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Jurassic Park


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2002
Liberating your pot-bellied swine!
A novel that became a New York Times best-seller became the movie that changed the way we saw movies from then on. Jurassic Park, one of the best movies ever made(IMO), has become one of the most popular and well-known franchises around the world. It has gone on to spawn 2 sequels, each having it's ups and downs. Here's a rundown of all of them.

Jurassic Park 1993
John Hammond had a dream. His dream was to do the impossible, to re-create dinosaurs and show them to the world. He made that dream a reality. He made that dream a nightmare. When two scientists, Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler, are invited to this strange island for a weekend, they didn't expect they would find living breathing dinosaurs. But, thanks to greed of the top computer technician of the park, Dennis Nedry, the gates that hold the lethal predators back from the tourists are shut-down, creating a horrible disaster. Starring Sam Neil, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblumm and Sir Richard Attenburough, Jurassic Park introduced the world to a new ground-breaking system that brought dinosaurs to life. Regarded as the best in the trilogy, the movie sits at #6 of the Top Grossing Films, with Spider-Man ahead of it by a very small margin.

My Rating:*****/*****

The Lost World - Jurassic Park 1997
It's been four years since the incident on Isla Nublar(Jurassic Park). John Hammond is no longer in control of InGen(the company that created Jurassic Park) and he reveals to Ian Malcolm(Jeff Goldblumm) information of a second island. Isla Sorna. This is the island where they breed the dinosaurs. Hammond sends a research team to record the dinosaurs and how they're adapting to a world without humans. Another team is sent, led by the new owner of InGen, Peter Ludlow, to capture the dinosaurs and bring them to the main land. When both teams' communication is knocked out, they're forced to work together to find a way to survive. Starring Jeff Goldblumm, Julianne Moore and Vince Vaughn, the long-anticipated sequel to Jurassic Park had been a hit, but didn't live up to it's predecesor's greatness. While this movie was more dark and action-oriented, the majority of the audience found the original better.

My Rating:****1/2 /*****

Jurassic Park /// 2001
Dr. Alan Grant had excelled in his studies of Raptors, but he had no funding left to move on with his research. So when a man who claimed to be a millionaire asked the good doctor to join him on a flight over Isla Sorna(2nd Island) for a big fat check, he accepted. Little did he know that it was a trick to get him on the island, and when their plane had a hit-and-run with a big ol' nasty Spinosaurus, they were stranded. Starring Sam Neil, William Macy and Allesondro Nivola, JP/// is arguably the worst of the series so far. There are many different reasons that fans did not like this movie: 1) Too Short! 2) We want more Rex! 3) Kill the annoying kid already!!! Yes, it's true. While the other 2 films clocked in at a little over more than 120 mins, JP/// was only 91 mins long. And the Tyrannosaurus Rex, star and ruler of the previous films, was dethroned by newcomer Spinosaurus. That pissed a crapload of fans off. And who didn't hate that Eric Kirby kid?

My Rating:***1/2 /*****

Jurassic Park IV(name un-official) 200?
Yes, it's true. Announced earlier today, JP4 has been green-lit for production. Speilberg, again, won't be directing this installment, acting as executive producer, but having much more of a role than he did in the third installment. The writer, William Monoham, is not very well-known, but has written the script for the upcoming Ridley Scott film "Tripoli". There is no director at this time and still no estimated release date, but John Williams(JP1+2, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, ET, etc...) is said to be returning to write the score and the idea created by Steven Speilberg is supposed to be "Awesome. Even better that the first movie."

For more information on any these movies, follow these links.

Dan's JP/// Page-One of the best sources for anything that has to do with Jurassic Park on the web.

InGenOps-Another great site that's just getting started, but is still one of the best out there.

Let me hear your thoughts on these movies.

SAU Saga

Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2000
I'm not sure about this... the 2nd and 3rd JP's were just horrible... I probably wont see this on the big screen unless it gets some mighty fine reviews.


Apr 9, 2002
Charleston, SC
cool, JP4 has been green lit, I just heard about it 2 weeks ago. My thoughts (warning I'm a guy who like action flicks from the snazzy Snatch to the chapo/semi-horor Pitch Black):

JP1: awesome, cool, genuine. I mean who doesn't love dinosaurs? I read the book and I can say the movie WAS better (same with LotR IMO! Fellowship was such a boooooooring book! The movie was so action packed and kicked arse!) Anyhoo, yeah, my fav scene was when the kids take on the Raptors in the kitchen... awesomeness!

