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Joe Biden: My Thoughts as a Leftist

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Deleted member

Greetings. My next essay will be me talking about Joe Biden, and my thoughts. Now an important thing to note is I won’t be shaming. If you vote for Biden or don’t vote for Biden, I understand. Personally, I won't vote for nor support anyone at all, but I am not here to shame. I am going to vent quite a lot about our current political system and Joe Biden himself. It is a huge disaster. I am a leftist, and I highly discourage you from reading this if you are a right-wing user. I will even offer a question at the end. With that said, let's jump right into this.

Joe Biden is the Democratic nominee going against Donald Trump, an incumbent Republican. Joe Biden has a pretty large advantage over Trump in my opinion because of the disaster that is COVID-19. Trump’s handling of COVID-19 was atrocious. Personally, I think Joe Biden will win. Trump is just a car that is on fire that is falling off a huge cliff. There is another strong reason that Joe Biden will win in my opinion.

The Democrats have a ton of control on leftists. Many people are only voting for Biden, because he isn’t Trump. This is very concerning, because the Democrats can now just sit back and only use one trick: “I’m not this Republican, vote for me!”. They can choose the most corrupt and evil Democrats and some leftists will still come in to vote. Personally, I feel like Biden will do basically nothing. The Democrats are aware of their control on the left, and they know many will turn out to vote for him. The most annoying part is the Democrats will use this strategy over and over, because they don’t want change. They want to nominate very ****ty Democrats so they can please their donors, and they know many people will gulp it in and vote for the Democrat.

My frustrations with this is that I feel like many leftists are being way too harsh to those who disagree with the Democrats. If Biden loses, I guarantee you Twitter leftists are going to scream at non-voters for causing Biden’s failure, rather than screaming at Biden for being an awful person. We need to be more critical and oppose the establishment. Remember, the capitalists rule America, not the people. We are essentially stuck in an endless loop of the ****tiest Democrats being nominated, and a ton of infighting in the leftist community. We must be more critical of the Democratic party, they are not our friends.

Now if you vote for Biden, I get it. It is the easiest way to remove Trump from office. Four more years of Trump would be ****ing hell. However, do not dedicate yourself to showing affection for Joe Biden. Remember, Biden has worked with Obama to commit brutal atrocities in the Middle East. He even worked with segregationists and wrote the crime bill. I heavily encourage you to organize within communities that care about actual change, like socialists for example. If Biden is in office and he does a ****ty thing, don’t be silent about this. Demonstrate against him heavily. Don’t get angry at other people if they correctly mention Biden’s flaws, because Biden has some atrocious flaws. Biden is a rapist, racist, war criminal, and pedophile. Kamala Harris is a horrible cop. Educate more people about leftism. We need more anarchists, socialists, and communists, not capitalists. The Democrats are capitalists. I want to say that I wish we were more mad about what the Democrats did to us when Bernie was growing strong. Obama worked with many Democrats to get them to drop out and nominate Joe Biden. I remembered when everyone was excited that Bernie Sanders would take a victory, but unfortunately, he crumbled hard and ultimately gave up to support Biden. The Democrats worked to **** you, I don’t know why more people are furious about this. Personally, I really hate Joe Biden.

I want to emphasize the message on the fact that the Democrats are not our friends. They will pretend to claim they are for the people, but they are not. Joe Biden told his donors that nothing will fundamentally change, and Wall Street was relieved to hear about Kamala Harris being the vice president. Nancy Pelosi allowed Trump to do his many awful actions, such as giving him more money for his military and wall. Don’t lick the boots of the Democrats, we must oppose the capitalist establishment.

My concern is that leftists are going to fall asleep if Biden wins. I see way too many people viewing him and Harris as perfect deities that can do no wrong. Leftists are already too silent on the atrocities that America commits, and I am concerned that they will be even more silent if Biden is nominated. Look what happened when Obama was nominated. He drone strikes many civilians in the Middle East, and people still admire him and are nostalgic for him. Biden is trying to bring back the Obama age, and I hate how many people are not angry about this. Obama nostalgia was a tactic he used heavily when he was fighting against Bernie Sanders. It is necessary that we support the people over Biden. You need to pressure and fight against Biden. Biden doesn’t support medicare for all. He said that he would veto it if it came on his desk. And he backed away from a public option. Joe Biden only cares what his donors say, and we need to hate him and oppose him.

Another thing that angers me is that we live in a dictatorship. The wealthy are the dictators, and they are able to choose our presidents. When America opposes a country, such as Venezuela, Maduro is called a dictator by both right-wing idiots and liberals. Liberals will use words like “regime” or “dictatorship” to attack countries that America opposes, but liberals will still claim that America fights for freedom and is the most democratic place on Earth. America is not a democracy at all, and it commits imperialism and genocide to this day. Look what they did to Vietnam. They burned down villages and murdered children. I wish more people woke up to how horrible America actually is. I am glad that more people are turning to the left though.

Here is my concluding question. If Biden wins, how will we fight? Our voices are definitely not heard by the Democrats. Revolution would be amazing, but it won’t happen, because of the damage that the Cold War and capitalism did. We can elect more progressives, sure, but ultimately the capitalists own the system. The progressives will either be ruined, kicked, or there will be too few. I wish more people were excited for a revolution, but many are too afraid of it. Advice is appreciated.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
America is not a democracy at all, and it commits imperialism and genocide to this day. Look what they did to Vietnam. They burned down villages and murdered children. I wish more people woke up to how horrible America actually is.

