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Jab combo > Gatling Combo


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
So I remember hearing about somebody doing the Jab combo and then breaking out of it into a dash and using dash attack about a month ago, and everybody who posted in the thread got all excited that if we could get a jab we may be able to get a gatling combo in, which would be big news. That thread just seemed to die tho as nobody ever seemed to test or do anything about finding out. Well today I was playing my friend and accidentally timed a dash out of my jab combo and got a dash attack in, it wasn't expected tho so i didnt do an Usmash after that. I think this would be something useful to figure out the timing for and incorporate into our games. I'd have to guess that it is possible to shield it but it would be something new to end the Jab combo with, now we have 3 options (that i know of) Ftilt, Reflector, and Dash attack/gatling combo.
Actually it may even be possible to Jab combo > dash grab which would definitely spice things up since shielding wouldn't be the all-around defense.

Anyway just thought I would inform/remind everyone since I haven't seen it at all in videos nor have I heard about the idea since long ago.
And Jab combo =/= Jab ; so it's different than SK92's Jab > grab (which is also quite awesome btw)


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
well technically i followed it with a control stick tap and the A button since my intentions were a Ftilt, the dash attack was an accident. But if we get this down, then yes, down Cstick the dash attack to prepare for the gatling combo.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2008
New York City
Lol nice way of mixing things up. This will give the SlappingShine a chance to be less predictable and a different way of getting in the Gatling Combo.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2008
was the transition from the aaa combo to dash attack instant, if it was that's definately something to look into, but if it wasn't then it's nothing special =/.
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