JP2: more about humans against humans than humans against dinos. Loved the scene when the trailer when over the cliff and the part when the T-Rex went wild in LA? Many said it was stupid, I thout is was great! Ah, Speildberg and his "extra" endings. It coulda ended on the Island, but you had to have that extra scene eh? Just like in A.I. it could ended underwater or in Minority Report it could ened with the old guy winning overall, but nooooo... they just kept on goin'!

JP3: Okay, I don't remember this one too well, except like all JP movies there has to be a kid. The formula:
a guy who knows dinos +
a guy who doesn't know jack about dinos +
a female +
a kid.
Ta-dahhh! Give or take a few extra characters and that's the basic formula! I remember Spinosaurs and Pterodactyls had a big scene in this movie and there was a scene where they had to travel down a river. Actionpacked and HILARIOUS! This was like the "Not Another Teen Movie" or "Scary Movie" of the previous JP movies! I still liked it! So funny!

JP4: Can't wait for more polt details!

Jango Fett

Smash Lord
May 15, 2002
On a plane...with snakes.
Jurassic Park 2 just ruined the series . It was different movie . It didnt had the same cool feeling to JP1 . I say JP3 was OK .

Spinosaurus is a fish-eater . He mouth was made for eating fish while T-Rex was made for killing . T-Rex is a killing machine ! JP3 made it way too fictional . That kid couldnt last 5 seconds on that island . Isla Nublar.

Everything in JP1 was cool !

YOu forgot 1 thing about the formula . Anyone with a big gun dies .


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2002
Liberating your pot-bellied swine!
More news! Both of these articles come from Dans JP/// Page:

A bit more on the JP4 announcment (see below) from the ever journalistically sound E! Online this evening, with the author quoting everyone's favorite gossip guy Anderson Jones who says matter-of-factly that Joe Johnston will not be involved in the next JP movie. Of course, no word as to when Jones said this; the author could just be reffering to a column Anderson wrote back in April where he suggested JP4 would consider everything in JP3 "just a dream". E! also makes an educated guess about when we could see JP4 in theaters, saying it's likely Universal is preparing it for Summer 2005.
Ahh, what's that I hear? The sweet sound of wild rumors that are completely unconfirmed? Yes it is! According to JPDatabase (finally back up!), someone who knows someone who was working with JP dino consultant Jack Horner in Montana says Horner recently hinted JP4 will be more "Sci-Fi" in nature, "Sort of an 'X-Files' meets 'Jurassic Park'". Horner added that he won't be serving as a dino consultant on this one because there won't be any new dinos to get right. If you ask me the last bit makes the whole story questionable, as you just know we'll see at least something new dinosaur-wise in JP4. Time will tell...
Oh, and, Jango Fett, there are only 2 islands, Isla Nublar(JP1) and Isla Sorna(JP2-3)


Dec 28, 2001
A cold frozen peak...
Oh no! This is awful! Seeing a great movie like this getting shadowed by bad sequels is wrong! JP2 was ok but (I'm sorry) JP3 was the worst sequel for a movie I've ever seen. And knowing a thing or two about dinosaurs in the first place really made me hate the movie even more when I saw some were very inaccuretally portrayed. Not only was a Spinosaurus not that big and not only was he too freaking aggressive BUT he ate freaking fish!!! A fish eater would not attack a freaking I-eat-Ultrasaurus'-for-breakfast dinosaur! (ok, maybe not Ultrasaurus' but T Rex was a big carnivore). But if they do wanna go all out and have an epic Godzilla vs King Kong type battle, they should at least make it last longer! Too bad the best part of the movie was only two seconds long.

Also, in the movie, they're giving Raptors equal intellegince to humans basically! And how the heck is Grant suppose to know what he's saying when he blows into that little thing? Yeah, he speaks 'raptor', sure. "Please go away." geeez

JP4 better be as good as those interviews are saying.

"That's not a good idea!".........i hate that line :mad:


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2002
hotel delfino
Jurassic Park1--good story dinosaurs, was the best movie of jurassic park movies.

JP2---was ok but the first was better

JP3---was bad I don´t liked that movie.

JP4---I hope this will be good as the firt one.


Mar 14, 2001
Gaudy Apartment Complex
I like the Jurassic Park series a lot, but I am a bit iffy on the creation of a fourth movie. Three is enough, is it not?

My favorite out of the series is The Lost World: Jurassic Park.


Fallen Angel
Dec 11, 2001
Raptors roX j00

Read the books.

The books > the movies.


I didn't mind any of the sequels so much, but then again I love dinosaurs. Rarrh! Rarrh! For pure escapism, it's a great series.

