I don't know what debase means, but it was just a joke. Whether or not it was funny is irrelevant. People that get all pissed off over **** that doesn't matter is what makes things worse always. It's what brings about unescecarry censorship, which is undeniably wrong.
I guarantee that if this thread said "Budda for Brawl" you would have either thought it was a little ammusing, or ignored it entirely.
We have a freedom of speech for a reason. Not everyone agrees with you. As someone already said, "In comdy, nothing is sacred."
So yeah, if you wanna get pissed off just because something had the word "Jesus" in it without the word "praise" before it, my respect for you just went down the drain. And that's a sad thing BB, I really respected you're opinions before.
First of all SiD, who said i was pissed?
secondly of course if it said buddha i would have ignored it, im NOT a Buddhist so i have no reason to defend it.
And obviously yes everyone doesnt have to agree with me, just like I DONT have to agree with them. So when someone posts a Moronic topic debasing ( "making lower" in this context making fun of) my religion, then i have every right to post back defending it.
I am in no way pissed. im just dissapointed in people's lack of tact and taste. I dont expect everybody to be Christian, but i do expect everbody to respect each other. This why the mods dont allow flaming, or even religious topics to be discussed because it crosses boundaries.
obviously Jesus will not be a character in Brawl, so to me this was either a troll topic, or a horrible joke topic. both of which deserve to be closed.
and if you lose respect for me because i stood up for Christianity, then thats a sacrifice im willing to make