may indicate how many characters are announced at E3... I expect one more character announcement before the end..

Everyone's expecting Simon Belmont including myself however since that Verbegen leak or whatever is seemingly true, I think I remember him saying his source who told him about Simon and IC''s was different than the Ridley source..so it's possible that Simon could be false. There also was supposed to be some Castlevania game collection on Switch which we didn't see.. it's possible that could be announced over the next couple days with Simon but it's not 100%

Either way Sakurai said "don't expect a ton of newcomers". I see people keep saying that this is all were getting.... he said don't expect a *ton*. Considering how many newcomers we've gotten in past games I don't think 7 including Ridley and Inkling's is too farfetched.. and as we've seen the list of candidates to run against K. Rool and Dixie are shrinking. Also there was a lack of DK stages shown off in that direct, considering this game is "ultimate" I expect more than the re-done river stage from Melee. There's more DK stuff to come
I’m banking on 10 Newcomers honestly. With the emphasis on Echo Characters I think Sakurai will use them to round the newcomer list to 10.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I think the Amiibo case means absolutely nothing. That's some grade A reaching right there.

For one thing I doubt they'd hint at the remaining amount of newcomers in such a trivial way....and secondly there's going to be more than four new Smash amiibo if you include Ice Climbers, Snake, Young Link, Wolf, Pichu and Pokemon Trainer. (and that case isn't going to display all of them)

I think they just had the case, it was too big so they decided to have the Smash Bros logos at each side of the amiibos to remind people what they were looking at.
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Coofle DeDoofle

Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2018
Say... Anyone remember that one pie chart of the Japanese Smash Ballot top characters?
Notice anything in it? Like, maybe the fact that... three of the characters here were confirmed for SSBU (and one as an Assist Trophy)? I'm starting to think the few newcomers of this game were chosen mostly by looking at the ballot results. If so, our king still has a really good shot!
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Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
As of Yesterday's reveal, K Rool is now my most wanted newcomer.
There is no doubt that K Rool is the single most wanted remaining newcomer at this point, expecially so on smashboards with the ridley, krystal, and daisy threads all being relocated and all veterans being confirmed back.
I wish the best for you guys, hopefully the King is in.


fka president wario
Aug 26, 2014
Say... Anyone remember that one pie chart of the Japanese Smash Ballot top characters?
Notice anything in it? Like, maybe the fact that... three of the characters here were confirmed for SSBU (and one as an Assist Trophy)? I'm starting to think the few newcomers of this game were chosen mostly by looking at the ballot results. If so, our king still has a really good shot!
That confirms my thoughts about K Rool being incredibly popular in Japan. That really makes me wonder why Nintendo refuses to include him in DK games anymore. I remember reading that Retro originally wanted to use him and the Kremlins in DK Returns but Nintendo said no. So damn weird. The West wants him, the East wants him, why the hell wont you use him?

Also Ridley being that popular surprises me. I’ve always read that Japan didn’t really care for Ridley.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2014
New Jersey
I'd also like to bring up assets again... because now that we have had an intimate look at the new game and see how it is I think we have even more reasons to be optimistic here..

It's blatantly clear that Smash Ultimate uses Wii U and 3DS assets in the game. You can tell that Ridley's base model was made from his Pyrosphere model from Wii U and 3DS which makes sense it's an easier thing to build off of and guaranteed he'd be ready to play in the early build. Look at his proportions they're manipulated sure but you can see Pyrosphere Ridley in there, he was obviously re skinned but still.

Inkling's had the Mii costume's and there was that random trophy added in DLC. There's inkling's assets.... now remember that there's perfectly good assets for K. Rool available and they were a unique updated design.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2018
Say... Anyone remember that one pie chart of the Japanese Smash Ballot top characters?
Notice anything in it? Like, maybe the fact that... three of the characters here were confirmed for SSBU (and one as an Assist Trophy)? I'm starting to think the few newcomers of this game were chosen mostly by looking at the ballot results. If so, our king still has a really good shot!
That's weird though, Krystal seems to be really high, and yet she is alwready out of the competition...
Well At least I hope Sakurai had the descency to deconfirmed right away some of the most wanted characters, not to make their fans hope in vain.
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Smash Ultimate already looks like a love letter to the fans, and there's little doubt that K.Rool is pretty well on top of the pile. I don't know how many more characters we'll be getting, but K.Rool is a very safe choice. Fanpolls in all regions are putting him at or near the top, so...

I'm hoping that Ridley won't be the only villainous reptile we've got inbound.

I don't know when they'd announce more characters, though. I doubt we have many more non-echoes coming, but there will undoubtedly be a few unique newcomers. I don't want to put any numbers on anything, but I can see maybe another unique first party revealed, another unique third party, and maybe an echo or two before release, with a few surprises left to be found later (or found through datamining and leaked the week before release). If we get one Smash Direct in Octoberish timeframe where they show some single-player modes, that's a great time for character reveals.

I guess I'm saying that we shouldn't give up yet. Things have never looked better for K.Rool as they have in the past few months, and the E3 announcements haven't done much except clear the field. Yeah, there aren't many slots, but the King only needs one...


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
That's weird though, Krystal seems to be really high, and yet she is alwready out of the competition...
Well At least I hope Sakurai had the descency to deconfirmed right away some of the most wanted characters, not to make their fans hope in vain.
Well we have to consider the official ballot as well. (which we don't know the results of) Sakurai is clearly looking at worldwide results and not just Japan.

It's possible she was less popular in the west and that dragged her down.

Coofle DeDoofle

Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2018
Well we have to consider the official ballot as well. (which we don't know the results of) Sakurai is clearly looking at worldwide results and not just Japan.

It's possible she was less popular in the west and that dragged her down.
I'm also guessing that with the focus being on bringing back all the previous fighters, Sakurai had to pick and choose which of the these most-requested characters actually become playable. Those who didn't make the cut might've been made Assist Trophies as a compromise, with Krystal being one of them.
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