Oscar worthy drama however, (excepting the original) it's not!

Jango Fett

Smash Lord
May 15, 2002
On a plane...with snakes.
Spinosaurus is actually bigger than T-Rex . It is about 10 feet longer than T-Rex . It is also taller thanks to its spine . The Spinosaurus does look scarer than T-Rex . It looks like a friggin big croc !


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2001
Portland, Connecticut, U.S.A., Earth, Milky Way Ga
Jurassic Park- excellent film. Scary, exhilerating, terrifying, satisfying entertainment. Underrated. *****/*****

The Lost World: Jurassic Park- Way more cool deaths, with an excellent, upbeat, ironic ending, but like Jango Fett said, not as fresh or original as the original. ****/ *****

Jurassic Park III- no novel, but still good. Cool new dino, Spinosaurus. Really satisfying, with a cool new dino Spinosaurus. Lack of deaths, taints film. Question= Was this on Isla Nublar, or Isla Sorna? ****/*****

That was hilarious, Venom Dream!:D :chuckle: :D :chuckle: :D :chuckle: :D :chuckle:

Haha Monkey

Second Children
Aug 31, 2002
Yeah I loved the first, second I thought was good, but I didn't really like the third (and I am known to be quite easily pleased by even the lamest movies).
Heh I remember I went to Hawaii one holiday and we had a Helicopter tour that went over the area that they filmed the helicopters arriving on the island in JP1, where it's all nice and green, and the pilot said to me "Oh, I just heard that some of the Pteranadons have escaped from their cages round here, and there favourite food is little boys!"
Man, so lame... I laughed at him.
Anyway, good to here the director is Ridley Scott, they've done some real good stuff.

Jango Fett

Smash Lord
May 15, 2002
On a plane...with snakes.
It is confirmed that Ridley Scott will be directing Jurassic Park 4 . I hope that he does a great job will it unlike JP3 .

It is also confirmed that William Monahan will be writing the script to Jurassic Park 4 . I also hope that he will write a good script .

What Steven Speilberg said : Spielberg will not direct the film but will act as its producer, as he did with Jurassic Park 3. "We actually have a wonderful story that I think is the best story since the very first movie. In fact, I wish it were the third story instead of the fourth one," Spielberg tells us .

"It came late, but it is actually the best story I've heard for a dinosaur movie since the Michael Crichton book. And I'm not going to tell you anything about it. My lips are sealed."


Nov 9, 2001
Inbetween Iowa and Indiana
Originally posted by Giygas
I like the Jurassic Park series a lot, but I am a bit iffy on the creation of a fourth movie. Three is enough, is it not?

My favorite out of the series is The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
Yeah, I'm kind of along the same lines as Giygas on this one. Personally, I thought that having two movies was enough, and I haven't yet seen the third. I'll probably watch III sometime and eventually see IV, but I probably won't go see it in the theater.


Jun 25, 2002
these fields are optional but will enhance your on
Jurassic Park 4 is going to be awesome.

My source? Ain't It Cool News. There's a script review, and I felt it necessary to share with you. Here is the highlight (I bolded the awesome stuff):

I want to tread lightly on what happens over the course of the rest of the film on the off chance that Mary Parent or someone at Universal is seriously going to make this thing. There’s the eight-year-old-boy side of me that thinks that a DIRTY DOZEN-style mercenary team of hyper-smart dinosaurs in body armor killing drug dealers and rescuing kidnapped children will be impossible to resist. And then there’s the side of me that says... WHAT THE **** ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Nick is put in charge of training these five dinosaurs, X1 through X5, and the first thing he does is name them. “Any soldier worth his pay has a name to answer to, not a number,” he says. So we are introduced to Achilles, Hector, Perseus, Orestes, and Spartacus, each of them a specially created deinonychus, which is sort of like a miniature T-rex. They have super-sensitive smell and hearing, incredible strength and speed and pack-hunting instincts, and they have modified forelegs, lengthened and topped with more dextrous fingers, as well as dog DNA for increased obedience and human DNA so they can solve problems well. All of this is topped off with a drug-regulating implant that can dose them with adrenaline or serotonin as the situation demands.
Dude. You guys. This is definitely the sort of thing that, upon hearing, you will decide is totally awesome or completely ********. I have made my choice.


Apr 9, 2002
Charleston, SC
Originally posted by Revolutions
Dude. You guys. This is definitely the sort of thing that, upon hearing, you will decide is totally awesome or completely ********. I have made my choice. [/B]
ROFLAMO. Wow... that was jaw-dropping to say the least. If they ever make this I'd have to go see it, just to see how bizarre it would be (kinda like Aliens vs Predator). Speechless...


