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Just played in a torny!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 23, 2006
Newfoundland, Canada
After months of training, maining characters, learning how to CG, I was finally ready for the Brawl torny I was waiting for.
I desided to play as IC because everyone said they were my best character.
It was a great torny.
MLG rules, counter picking, 8:00 time, 3 stock, everything was the right rules =D
I lost to a DDD and a really good Peach.
DDD I just couldn't handle his overall power, the person playing as him is one of the best around here too. In fact, he won the torny xD
The Peach was combo crazy.
He did her float, dair dair uair Up B.
Her Dair breaks shields like crazy, the best Peach I ever saw.
And don't even get me started on her fair =/

Overall I was happy.
I did great, only lost twice and both of them were high in the rankings.
My skills with IC have increased by like 10%.
I know everyone says this, but srsly, tornys are a great way to improve.
I think I got tied for 6th, which isn't bad at all =)
Lol, during the warm-ups I chan-grabed someone and he said "HOLY CRAP THEY HAVE A SPIKE?!". I lol'd.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Against peach, you really have to look out for those d-airs. If you are already shielding it, try to roll away asap. If you predict it coming as she is floating just SH blizzard her. Peach can do about 3 d-airs before her float ends. If you get hit by the first d-air try to DI out and shield. If the peach likes d-air spamming, desynced blizzard can stop it. Peach is very light, you can probably kill her with a half charged up smash at 100.

Against DDD, he can get stuck in the squall hammers pretty easily. Since he's a big target and doesnt move very fast, you can approach with deysnc blizzard more easily. Blizzard is also good for stopping waddle dees. If you are trying to recover to the stage, you have to be careful cause DDD's b-air can intercept you quite effectively.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
As a gamer, I feel better to play as a character that I've been training with for months rather then use a 1st tier character that is over-used.
It defeats the whole purpose to have fun =/

I agree ^.^

But it is good to have a counterpick for characters though.
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