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Jungle Japes and Wolf: a perfect fit?


Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2007
Madison, WI
I spent a while looking for a useful counterpick as Wolf, and I was wondering if anybody else has developed a love for the Jungle Japes stage from Melee. (Heres hoping it's not banned)

First of all, Japes has a very high ceiling (which is why Jigglys loved it in Melee). This is useful for Wolf because vertical KOs are so common in this game yet Wolf doesn't make much use of them. Sure the occasional Fair and Usmash/Utilt KOs are out of your game, but I find myself living much longer against almost all the rest of the cast on Japes, and Wolf's Dsmash is certainly as effective as ever.

Another benefit is that Wolf's Wolf Flash (side B) seems to have been made for Japes' platforms. You can quickly and easily navigate from the lower center to either side or from either side to the upper center, making for some surprise sweetspots. Also, I've found that hanging on either edge of the lower center platform and Wolf Flashing directly towards the outside will make Wolf automatically grab the outside of the respective outer platform. This is great for surprising anyone camping out there, and if you mess up (at least on the right side) you can generally save yourself due to the water.

Some other platform spacing facts: Wolf's blaster fired from an outside platform is an amazingly effective camping tactic, as that big meaty hitbox can hit people on either of the center platforms. It is also pretty easy to counter anyone trying to spam you on this stage due to the blaster's priority and Wolf's reflector.
I've also noticed that a SH RAR from the lower center platform can pretty easily let you jump to either side platform while throwing out a Bair, landing quickly and in a perfect position to follow up.
Just in general, I find it to be a safe stage to attempt scarring/semi-scarring tricks.

Best of all, Wolf's subpar below-stage recovery isn't really an issue here because every character has troubles (due to the high water, of course)

Has anyone else experimented with this stage with Wolf? If someone's got any additional pros/cons/arguments I'd love to hear them.


Smash Rookie
May 29, 2008
I never realy thought about japes as a good wolf map but u make a good argument. Another plus I can see is no real way to avoid Landmaster, even on findal D if u don't know how to jump with it you'll die trying to catch those ledge dropping punks. If they tried that here they'd either hit the water soon after letting go of the edge, or get bit by a croc b4 even releasing.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jungle Japes was actually make second choice behind Norfair.

However, I counter picked a Metaknight in a tournament on this stage and it turned into a terrible campfest. I got the lead and took refuge on the platform to the right, lasering. Metaknight eventually got around me. MK being able to rack up damage very quickly took the lead. This put me in a terrible situation.

No matter what I did I could not get to Metaknight. He stood on the main platform as I stood on the right (or left) platform. I could not airdodge to him, aerial to him, side b, ledge attack, airdodge to sidestep, grab, or anything. It was terrible.

So Jungle Japes is awesome, but it isn't all ****s and giggles.
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