Jan 29, 2003
In the reflection of a shadow.
...completely ********.

I'll probably come to accept this plot eventually, but right now it sounds dumb and entirely unrelated to the original. Of course, I'm picturing talking dinosaurs wearing helmets. I suppose they could be like police dogs or something. Sending in a raptor to tear up some drug dealers? Badass. However, the part about saving little kids is corny. They're supposed to eat little kids.


Smash Rookie
Sep 26, 2004
I just read The Lost World. :D Great book, I wish the movie had stuck closer to the book. If I remember correctly (it's been a while since I saw the movie, though), the movie didn't have Kelly, Arby (best name ever XD), Levine, and a bunch of other people; also, the book didn't have the scene where they took the Rex off of the island, and I still think the book is better. I'm not saying the movie was bad, I just liked the plot and characters of the book more.


Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
i gota say in the first movie that chick is to dumb to live. when they were in the car and the t-rex was there the girl got a light and kept flashing it in its eye and when the guy in the hat got the flare the other guy got one to and messed this up their to dumb to live


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
The JP movies were never that great IMO, the first was decent.

This better be good lol. I might see it.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2009
In the Cul-de-sac of Atlanta, GA
I just read The Lost World. :D Great book, I wish the movie had stuck closer to the book. If I remember correctly (it's been a while since I saw the movie, though), the movie didn't have Kelly, Arby (best name ever XD), Levine, and a bunch of other people; also, the book didn't have the scene where they took the Rex off of the island, and I still think the book is better. I'm not saying the movie was bad, I just liked the plot and characters of the book more.
The movie combined Kelly and Arby into one and they just called the character Kelly. The movie also didn't feature Dotson and his team either. I like the books the same as the movies.

JP 1: the movie *****/*****
Lost world movie *****/*****
JP 3 ***.5 / *****
JP Book ****.5/ 5
LW Book ****.5/5

Wait a minute. Jurrasaic Park is actually a book? Why Im astounded
Ha yea Roach Jurassic Park and The Lost World are based on books, you should read them sometime and notice how different they are to the movies lol

Oh, the plot to JP4 sounds like complete kanker. Sounds like a movie I would turn to on the syfy channel on saturday night

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
the second book, Lost World, was brillaint. Movie is almost nothing like it. They even removed Lewis Dodgson who was by far the best villain possible. HE PUSHED SARAH HARDING OFF A ****ING BOAT ON THE WAY TO THE ISLAND!!!

Regarding the movies, I still get chills when the Trex comes in and kills the raptors at the end of one. That music, oh god, John Williams.


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
i gota say in the first movie that chick is to dumb to live. when they were in the car and the t-rex was there the girl got a light and kept flashing it in its eye and when the guy in the hat got the flare the other guy got one to and messed this up their to dumb to live
...you bumped a 5+ year old thread for this?


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
I remember I used to buy this bag of dinosaur toys at the dollar store for one dollar and Id spend all day playing with them XD lol :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2009
In the Cul-de-sac of Atlanta, GA
Lol You have fun times like I did Roach?

These two was all I needed to have a fun time with a couple of Raptors and some humans. Only bad thing about the Rex was that all of the one's I've seen of it had a bent tail when they put it in the package. The Spino died on me early and it's face didn't look right lol


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
It sure did entertain me lol
I had every action figure for all 3 movies. Had so many days where I was in my room playing Jurassic Park on my bed it was crazy lol
I had a couple of the toys as a kid. My favorite was the Raptor game. It was simillar to Rock 'Em, Sock 'em Robots.

I remember I used to buy this bag of dinosaur toys at the dollar store for one dollar and Id spend all day playing with them XD lol :chuckle:
I used to do this all the time. I have bags filled with dinos in my garage XD

my toys were a bit older lol but awwww yeah

loved the dilophosauraus or whatever you could fill with water and then squirt out it's mouth, lol
I think I had that XD


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2009
In the Cul-de-sac of Atlanta, GA
I hated the Raptor game because mine was broken. It wouldn't stop making the Raptor calls all night and even though we turned it off it was still going. We wound up taking the batteries out of it lol


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
I hated the Raptor game because mine was broken. It wouldn't stop making the Raptor calls all night and even though we turned it off it was still going. We wound up taking the batteries out of it lol
That happened to mine after a while, lol. I think that happens when they get hit too much :psycho:
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