I had an amazing history teacher who told me learning about history is done in three steps.

The first step is learning how awful your own country is.

The second step is learning how awful other countries are.

The final step is learning that all the bad is due to the human condition.

You haven't gotten past step one. I'm not going to debate what the US has done right now, but I will say that Maduro who you seem to like quite a lot is a cruel dictator who regularly slaughters his own people, and does what he can to keep his power.

A source talking about how his death squads have slaughtered 7000 of his own people.

A source talking about how he rigged his election.

I'm not trying to say the United States is inherently good or that Venezuela is inherently bad. But both are filled with good and bad people. Both have done good and bad things. If you try to label one country good and one country bad, you're doing yourself a disservice to any country you talk about. You're picking and choosing and not looking truthfully at any country.


Now an important thing to note is I won’t be shaming. If you vote for Biden or don’t vote for Biden, I understand.
right-wing idiots
As someone who's planning on voting for Biden, this is laughable. You're doing everyone who wants Biden to win a disservice because you're just giving the right ammo. Talk about morality all you want, but if you can't even abide to your own morals in the same post you state them, then what will political enemies think?
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Deleted member

The first step is learning how awful your own country is.

The second step is learning how awful other countries are.
I recognize that America isn't the only country that has done horrible things. I know more about America's flaws than flaws of other countries, but I sitll see these flaws.

My essay was pointing out the flaws of America and its government.

A source talking about how his death squads have slaughtered 7000 of his own people.

A source talking about how he rigged his election.
About the whole Maduro thing, I'm not saying he's an angel who can do no wrong. Maduro has done some things quite wrong. However, what America is doing right now is they're sanctioning Venezuela hard, and trying to push hard for a regime change. They want to put in Guido just so they can extract oil from Venezuela. Look at how America has intervened in Latin America in the past. They use the media to attack elected officials, and then they use the CIA or some other army that they fund to replace the elected leaders with legit right-wing dictators. If a coup happens in Venezuela and Guido is elected, he is going to allow American companies to plunder Venezuela's resources, and it would be devastating.

This video linked below describes examples of how America devastated Latin American countries. Maduro isn't perfect, and he has done things wrong, but I wouldn't support the CIA opposition against him at all. Warning, this video discusses extremely upsetting topics and shows extremely upsetting images.

CW: Very Disturbing Images and Topics

Also, it is difficult for me to trust the media. This is a good video that shows how the media in America lies. The media consists mainly of some multi-million corporations, and obviously, these corporations will defend the wealthy class. The media played a pretty substantial role in Bernie Sander's loss in the 2020 Democratic Primary. They claimed he was too "radical", and he would lose to Trump easily. Bernie Sanders is absolutely not radical, at best he is a social democrat. Bernie Sanders is also more suited to beat Trump than Biden, because Bernie actually had some solid policy compared to Biden. Let's not forget when Colin Powell claimed Iraq had mass weapons of destruction, but it turned out to be fake. The Iraq War caused the deaths of over 200,000 Iraqi civilians. It was a horrible war, and Colin Powell is a war criminal.

Basically, you get it. The media has a huge history of lying. That is what I am trying to say.

I am not denying Maduro did some things wrong. He did. However, what I am saying is the CIA opposition is worse than Maduro. Look what happened in Bolivia recently.

As someone who's planning on voting for Biden, this is laughable. You're doing everyone who wants Biden to win a disservice because you're just giving the right ammo.
I hear this argument all the time.

"If you criticize Biden, you're supporting Trump! Now is not the time to criticize Joe Biden!"

You can vote for Joe Biden and be critical of him. You have to remember he has a horrible history. He worked with segregationists, wrote the 1994 Crime Bill, heavily supported the Iraq War, wanted to cut social security, and may other horrible deeds. He's quite racist.
Voting for Joe Biden and then ignoring his flaws is dangerous, because you're not pressuring the Democrats to enact change. My advice is if you want a better society, be very critical of the Democrats, and oppose them. There's a movement for a People's Party going on, and I think it is pretty solid. Here is an interesting video about it, and some steps to actually boost the party. Because the fact that Biden won't push Medicare for All in the middle of a pandemic is horrible. Politicians should be serving you, not the other way around.

If the right uses this as ammo, then they are hypocritical. Trump is just like Biden. He is extremely racist, a war criminal, a rapist, and he constantly supports the wealthy class. Point out the horrible things Trump has done.

Anyways, that is my response. I appreciate your response, and I love debating politics and history. I'm not perfect, but hey, no one is perfect.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Anyways, that is my response. I appreciate your response, and I love debating politics and history. I'm not perfect, but hey, no one is perfect.
You completely misinterpreted my post.

You missed it by such a mile, that I'm assuming it was deliberate.

I'm done.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Swamp Sensei Swamp Sensei That sounds like an interesting twist of the Hegelian dialectic.

The first step is learning how awful your own country is.
The second step is learning how awful other countries are.
The final step is learning that all the bad is due to the human condition.
Wikipedia said:
Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a threefold manner, was stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus[27] as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction; an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis; and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis. In more simplistic terms, one can consider it thus: problem → reaction → solution. Although this model is often named after Hegel, he never used that specific formulation. Hegel ascribed that terminology to Kant.[28] Carrying on Kant's work, Fichte greatly elaborated on the synthesis model and popularized it.
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